module specification

SH6053 - Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Care 2 (2017/18)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2017/18
Module status DELETED (This module is no longer running)
Module title Contemporary Issues in Health and Social Care 2
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 15
School School of Social Professions
Total study hours 150
111 hours Guided independent study
39 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 100%   Case study analysis
Running in 2017/18

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Spring semester North Wednesday Morning

Module summary

This module will give an outline of the global and local contexts of health and wellbeing and will then address a selection of health challenges by focusing on a different contemporary topics. These topics will change in order to keep up-to-date with changing patterns of wellbeing and global health concerns.  It will also analyse and reflect on the current developments in responding to changing patterns and challenges in health and social care.  Example topics for the module will include: long term conditions, communicable and non-communicable diseases, use of technology in health care provision, wellbeing of different populations e.g. ageing population, influences of media and modern technology on population health and service provision, etc. 

Students will also have the opportunity to explore a contemporary health and social care issue of particular interest to themselves. They will study a range of perspectives relating to contemporary issues and will analyse the consequences of these perspectives on the provision of services.  An understanding of the influences of public perceptions on the development of health and social care services will be explored, as will the complexities and contradictions of contemporary issues of health in a globalised world. 

Students will be encouraged to use a wide range of on-line and media resources and to make use of the extensive manual and electronic sources within the University Library to develop a critical and self-directed approach to each topic.

Prior learning requirements

SH5004 Contemporary issues in health and social care 1

Module aims

The aim of the module is to develop students’ awareness of current contemporary issues in health and social care and to facilitate an ability to critically evaluate the impact and importance of these issues for providers and service users, as well as service provision, professional development and wider health and social care environment.

The module aims  are to:
- Provide students with a foundation for understanding and analysing contemporary health and wellbeing topics related to health and social care in the context of current policies and practices.
- Enable students to identify public health policy issues arising out of political, economic, historical, cultural, social and technological changes.
- Provide an understanding of the policy frameworks within which the cultural needs in relation to health and wellbeing are recognised and responded to.
- Enable students to engage with the principles, organisation and the delivery of contemporary issues, sensitive services and meeting the unmet needs of diverse population.
- Enable students to examine the usefulness and limits of different approaches, frameworks and   practical solutions to tackle health inequalities in relation to the particular contemporary health and wellbeing topic related to health and social care.
- Enable students to examine the role of service providers, service users, policy makers, community groups, voluntary and statutory agencies in assuring inclusive health and wellbeing of population.


• Change of society and main health and wellbeing issues and topics (e.g. ageing, mental health and wellbeing, management of long-term conditions, obesity..etc)
• Case studies on experiences of service users related to topics/issues (issues diversity, cultural perceptions  and responses)
• Attitudes towards contemporary issues (e.g. immigration, youth unemployment, social services..etc.) and demand on the system
• Working in partnership in health and social care and multispectral response to complex needs
• Continuity of care and integration of services
• Empowering users of health and social care and share of responsibilities
• Consequences for provision of services (e.g. market economy, privatisation, bureaucracy, regulation, rationalising the system, rationing and matrix
• Accountability  mechanisms  and distribution of roles (policy makers, service providers and service users)
• Services planning, organising and provision; commissioning of services
• Innovative approach to service delivery/new models of care
• Integration of digital technologies in Health and Social Care
• Addressing the issue of resources (workforce, financial)

Learning and teaching

The module will be delivered through a combination of:

  1. Weekly lectures
  2. Small group seminars
  3. Interactive workshops (led by students)
  4. Weblearn, video materials & other online educational content

A student centred approach will be adopted in teaching and learning on the module, relying on class discussions, reflections and expert inputs from external practitioners. Students active involvement will be encouraged through their personal reflection, review of case studies, reflection on personal experiences related to topics (mini case studies that they do) and an environment for interactive learning (e.g. use of Weblearn, problem solving and analysis of real issues). The module intends to capitalise on the diverse background of the student population in analysing live issues in small group seminars – which is expected to help students’ engagement and strengthen their reflective learning).

Enquiry based learning and problem based learning will be used to help students to comprehend theoretical concepts. Students will be required to engage continuously and constructively with the module. In strengthening skills of reflection, students will need to be able to make judgements about their own progress and use the assessment guidance and criteria in this process and feedback from staff.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the key health and wellbeing issues and current debates on contemporary topics related to health and social care.
2. Identify and demonstrate comprehensive analysis of socio-economic, political and cultural factors which influence health and wellbeing  in health and social care
3. Critically appraise evidence based knowledge to analyse the complex experiences of diverse population groups  and the impact it has on their lives and society in relation to  relevant topics.
4. Analyse the perspectives, impact and implications of contemporary health and social care issues have on the development and provision of integrated services to cater  for diverse needs of population groups.
5. Debate and develop implications on policy and practice initiatives in and across contemporary (integrated) health and social care contexts

Assessment strategy

Considering that number of topic will be covered during the module, students will be asked to write their coursework on a particular topic of their choice. They will be asked to review the contemporary publications and choose a case study relate to a particular topic. Students will present their ideas on the case studies on weekly workshops and receive formative feedback from  tutors and peers.

Summative assessment
3,500 words analysis of the chosen topic: including a case study, issues related to the case, service provision and policy implications (LO 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5).


Ahmad, W. I. U. (eds) 2000: Ethnicity, Disability and Chronic Illness, Buckingham: Buckingham.

Barnes, C and Mercer, G. (eds) 2004: Implementing the Social Model of Disability: Theory and Research, Leeds: The Disability Press.

Craig, T.K. & Boardman, A.P. (1997) ABC of mental health: Common mental health problems in primary care BMJ 314: 1609

Dwyer, Peter (2004) Understanding Social Citizenship, Bristol, Policy Press

Goldberg D & Huxley P (1992): Common Mental Disorders: A Biosocial model. London: Routledge

Hales,G. (1996) Beyond Disability. Towards an Enabling Society. London: Sage

Henwood M (1998) Ignored and invisible. Carers experiences of the NHS. Carers National Association

Hockey J & James A (2003) Social Identities across the Life Course  Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Hunt S (2005) The Life Course a sociological introduction Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan

Moreira, T. The Transformation of Contemporary Health Care: The Market, the Laboratory, and the Forum. Routledge Studies in Health and Social Welfare, 2012.

Reeves, S et al. (2010) Interprofessional Teamwork for Health and Social Care.
Blackwell Publishing

Read, J. & Reynolds, J. (eds) (1996) Speaking our minds: an anthology of personal experiences of mental distress and its consequences. London: Macmillan

Redfield-James, K. (1997) An Unquiet Mind London: Macmillan

Seligman, M.E.P. (2002) Authentic Happiness. New York: Free Press

Stretch, B. Core Themes Health and Social Care. Heinemann. 2007.

Tovey, P. Contemporary Primary Care: The Challenges of Change. Open University Press. 2000.

Websites – Care Quality Commission – Department of Health – Guardian newspaper - Health and Care Professions Council – Health Service Journal – Sector skills council for social care workers – Sector skills council for health – Sun Institute for Health and Care Excellence -Public Health Observatory: -Kings Fund: - Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity: - Office for National Statistics: trust Department of health

Social Sciences and Medicine (Elsevier)
Disability and Society (Taylor and Francis)
Ageing and Society (Cambridge Journals)
Ethnicity and Health (Taylor and Francis)
Community Development Journal (Oxford Journals)