module specification

IF3066 - Studying Education: Reflection and Critique (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Studying Education: Reflection and Critique
Module level Foundation (03)
Credit rating for module 15
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 150
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
9 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
105 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 0%   Reflection (Reflective Report - 500 words)
Coursework 100%   Essay (1000 words)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module aims to:
• Introduce students to perspectives on the nature and purpose of education
• Present a critical overview of key historical changes that have shaped formal systems of education
• Highlight wider discourses on politics and policy in education, in particular issues around diversity and inclusion
• Foster reflective practice and professionalism as foundation to future employment in the education sector or elsewhere
• Provide students with the opportunity to develop the academic and personal skills required to progress onto an Education degree


The syllabus will comprise a combination of introductory lectures on educational theory, practice and research, workshops aimed to develop student voice, and short reflective tasks to foster students’ academic and personal skills. The module’s syllabus will allow for spaces of engagement with assessment criteria and feedback provided by tutors.

Learning Outcomes LO1 - LO3

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module will be delivered through a series of lectures, seminars, workshops and tutorials. Students will also benefit from a blended learning approach through the use of the Virtual Learning Environment (Weblearn) for links to readings, materials, and videos/films as well as online discussions and self-guided exercises and tasks. In this context, reflection is key for students to develop the knowledge and skills required not only for this module, but also professional educational practice.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the nature and purpose of the subject of education
2. Recognise some of the key changes that have underpinned the development of educational systems and policies
3. Show a raised awareness of discourses on diversity and inclusion and on their own learning biography, and communicate appropriately in educational academic discourse


Bartlett, S. & Burton, D.,  (2007). Introduction to Education Studies. London: Sage,
Brown, Z., (Eds.), (2016). Inclusive Education: Perspectives on Pedagogy, Policy and Practice. London: Routldge.
Burns, T. and Sinfield, S., (2016). Essential Study Skills: the complete guide to success at University, London: Sage.
Matheson, D., (Eds.), (2011). An Introduction to the Study of Education, (3rd Edn), London: David Fulton.
Walkup, V., (Eds.), (2013). Exploring Education Studies. London: Routledge.
Ward, S., (Eds.), (2013). A Student’s Guide to Education Studies, (3rd Edn.), London: Routledge
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