module specification

SS6009 - Management and Supervision in Youth and Community Work Settings (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Management and Supervision in Youth and Community Work Settings
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 300
40 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
152 hours Guided independent study
108 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Group Presentation 50%   Practical Group presentation
Coursework 50%   Reflective account
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Tuesday Afternoon

Module summary

This module has been designed for students preparing to work in the voluntary and Statutory Sector in areas such as Youth and Community Work. The content and curriculum has been aligned to our Education for Social Justice Framework, and will examine and critically analyse the notion of power, equality and discrimination. Management and Supervision models, theories and interpersonal skills will enable you to critically think about your approach to management.

This module is designed to aid your professional development with a particular emphasis on the Youth/Community development sector. You will explore identified key skills underpinned by key theories, concepts and ideas, in order to be an effective practitioner thus increasing your employability in the sector. There will be opportunities for you to improve your current skill set and critically reflect in order to enhance development.

Managing innovative projects and /or established programmes and organisations is a highly skilled profession. In this module you will critically analyse the varying management styles as well as exploring the role of a leader. Equally important is to engage effectively with your staff team. Enabling them to succeed and to identify learning requirements to enhance their practice. Understanding supervision and the role it plays in supporting staff is key to a learning environment.


The module aims are to:

  • Analyse how key sociological/psychological concepts and theories  of youth and community work interact with employment skills
  • Provide insight into theoretical learning while linking to previous or potential practical experiences.
  • Incorporate experiential learning techniques to critically examine learning theory and promoting self-reflection to aid students’ understanding of knowledge and skills needed in employability. 
  • Gain an understanding of how partnership and collaborative working can improve youth work practice and the lives of young people, and provide examples of such collaborative partnership work;
  • Introduce students to the sector’s professional occupational standards and theoretical frameworks for critical reflective practice
  • develop students’ self-confidence as effective practitioners through the understanding of relevant theoretical knowledge  and how they relate to the development of  identified key skills such as project management, communication and presentation skills and supervision

Prior learning requirements



As ‘practitioners’, you will examine case studies and provide effective solutions underpinned by a theory  demonstrating an understanding  of  ethics and values in relation to our professional sector.


You will use key skills explored during the course in order to plan, design and present a programme that can be integrated into a work based setting. We will explore the key skills required to perform effectively as a practitioner in a variety of roles with reference to the ESJF ( Inclusive leadership )

Critical thinking & analytical        L/O’S                        1 , 3

Problem solving                                                           1, 3 , 4                                    

Communication                                                            3, 4

Presentations                                                               2, 3, 4

Project management                                                    2, 4, 5

Culture Awareness + emotional intelligence                1-6

Reflective practice                                                        1-6

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Students' learning will be structured around the weekly contact time based on the guidance supplied in lectures, group work, and interactive workshops. Enquiry based learning and problem-based learning will be used to help students to comprehend theoretical concepts. Through the use of case studies, professional guest visits and field trips, and examination of how these key skills are applicable in real life youth/ Community settings. Students will be expected to participate in all classes by presenting material for discussion and debate. The module is supported by an electronic learning management system where students will be expected to access learning materials and information via Web Learn. In addition to class contact time, independent study/preparation time will include directed reading, independent research, project work and class preparation. Formative feedback will be given to students in these lectures to help them understand how well they have applied concepts and ideas and suggest how they can do this more effectively in the future.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module, you will be able to:

  1. Identify areas of personal strengths and weaknesses for personal development planning
  2. Apply management tools and demonstrate skills and theoretical knowledge to a given situation.
  3. Critically reflect on area of professional practice and further development of relevant  skills and knowledge to increase employability
  4. Practice a range of self-management and inter-personal skills in relation to critical thinking & analytical skills, problem solving, communication, presentations, project management, cultural awareness + emotional intelligence, reflective practice
  5. Critically examine Management theory
  6. Critically examine Supervision models for practice
