module specification

PR3002 - Biology (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Biology
Module level Foundation (03)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 300
62 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
218 hours Guided independent study
20 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
In-Course Test 25%   In-class test -45 mins. A mixture of multiple choice and fill in the gap questions.
Practical Assessment 25%   Group poster and presentation of an important biological concept.
In-Course Test 25%   In-class test -45 mins. A mixture of multiple choice and fill in the gap questions.
In-Course Test 25%   In-class test -45 mins. A mixture of multiple choice and fill in the gap questions.
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Tuesday Morning

Module summary

This module introduces you to key concepts of cell biology and human physiology to provide a foundation for subsequent study of biological subjects at Level 4.

• You will learn about the origin of life and describe some theories of evolution and appreciate its complexity.
• You will study an introduction to the structure of cells and the concept of the cell as the basic unit of life.
• You will understand that there are a range of cell types and explain the difference between cells, tissues and organs.
• You will be introduced to the anatomy and physiology of key organ systems in the body.
• You will be introduced to the concept of cell division and mendelian genetics and inheritance.
• You will achieve a fundamental knowledge base of biology which will underpin studies at higher levels.

Prior learning requirements

None. Available for Study Abroad? NO


Evolution and cell theory. Range of cell types: prokaryote; eukaryotes; cell specialisation.  An introductory overview of differentiated cells in multicellular organisms.  Cellular organelles.  Plasma membrane structure and functions; movement of molecules/ions across cell membranes. The nucleus and DNA.  Chromatin; chromosome structure and organisation.  Mitosis and the cell cycle.  Meiosis as a source of genetic variation.  Genotype and Phenotype.  Simple Mendelian genetics.  Sources of error eg. Mutation, radiation etc.  The anatomy and physiology of digestion, respiration and the circulation in the human body will be discussed in relation to homeostasis, as well as an introduction to the role of the kidney, liver and endocrine system as important regulators of the internal environment.

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Acquisition of knowledge of the subject matter of this module will be promoted through lectures (44 hours), tutorials (18 hours), self managed time and private study (249 hours). Lectures are used to introduce the basic concepts required to achieve the learning outcomes.  Tutorial sessions are either problem-directed or discussion-based, designed to work through, and expand on, material delivered in lectures. Students will be expected to prepare for tutorial sessions by reviewing appropriate material and devoting some time to problem-solving exercises.

The module is supported by a website on WebLearn which includes a number of electronic learning aids. Students would be expected to use the site for assisted study. 
All lectures will be recorded so that students can access them in their own time to consolidate their learning.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module you will be able to:

1. Evaluate the scientific theory of evolution and biological concepts.
2. Recognise basic cell structures and have an awareness of different cell types
3. Apply the structure and activities of cell components to their functions and to cellular activities as a whole.
4. Describe the main components and role of physiological systems such as the  circulatory, endocrine, digestive and urinary systems.
5. Understand the basics of Mendelian genetics and explain the differences bewteen the two main types of cell division, mitosis and meiosis.
6. Conduct research on homeostasis using library resources effectively and present this as a poster and orally.
