Course specification and structure
Undergraduate Course Structures Postgraduate Course Structures

PMLEATEA - MA Learning and Teaching in Higher Education

Course Specification

Validation status Validated
Highest award Master of Arts Level Masters
Possible interim awards Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate, Advanced Diploma in Professional Development
Total credits for course 180
Awarding institution London Metropolitan University
Teaching institutions London Metropolitan University
School School of Social Professions
Subject Area Education
Attendance options
Option Minimum duration Maximum duration
Part-time 2 YEARS 6 YEARS
Course leader  

About the course and its strategy towards teaching and learning and towards blended learning/e-learning

The MALTHE course is a part-time professional development course for those concurrently employed in teaching and/or the support of learning in higher education. The various modules explore theory, policy and practice in teaching, learning design and facilitation, assessment and feedback and curriculum development – including use of technologies for these purposes. There is a strong focus on building scholarship of teaching and learning and critical reflective practice. In this way, the course aims to develop and enhance participants’ pedagogical knowledge and practice in their own subject/field.

The course incorporates the Higher Education Academy-accredited Postgraduate Certificate in Learning & Teaching in HE as a coherent programme that both offers an exit award - with eligibility for recognition as a Fellow of this professional body - and provides a firm foundation for those who wish to continue to the full MA programme or Postgraduate Diploma. The course’s elearning modules are also professionally accredited by the Staff & Educational Development Association (SEDA).

Course aims

The course leading to the Master’s award provides an integrated and supported programme that enables participants to:
• take a lead in the development of the teaching in their fields
• critically engage with theories of learning and teaching in higher education
• conduct research in learning and teaching in higher education

The HE Academy-accredited pathway (PGCert programme) addresses these aims at the level of the subject, developing practitioners who are able to take a role in the development of learning and teaching within their subject - informed by theory, scholarship, reflection and published research into learning and teaching in higher education and their own specialist knowledge, and through engagement in action or other research related to their practice.

Other modules focus on more specific areas so that the full MA develops practitioners who will gain a wider view of the learning and teaching process. Participants are expected to engage with national debates about the development of learning and teaching, both within their subject and generally and, through the dissertation/project, to enhance knowledge of the processes of learning and teaching and the context of higher education.

Course learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding
On completing the course, participants will be expected to demonstrate a critical awareness of:
1. Contemporary theories/models of learning, teaching, assessment & curriculum development in higher education
2. Theory and educational principles underpinning current debates about higher education policy and practice
3. Application of research to developing their understanding of learning and teaching in higher education and improving their practice in order to enhance the student learning experience

Cognitive/intellectual skills
On completing the course participants will be expected to be able to:
4. Review and critically evaluate learning, teaching and assessment activities generally and within their own subject/field
5. Evaluate learning materials with reference to current research and developments in the subject/field
6. Critically appraise processes and outcomes of teaching and learning in relation to self, students and teaching context
7. Undertake research and other scholarly activity which exhibits a high degree of reflection on the interrelationship between theory, subject-specific knowledge and practice

Practical and transferable skills
Skills developed include being able to:
8. Create and develop teaching, learning and assessment activities on the basis of critical analysis and review
9. Sustain a curiosity to drive critical inquiry about student learning and the teaching process
10. Develop and evaluate learning materials through critical application of scholarship
11. Undertake critical educational/action research
12. Communicate and interact professionally

Principle QAA benchmark statements


Assessment strategy

The course includes variety of formative and summative assessment methods, with a focus on the development and improvement of educational practice, including portfolios, presentations, secondary and primary research papers, and individual and group projects.
Assessment is work-related and extends participants' current engagement in the teaching of their subject/field. Self and peer-assessment is commonly used to enhance critical evaluation. Project-based assessments require the application of scholarship, critical reflection, policy guidelines and research knowledge to one's own practice.

Organised work experience, work based learning, sandwich year or year abroad

This course is a type of work-based learning programme in that it entails constant critical reflection on practice in teaching/learning support, and application of theory and new methods to one’s practice.

Course specific regulations


Modules required for interim awards

MALTHE award: 2 taught core modules, 4 options and the Dissertation/Project (core)

PGDip LTHE: 1 taught core (ED7134 OR ED7137) plus 5 other modules

HEA-accredited version of PGCert LTHE: ED7134, ED7135, ED7136 are all core

Career opportunities

After you graduate, you'll use your newfound abilities to help your students learn more effectively and achieve success in their own lives.

Our graduates have gone on to leadership roles, further research and publication in the field of learning and teaching in higher education.

Their places of work include the University of Surrey, University College London, London Metropolitan University and Camden Council. Job titles they now hold include research coordinator, senior economics lecturer, senior pharmacology lecturer and lecturing roles in many other subjects.

Entry requirements

You will be required to:

  • be currently teaching in a higher education institution

All applicants must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. Applicants who require a Tier 4 student visa may need to provide a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as Academic IELTS. For more information about English qualifications please see our English language requirements.

Official use and codes

Approved to run from 2013/14 Specification version 1 Specification status Validated
Original validation date 01 Sep 2013 Last validation date 03 Sep 2013  
JACS codes X342 (Academic Studies in Higher Education): 100%
Route code LEATEA

Course Structure

Stage 1 Level 07 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
ED7137 Theoretical Perspectives on Learning and Teachi... Core 20        
ED7143 Facilitating Student Learning Core 20 NORTH AUT+SPR WED PM
ED7P43 Learning and Teaching Dissertation / Project Core 60        
ED7135 Managing the Assessment and Feedback Process Option 20        
ED7136 Curriculum Evaluation and Development Option 20        
ED7138 Researching Higher Education Option 20        
ED7139 Applying Learning Technologies Option 20        
ED7140 Web-based Learning and Teaching Option 20        
ED7141 Facilitating Online Learning and Collaboration Option 20        
ED7142 Negotiated Study Module Option 20        

Stage 1 Level 07 January start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
ED7137 Theoretical Perspectives on Learning and Teachi... Core 20        
ED7143 Facilitating Student Learning Core 20        
ED7P43 Learning and Teaching Dissertation / Project Core 60        
ED7135 Managing the Assessment and Feedback Process Option 20        
ED7136 Curriculum Evaluation and Development Option 20        
ED7138 Researching Higher Education Option 20        
ED7139 Applying Learning Technologies Option 20        
ED7140 Web-based Learning and Teaching Option 20        
ED7141 Facilitating Online Learning and Collaboration Option 20        
ED7142 Negotiated Study Module Option 20