module specification

SH7007 - Interprofessional Practice (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Interprofessional Practice
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 20
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 200
14 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
150 hours Guided independent study
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Practical Assessment 0%   Inter-professional class based meeting.
Coursework 100%   Report (3000 words)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Autumn semester North Tuesday Morning

Module summary

The Module introduces the student to the principles of inter-professional practice and offers the opportunity to apply these concepts to their own practice context. The Module uses blended learning in order to develop a range of skills and competencies for effective professional practice.

Module Aims

• To provide an opportunity for students of health & social care, public health & associated disciplines to explore key theory, policy and practice elements of inter-professional practice from a user centred perspective.  

• To enable students to experience in a highly interactive way, inter-professional practice and organisational management in order to inform present and future practice.

• To develop students’ capability to reflect upon their own experiences of inter-professional practice and explore both factors that influence this, including resource constraints and the ethical bases across the different professional groups and to see how common values may underpin effective practice.

• To locate the changing nature of organisations and evaluate the implications for effective inter-professional working within a theoretical framework.


The integration of health and social care organisations has changed the employment base for many professionals and has increased the need for understanding and collaboration between the professions. Practitioners working within the field of Health and Social Care in both the statutory, voluntary and independent sectors work within a range of inter-professional teams, organisations, networks and systems in order to offer an improved service to service users. Inter-professional working requires practitioners to be able to learn and work together in order to overcome the potential constraints arising from different professional and organisational accountabilities, cultures, values and professional codes of conduct. The syllabus will cover relevant theory, policy, practice and ethical issues. Definitions of inter-professional and inter-disciplinary practice will be explored, alongside students' own reflections on past experiences. Models of health and social care, social values and professional codes, cultures and user rights and needs will be discussed, as will professional stereotypes. The impact of health and social care policy and organisational issues will be explored in relation to users and carers of services and financial aspects of working together. Skills, competencies and underpinning values will be addressed throughout and include communication, risk management, confidentiality, and accountability and shared accountability regarding integrated care. As part of the process, students undertake small and large group work so some aspects of group and team dynamics will be explored in order to facilitate reflective and experiential learning.

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module teaching is based on weekly lectures and seminar classes, where specific group-work exercises have been developed to provide students with an opportunity to examine in more detail some of the main conceptual and methodological issues covered in lectures.

The approach to teaching is based on facilitating the application of concepts, methods and principles to practice-related contexts, and students’ integration of learning in relation to real world scenarios. This approach to teaching aims to develop students’ ability to think critically about data and evidence, and to draw appropriate inferences in accordance with the stated learning outcomes.

The above teaching methods will be complemented by students’ independent study on the module. Students will be required to read, on a weekly basis, recommended chapters in the core textbook, or to access other relevant educational material.

The module will be using WebLearn - guidance will be given during the module about how to best use this. It is designed to support students learning providing access to wider reading and resources to help to prepare for each session e.g. websites, policy documents and articles and or to revise and deepen knowledge after sessions e.g. lecture notes. Students are encouraged to use other learning resources such as the Library and Academic Mentors and WebLearn.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be expected to be able to:

1.Identify and demonstrate skills necessary for inter-professional including communication, networking, team working and ethical decision making.

2. Discuss the central concepts of inter-professional practice and inter-professional working and be able to apply them to their own practice context.

3.Evaluate how different policies, professional codes, organisational frameworks and approaches impact on inter-professional practice with stakeholders, users and carers within a context of policy change.

4.Discuss critically the factors that promote or hinder inter-professional practice, including vision, culture, equality and diversity, joint solutions, accountability, risk management, information sharing and confidentiality.

5.Reflect on personal and professional self-awareness and critically analyse their practice and assumptions.
