Course specification and structure
Undergraduate Course Structures Postgraduate Course Structures

PMBIOMDS - MSc Biomedical Science

Course Specification

Validation status Validated
Highest award Master of Science Level Masters
Possible interim awards Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate, Advanced Diploma in Professional Development
Total credits for course 180
Awarding institution London Metropolitan University
Teaching institutions London Metropolitan University
School School of Human Sciences
Subject Area Biosciences
Attendance options
Option Minimum duration Maximum duration
Full-time 1 YEARS  
Part-time 2 YEARS  
Course leader  

About the course and its strategy towards teaching and learning and towards blended learning/e-learning

The MSc course is designed to promote a deep understanding of Biomedical Science. Students will develop knowledge and skills which will empower them to be autonomous professional practitioners. The course will foster high level reasoning skills and promote lifelong learning and continuous professional development (CPD).
Emphasis will be placed on self-directed and problem based learning within a lecture/tutorial/ practical framework. Students will explore case studies to promote high level reasoning in a professional context. They will compare laboratory diagnostic methods, consider new methodologies and examine the research literature.
Tutorial exercises and short phase tests will be used to provide students with feedback on their progress. Summative assessment of students’ knowledge base and their understanding will be incorporated into formal in-course tests/exercises (40%) and the individual presentation completed at the end of each unit (60%).
Students have access to the innovative Graduate centre to meet and discuss their courses. The North campus library has recently undergone a successful refurbishment offering specialised group study areas as well as access to a comprehensive range of textbooks, journals and online learning resources. There are also open areas on the ground floor of the Tower building and the green lounge at Benwell Road offering open study areas. These areas all have access to IT facilities with several terminals at each one.
Practical skills are an essential part of the MSc course and students have access to the unparalleled facilities in the Science Centre Laboratory. Practical classes are designed to reinforce the knowledge from the lectures and tutorials. The course aims to promote a good knowledge-skills balance enhancing the professional practice of the students. This is in line with the NHS KSF (knowledge – skills framework). The science centre also provides an excellent facility to carry out the final research project. MSc project assessment will culminate in the presentation of a dissertation and a viva exam, which also explores knowledge and understanding.

Course aims

The Postgraduate taught Biomedical Science programme aims to:

i) provide graduates with advanced study of Biomedical Science, which underpins career progression and development; an appreciation of the depth and breadth of Biomedical Science, the remit of the HCPC and IBMS, the attributes and roles of the practitioner and requirements for laboratory safety, QA, QC, and accreditation bodies
ii) provide a high level of scientific knowledge and understanding of disease processes from the molecular to the body systems level;
iii) develop an informed and critical appreciation of recent scientific developments in relation to diagnostic laboratory pathology;
iv) enable students to gain, where options are taken, additional specialist knowledge in areas such as Epidemiology of Emerging Infectious Disease;
v) provide, where options are taken, the opportunity for study in areas unique to taught postgraduate Biomedical Science programmes such as Drug and Poison Analysis.
vi) enable students to plan, carry out and write up a masters level research project

In addition to the general programme aims above, the individual modules provide CPD opportunities for extending knowledge, updating skills, or gaining new skills in specialist Biomedical Science areas at postgraduate level.

Course learning outcomes

11a. Knowledge and understanding
Students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

i) Biomedical Science consistent with consolidation of advances in the subject within an existing knowledge framework;
ii) technical developments, their advantages, limitations and implications;
iii) how research impacts on the diagnosis and treatment of disease (with particular emphasis on laboratory diagnostics and monitoring);
iv) the rationale for an extensive Research Project (MSc only).

11b. Cognitive/intellectual skills
Students should be able to demonstrate cognitive (thinking) skills by:
i) assimilating information and developing ideas on issues, methodologies or pathogenic processes;
ii) explaining how a working hypothesis may be devised and tested within the constraints of a biomedical context;
iii) critically evaluating material on a complex Biomedical Science topic in order to present a balanced review;
iv) planning the execution of an extensive Research Project and assessing the outcome (MSc only).

11c. Key/transferable skills including employability and professional practice
Students should be able to demonstrate superior transferable skills and competencies, which support employability and professional practice, including:
i) effective communication verbally, in writing, and by electronic means;
ii) the ability to implement an advanced information search and extract relevant information;
iii) the capacity for rational and balanced debate of complex biomedical issues including ethical issues;
iv) individual initiative, organisation and the capacity for independent learning;
v) increased awareness of how changes in knowledge and technology may impact on professional practice in the subject area and require adaptability
vi) effective team working;
vii) production of a 9,000 word dissertation (MSc only).
viii) Developing and enhancing practical laboratory skills.

11d. Subject-specific practical skills
Students should be able to demonstrate development of practical skills, through
i) experience of advanced or novel practical methodologies;
ii) the application of knowledge to practical problems, including test selection and the design of appropriate experimental protocols with due regard to safety and quality control issues;
iii) experience of IT software and data bases e.g. in bioinformatics, epidemiology and in searching the Biomedical Science literature;
iv) comprehension and application of statistical analyses where appropriate;
v) the organisation and execution of practical work in an extensive Research Project (MSc only)

Course learning outcomes / Module cross reference

1a. Knowledge and understanding

Students should be able to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of:

i) Biomedical Science consistent with consolidation of advances in the subject within
an existing knowledge framework;

ii) technical developments, their advantages, limitations and implications;

iii) how research impacts on the diagnosis and treatment of disease (with particular
emphasis on laboratory diagnostics and monitoring);

iv) the rationale for an extensive Research Project (MSc only):

BM7002, Integrated Pathology
BM7004, Advanced Immunology
MS7051 , Clinical Biochemistry
MS7042, Biomedical Diagnostics
BM7002, Integrated Pathology
BM7004, Advanced Immunology
MS7042, Biomedical Diagnostics
BM7002, Integrated Pathology
MS7051 , Clinical Biochemistry
MS7001, Scientific Frameworks for Research
BM7P05 Research Project

1b. Cognitive/intellectual skills

Students should be able to demonstrate cognitive (thinking) skills by:

i) assimilating information and developing ideas on issues, methodologies or pathogenic

ii) explaining how a working hypothesis may be devised and tested within the
constraints of a biomedical context;

iii) critically evaluating material on a complex Biomedical Science topic in order to
present a balanced review;

iv) planning the execution of an extensive Research Project and assessing the outcome
(MSc only):

BM7002, Integrated Pathology
MS7042, Biomedical Diagnostics
BM7004, Advanced Immunology
BM7P05 Research Project
BM7009, Epidemiology of Emerging Infectious
MS7001, Scientific Frameworks for Research
BMP002, Integrated Pathology
MS7042, Biomedical Diagnostics
MS7001, Scientific Frameworks for Research
BM7P05 Research Project
MS7001, Scientific Frameworks for Research
BM7P05 Research Project

1c. Key/transferable skills including
employability and professional practice

Students should be able to demonstrate superior transferable skills and
competencies, which support employability and professional practice, including:

i) effective communication verbally, in writing, and by electronic means;

ii) the ability to implement an advanced information search and extract relevant

iii) the capacity for rational and balanced debate of complex biomedical issues including
ethical issues;

iv) individual initiative, organisation and the capacity for independent learning;

v) increased awareness of how changes in knowledge and technology may impact on
professional practice in the subject area and require adaptability;

vi) effective team working;

vii) production of a 9,000 word dissertation (MSc only);

viii) Developing and enhancing practical laboratory skills:

BM7009, Epidemiology of Emerging Infectious
BM7002, Integrated Pathology
MS7042, Biomedical Diagnostics
BM7004, Advanced Immunology
BM7008, Ethical Issues in Biomedical Science
MS7001, Scientific Frameworks for Research
BM7P05 Research Project
BM7002, Integrated Pathology
MS7042, Biomedical Diagnostics
BM7004, Advanced Immunology
MS7051 , Clinical Biochemistry
BM7P05 Research Project
BM7P05 Research Project
BM7P05 Research Project
MS7042, Biomedical Diagnostics

1d. Subject-specific practical skills

Students should be able to demonstrate development of practical skills, through:

i) experience of advanced or novel practical methodologies;

ii) the application of knowledge to practical problems, including test selection and the
design of appropriate experimental protocols with due regard to safety and quality control

iii) experience of IT software and data bases e.g. in bioinformatics, epidemiology and in
searching the Biomedical Science literature;

iv) comprehension and application of statistical analyses where appropriate
the organisation and execution of practical work in an extensive Research Project (MSc only):

BM7002, Integrated Pathology
MS7042, Biomedical Diagnostics
MS7001, Scientific Frameworks for Research
BM7P05 Research Project
BM7002, Integrated Pathology
MS7042, Biomedical Diagnostics
BM7009, Epidemiology of Emerging Infectious
MS7001, Scientific Frameworks for Research
BM7P05 Research Project
BM7009, Epidemiology of Emerging Infectious
BM7P05 Research Project

Principle QAA benchmark statements

Although there are no QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) benchmark statements for Biomedical Science at Postgraduate level, course outcomes are in line with Generic QAA (Quality Assurance Agency) guidelines on Masters level qualifications.

Assessment strategy

During your studies you will undertake a variety of assessment methods including case studies, literature evaluations, self-diagnostic testing, debates, group work, coursework, essays, and cumulative exams. Practical skills are summatively assessed through the coursework assignments, including those in the final Project module. Data handling skills are assessed by, practical reports, problem solving exercises, information abstracting and reviewing exercises, poster presentations, exams and seminar presentations.

Course specific regulations

The course conforms to both the University’s Postgraduate Scheme and the University Academic Regulations and incorporates any requirements indicated by the Institute of Biomedical Science as part of their accreditation programme.

Professional Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) accreditations & exemptions

This course is accredited by the IBMS, the leading professional body of biomedical scientists with over 20,000 members in over 30 countries.

Successfully passing the course will also make you eligible to sit the IBMS Higher Specialist Diploma, which in turn allows you to upgrade and become a Fellow of the IBMS, a level of membership reserved for those working at the highest level of their profession.

Career opportunities

Graduates of this course have gone on to new roles and promotions including biomedical scientist and Oncologist at institutions such as Guy’s and St Thomas’ National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust and Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre.

Many of our graduates are also well placed to apply for a Research Degree.

Entry requirements

You will be required to have:

  • a 2:2 UK undergraduate degree in biomedical science, although applications are welcome from other related subjects and will be considered on an individual basis

All applicants must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. Applicants who require a Tier 4 student visa may need to provide a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as Academic IELTS. For more information about English qualifications please see our English language requirements.

Official use and codes

Approved to run from 2013/14 Specification version 1 Specification status Validated
Original validation date 19 Jun 2013 Last validation date 01 Sep 2013  
JACS codes B900 (Subjects allied to Medicine): 100%
Route code BIOMDS

Course Structure

Stage 1 Level 07 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
BM7001 Scientific Frameworks For Research Core 20 NORTH SPR WED AM
          NORTH AUT TUE AM
BM7002 Integrated Pathology Core 20 NORTH SPR TUE PM
BM7004 Advanced Immunology Core 20 NORTH AUT WED AM
BM7042 Biomedical Diagnostics Core 20 NORTH AUT THU AM
BM7P05 Research Project Core 60 NORTH AUT NA  
          NORTH SPR NA  
          NORTH SUM NA  
BM7008 Ethical Issues in Biomedical Science Option 20        
BM7009 Epidemiology of Emerging Infectious Disease Option 20        
BM7043 Haematology Option 20 NORTH SPR THU AM
BM7044 Transfusion Science Option 20 NORTH SPR THU PM
BM7051 Clinical Biochemistry Option 20 NORTH AUT THU PM
BM7121 Genetic and Genomic Informatics Option 20 NORTH SPR WED PM
BM7122 Medical Genetics and Genomics Option 20 NORTH SPR MON PM

Stage 1 Level 07 January start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
BM7001 Scientific Frameworks For Research Core 20 NORTH SPR WED AM
BM7002 Integrated Pathology Core 20 NORTH SPR TUE PM
BM7004 Advanced Immunology Core 20        
BM7042 Biomedical Diagnostics Core 20        
BM7P05 Research Project Core 60 NORTH SPR NA  
          NORTH SUM NA  
BM7008 Ethical Issues in Biomedical Science Option 20        
BM7009 Epidemiology of Emerging Infectious Disease Option 20        
BM7043 Haematology Option 20 NORTH SPR THU AM
BM7044 Transfusion Science Option 20 NORTH SPR THU PM
BM7051 Clinical Biochemistry Option 20        
BM7121 Genetic and Genomic Informatics Option 20 NORTH SPR WED PM
BM7122 Medical Genetics and Genomics Option 20 NORTH SPR MON PM