module specification

DT6W52 - Practice Based Learning 2 (Dietitians) (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Practice Based Learning 2 (Dietitians)
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 0
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 432
432 hours Placement / study abroad
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Practical Assessment 100%   Reflective Portfolio (demonstrating the learners' achievement of the learning outcomes for the module.)
Attendance Requirement 0%   Attendance
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Autumn semester North Week All day
Summer studies North Week All day
Spring semester North Week All day

Module summary

Practice Based Learning 2 provides the opportunity for learners to build on their academic knowledge of nutrition and dietetics for individuals and groups in a range of environments. The learners will observe and practice the knowledge, skills and professional attributes required to implement the process for nutrition and dietetic practice with individuals and groups in a variety of settings.

Learners will experience different ways of communicating with a variety of people and practice skills that they will use throughout their careers.  The learners will also establish links with practising dietitians in the area.  They will acquire and demonstrate a range of skills which will be assessed against the British Dietetic Association Curriculum Framework.

All clinical practice based learning modules are undertaken using methods of simulated learning as well as in an approved dietetic setting which is primarily within an NHS organisation providing relevant patient care for example but not exclusively within acute, secondary, tertiary or community settings.

The model of simulation will be 24 days (172.8 hours, 40% of the overall placement) run as a combination of block simulation and collaborative learning.
The purpose of the practical practice based learning component of the course is to develop the learner’s dietetic judgment based on the clinical decision making process, through a focus on the integration and practical application of the knowledge and skills learnt in the university setting.

Students will demonstrate confidence, resilience, ambition and creativity and will act as inclusive, collaborative and socially responsible practitioners throughout the module.

The practice based learning modules are a compulsory component of the course.

If learners do not successfully meet the learning outcomes for all three practice based experiences, they will not meet the requirements for registration as a dietitian in the UK.

The practice based learning modules provide opportunity for the learners to develop specific work skills and valuable professional relationships that prepare them for their future career as a dietitian.

Brief Guidance Notes:
• Where significant health problems have arisen an occupational health assessment will be required at any time prior to or during the practice based learning.
• Student services are available to provide counselling and other support mechanisms as required. Learners will have to take action on advice from their practice based learning and university staff.
• If learners have additional learning needs identified on practice based learning such as a requirement for maths study skills or have specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia or dyspraxia they will be required to take appropriate corrective action prior to their next practice based learning. Guidance and support will be offered by the university through the academic tutor (AT) and practice based learning tutor.
• Learners who have requirements which impact on their ability to take up practice based learnings in particular locations (due to a protected characteristic as defined by the Equality Act (2010)) should register with the University’s Disability and Dyslexia Service as recommendations relating to reasonable adjustments made by this service will also be considered at the time the learner is selected for allocation.  Practice based learnings have experience of managing additional needs and reasonable adjustments will be put in place.
• Learners have the opportunity to indicate on their practice based learning application form any carer responsibilities which may impact their ability to take up specific practice based learnings.  Learners must provide details of their carer responsibilities and provide supporting evidence to their practice based learning tutor prior to the point of allocation.  Learners should outline clearly how their carer responsibilities impact on their practice based learning selection and what features are required of the practice based learning.  Providing this information will not guarantee that the learner will be allocated to one of their preferences but the learner’s circumstances will be considered at the time the learner is selected for allocation.
• This module does not provide academic credit but successful completion is an essential requirement of the course to ensure that learners are eligible to apply to the register of health and care professionals on completion of BSc Dietetics and Nutrition/BSc Dietetics/PG Diploma/MSc Dietetics and Nutrition.
• Please refer to section 13: Description of assessment items for details of placement verification and procedures in the event of placement failure.

Prior learning requirements

In order to be eligible to undertake the Practice based learning 2, learners should have passed:
I. DT5W51 Practice Based Learning 1 and thus met the pre-requisites for this.
II. DT5W52 Public Health Practice Based Learning
III. Demonstrate an adequate command of both written and spoken English (as described in HCPC Standards of Proficiency)
IV. A current enhanced DBS Certificate for the Adults' and Children's Workforce which has checked both the Adults' and the Children's Barred Lists.
V. Clearance for non-exposure prone procedures from an appropriate occupational health service
VI. DT5055 Management of Disease for Dietitians
VII. DT5056 Nutrition and Dietetic Care
VIII. DT6052 Clinical Dietetics 2*
IX. DT6001 Nutrition and Dietetic Care 2*
In order to be eligible to undertake the Practice based learning 2, learners should have passed:
I. NF7058 Clinical Dietetics 1 *
II. NF7059 Clinical Dietetics 2 *
III. NF7057 Integrated pathology for Dietitians*
*For the purposes of eligibility for Practice Based Learning 2 a provisional pass prior to Subject Standards Board approval will be accepted
Learners who fail subjects that are university pre-requisites for practice based learning will not be allowed to progress to practice based learning.
Following successful completion of pre-requisites by the learner, a practice based learning will usually be allocated in the next allocation cycle (i.e. they will join the cohort of learners in the year below). 
Learners who have met the academic pre-requisites for practice based learning, but require reassessments in other modules, may not be able to progress to Practice Based Learning 2. 
* For the purposes of eligibility for Practice Based Learning 2 a provisional pass prior to Subject Standards Board approval will be accepted.


The specified learning outcomes will be developed around a framework based on the following subject matter:

• Performing nutrition and dietetic assessments and monitoring plans through the application of the relevant anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, dietary information. Learners will apply information related to wider and behavioural determinants of health and functional status in their assessment processes.
• Model and process for nutrition and dietetic practice as applied to a range of conditions and circumstances.
• Planning, implementing and evaluating all aspects of dietetic care.
• Behaviour change and behaviour modification techniques; promotion of self care and facilitation of learning
• Multidisciplinary working providing opportunity for learners to learn from and with students and professionals from other healthcare disciplines.
• Management of the dietetic treatment of individuals with long and short term health needs in variety of environments.
• Application of skills in prioritising workload and managing time effectively
• Workload management and effective use of resources
• Interpretation of current professional conduct documents through their dietetic practice
• Dietetic group education sessions and the application of health promotion models to clients and health care professionals.
• Observation and reflection on how audit enhances dietetic practice
• Effective communication with individuals and groups including the facilitation of learning, the promotion of self-care and the use of behaviour modification techniques.
• Principles of person centered care including advocacy, consent and demonstration of core NHS values . including respect, dignity and upholding service user autonomy.
• Safe and effective dietetic practise understanding scope of practice, including an awareness of their limitations and when it is appropriate to seek advice or refer to another professional. Managing risk including the maintenance of safe environments in all aspects of dietetic care.
• Development of trust with service users and respecting their right in decision making
• Duty of care and upholding high quality care; including challenging situations and at times of personal incompatibility
• Confidentiality, information governance, appropriate information sharing within professional legal and ethical boundaries
• Informed consent
• The legal and ethical implications of dietetic and clinical care including the withdrawal of feeding
• Fitness to practice including maintenance of high standards of personal and professional conduct and one’s own health. Ensuring currency of knowledge.
• Assessment skills to inform clinical and professional judgements
• Problem solving, clinical reasoning and decision making
• Appropriate selection, use, modification and adaptation of verbal and non-verbal communication skills in the assessment and engagement of service users.
• The influence of the wider determinants of health, behaviour and lifestyle on verbal and non-verbal communication
• Information sharing to facilitate service users to make informed decisions including the use of aids or interpreters for example
• Positive interpersonal skills to support service user interaction
• Use of appropriate information and communication technology for dietetic practice
• Building and sustaining professional relationships and work appropriately individually and with others as part of a team.
• Empowering and engaging individuals and groups in planning and evaluating interventions, making informed choices and implementing changes to improve health, quality of life and mean aims and goals.
• Maintaining and managing healthcare records in line with legal, ethical and professional requirements
• Reflective practice; to allow the adaptation of practice to changing environments and to evaluate practice. Valuing research in the critical evaluation of practice.
• The application, use and recognition of evidenced based practice.
• Monitoring and reviewing care as an individual, dietetic team and multi-disciplinary team

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Learners will work the same hours as a full time member of staff, all at times during the placement.  Some flexibility may be required to allow for out of hours work. 
Learners should normally attend 100% of the practice based learning. If sickness results in absence from practice based learning, learners will be expected to make up an agreed number of hours or repeat the practice based learning, subject to discussion between the HEI and lead practice educator. This will take into account current performance and potential effects on future progression.  Any occupational health requirements related to prolonged sickness absence should be managed through the HEI provision.
The attendance requirement is the same for both simulated and direct practice-based learning experiences and attendance will be monitored on a daily basis throughout the placement.
Learners will receive on-going reflective formative feedback through assessment of their performance of undertaking clinical activities and through the completion of a portfolio. Activities undertaken within simulated practice based learning will be assessed against the learning outcomes and form part of the students portfolio of evidence.
Learners will be guided in their learning using a combination of observation, guided tasks and activities, private study, tutorials, discussion and feedback.  They will work the same hours as a full time member of staff.  Some flexibility may be required to allow for example for late running clinics

Learning outcomes

The learning outcomes apply to individuals and groups.

In relation to patient/client assessment phase, by the end of practice based learning 2, learners will be able to:
1. With decreasing direction, demonstrate the ability to identify, collect and interpret relevant information and evidence from the range of sources available.
In relation to the nutrition & dietetic diagnosis, by the end of practice based learning 2, learners will be able to:
2. With minimum guidance formulate and justify appropriate nutrition and dietetic diagnoses.
In relation to patient/client intervention, planning and implementation, by the end of practice based learning 2, learners will be able to:
3. With decreasing direction, develop suitable dietetic management goals.
4. With decreasing direction, design and implement an action plan for achieving dietetic goals.
In relation to monitoring and evaluation, by the end of practice based learning 2, learners will be able to:
5. With decreasing direction, review, monitor and evaluate dietetic interventions
In relation to professional attributes, learners will:
6. Understand and demonstrate reflective practice and consistent professional behaviour in accordance with the legal and ethical boundaries of the dietetic profession and the requirements of the Health Professions Council
7. Communicate effectively in all areas of dietetic practice covered in practice based learning 2.


Core Text:
Food Standards Agency (2014) McCance and Widdowson's The Composition of Foods. Seventh Summary Edition. The Royal Society of Chemistry, Cambridge.
Gandy J (2014) Manual of Dietetic Practice, 5th Edition, Wiley-Blackwell

British Dietetic Association (2017) Code of Professional Conduct. (CORE)
British Dietetic Association (2012) ‘Model and Process for Nutrition and Dietetic Practice’ (CORE)
Health and Care Professions Council (2016) Confidentiality - guidance for registrants (CORE)
Health and Care Professions Council (2016) Guidance on conduct and ethics for learners. (CORE)
Health and Care Professions Council (2012) Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics.,performanceandethics.pdf (CORE)
Health and Care Professions Council (2013) Standards of Proficiency - Dietitians. (CORE)

Todovoric V and Micklewright A (2011).  A Pocket Guide to Clinical Nutrition, 4th Edition.  Birmingham:  The Parenteral and Enteral Group of the British Dietetic Association.(CORE)