module specification

AE6008 - Teachers, Learners, and Schools in the 21st Century (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Teachers, Learners, and Schools in the 21st Century
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 300
168 hours Guided independent study
72 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
60 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 25%   Essay (1300 words minimum)
Coursework 75%   Slides set 2 (15 minutes individual presentation)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Friday Morning

Module summary

The emergent 21st century has brought with it significant challenges for education and for educators. This module explores and investigates these challenges along with some informed speculation on likely directions for educational development. It examines the impact of globalisation, economic restructuring and encounters with cultural difference. The relationship of these phenomena to educational reform is examined along with its implications for the future of schooling. The module encourages students to consider possible educational responses to these challenges at policy, curricular and institutional scales as well as at a personal level, thereby preparing them for a role as active professional agents.

The module aims to:

• Situate education, schooling and teaching within a broad, but accessibly interpreted social, political and economic context.

• Offer students knowledge of a number of pressing challenges at global and local scales and to open up consideration of educational responses to them, along with possible linkages between them.

• Develop skills supporting formal discussion, informed debate and the judicious use of evidence to form and substantiate arguments.

• Encourage students to consider their standpoint in relation to the themes and issues examined, as well as the meaning of being a teacher in light of these challenges.

Prior learning requirements



1. The module examines the English state education system in relation to global educational issues, it is, therefore underpinned by the concept of the ‘glocal’. This, in turn, is situated in relation to questions surrounding the uses and meaning of knowledge alongside discussion of the purposes and values of state education.

2. Topics and their impact on global and local educational practice and experience, include: OECD/PISA, PIRLs, economic restructuring, human capital and comparisons of global performance; neoliberal accountability and its impact on inclusion, social mobility and social reproduction; Enlightenment reason, poststructuralism and the status of curriculum knowledge; learner agency and creativity considered within the context of the skills-knowledge debate.

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

• Students will be offered a blend of lectures, seminars, workshops, synchronous learning at distance and feedback sessions.

• Weblearn our VLE will provide supporting material.

• Students will be expected to actively engage with additional materials and discussion opportunities that will be available via WebLearn.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

LO 1 – Demonstrate detailed knowledge of a specific global challenge faced by the educational field.

LO 2 – Demonstrate a systematic and critical understanding of a links between specific global challenges and local impacts faced by the educational field.

LO 3 – Demonstrate an emerging professional identity and articulate a value setting for their work as agentic, critical professionals. 
