module specification

SJ7P01 - Creative, Digital and Professional Writing Project / Dissertation (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Creative, Digital and Professional Writing Project / Dissertation
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 60
School School of Art, Architecture and Design
Total study hours 600
9 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
591 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 5%   Proposal
Dissertation 95%   Dissertation/project
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Summer studies North Not applicable -
Autumn semester North Not applicable -
Spring semester North Not applicable -

Module summary

This module focuses on the production of either a practice-based project or an academic dissertation. It provides students with the opportunity to produce a substantial piece of work that integrates subjects and approaches studied on the programme, or alternatively to specialise in one area of the curriculum. Students will devise, plan, research, draft and bring to final form a dissertation or a practice-based project plus reflective commentary. The emphasis throughout will be on the student’s ability to study independently under supervision.


• You will enhance your communication skills through an extended piece of creative, creative nonfiction or professional writing; or an audio-visual or digital production appropriate to the multi-media modes of current practice; or through individual research and writing of a scholarly or journalistic nature.

• You will develop a reflexive and value-led awareness of the creative, theoretical and/or technical processes required to engage in the planning, research and production of a substantial project or dissertation relating to the creative, digital or professional writing area.

• You will engage in a process of sustained independent enquiry and innovation appropriate to a Masters level award.

• You will refine your reflexive understanding of and ability to articulate the value and ethical basis of your own creative, professional or scholarly practice, as demonstrated by your project/dissertation.

Prior learning requirements

Students should have passed the programme’s four core modules and two optional modules
Available for Study Abroad? NO


The approach to and content of the MA Creative, Digital and Professional Writing Project/ Dissertation module enables students to develop an area of interest that has emerged through their study of creative, digital and professional writing, bringing together technical proficiency, critical perspective and knowledge acquired on the course. Students will undertake an extensive piece of independent, original, practice-based or written research, leading to the production of either a digital/audio-visual project or journalism portfolio or extended piece of creative writing, creative nonfiction or professional writing or written dissertation, appropriate to a Masters level award.

The form of the project is not fixed: the choice of topic, scope, genre, approach and medium will be developed in discussions between the student and their supervisor. It is subject to agreement by the supervisor, on the basis of a satisfactory proposal by the student. For example, it may take the form of a novella or collection of short stories; an extended piece of creative nonfiction or professional writing; a portfolio of themed, extended journalistic writing; or an audio, visual, digital or audio-visual item appropriate to the modes of production of current practice. In each case this will be accompanied by a substantial, analytic, critically-informed commentary. Alternatively the student may produce an academic dissertation. Students will be expected to build on their previous writing and/or digital/audio-visual production strengths as they have emerged on the course.

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The project/dissertation is conducted through supervised independent study, research and creative endeavour. Students are assigned an individual supervisor, who will support and advise on matters of topic, genre and design, and give tutorial guidance and feedback on draft work during the period in which the project/dissertation module is being devised and produced/written.

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module students will be able to:

Subject specific skills:
LO1 plan, develop and produce an extended, original, practice-based project or academic dissertation within the field of creative, digital and professional writing;

Knowledge and understanding:
LO2 articulate conceptual knowledge and evaluative understanding of an area of creative or professional writing or practice;

Cognitive intellectual abilities:
LO3 reflect critically on the creative and technical processes required to engage in the planning, research and production of a sustained practice-based project or on aspects of writing, media, communication or the creative industries;

Transferable skills:
LO4 learn independently for the purposes of continuing professional development;

Behaviours and values:
LO5 articulate the value of their own creative or academic project in a manner that shows advanced understanding of their chosen field and reflective learning from the supervisory relationship.
