Course specification and structure
Undergraduate Course Structures Postgraduate Course Structures

PMMKTPWY - MA Marketing

Course Specification

Validation status Validated
Highest award Master of Arts Level Masters
Possible interim awards Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate
Total credits for course 180
Awarding institution London Metropolitan University
Teaching institutions London Metropolitan University
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Subject Area Business and Management
Attendance options
Option Minimum duration Maximum duration
Full-time 1 YEARS 6 YEARS
Part-time Day and Evening 2 YEARS 6 YEARS
Course leader  

About the course and its strategy towards teaching and learning and towards blended learning/e-learning

The MA Marketing course is designed to provide students with the key industry-standard skills needed to develop a successful career in business and/or public services. The course offers students with the opportunity to gain a thorough grounding in the key theories and emerging concepts in marketing, which can be applied in a variety of organisations and contexts. The degree offers pathways in retail marketing, advertising and public relations, allowing students to explore,develop and expand their knowledge in theirthe area of interest.

The Marketing MA with pathways in retail marketing, advertising and public relations is designed to help students develop their knowledge of the theory and practice of marketing in the fast-changing business environment. The competitive significance of advanced marketing practices is increasingly acknowledged by practitioners, and the development of key sectors make this degree highly relevant for future managers in retail, related professional services and the marketing industry in general.

The course recognises the international scope and application of marketing across sectors and the importance of key metrics. A key principle is to deliver a set of theoretical concepts and relate them to practical, real-world marketing challenges that mirror the rapidly changing environment. These qualities ensure that student become independent and reflective learners, able to continue learning in their chosen profession.

Developed in conjunction with industry, the course adopts an integrated approach to providing a coherent exploration of the inter-relationships between the various modules. The syllabus reflects the current market trends and is supported by external speakers who complement the course tutors in the delivery of the course. The tutorial team consists of experienced marketers, both academic and practitioner.

In addition to subject-specific knowledge, the pathways of retail marketing, advertising or public relations equip students with the key skills to become effective professionals in today's challenging business environment.

The core of the MA Marketing programme consists of a set of 5 common 20 credit modules which students will study together with MA Marketing pathway students, plus 2additional 20 credit modules to be studied as part of the chosen pathway. In addition, all students undertake a 40 credit business research project as final part of the course.

The course adopts a student-led blended learning approach in which a high degree of student in-put and interaction is encouraged. This approach draws up on the experiences of the participating students. The overall teaching and learning strategy is to move students from their existing and often passive learning approaches, toward making each student an individual and active independent learner at a Masters level.

Three key principles underpin the teaching and learning strategieswith the notion ofstudents as co-producers/co-creators of knowledge with faculty:

Firstly, learning and teaching methods are designed to ensure that students’ understanding of marketing takes place in an applied decision-making context. In order to achieve this, some modules make extensive use of the case study method of learning, whilst others use project based activities, industry visits, business/marketinggames and simulations. In each case the underlying principle is to utilise, translate and apply appropriate concepts, theory, models and empirical evidence into realistic decision-making context. The critical linking of theory to practice is a fundamental characteristic of the course. In order to improve students’ knowledge and skills in qualitative/quantitative data analysis and decision making, they will make use of dedicated data analysis software tools, as appropriate (e.g., Advanced analytics with Excel,SPSS, and NVivo).
Additionally, a programme of guest speakers from industry and authors of eminent works are incorporated into the course. This enhances students understanding of the various career options available to them upon completion of the course. In order to ensure that students take more control of their learning and development,a ‘flipped classroom’ approach is adopted where all lectures are recorded and/or teaching materials are made available online,andthe classroom time is used for more interactive questioning, student content creation and idea exploration.

Secondly, learning and teaching methods reflect changes in constant changes in the business environment which requires students to be able to rapidly interpret, synthesise and analyse ideas and information. This principle is reflected in the requirement that students should reflect on their learning, that they should contextualise it within their current and past work experience, and that they should comment on the presentations and work of other students on the programme. Students are also encouraged to engage meaningfully with personal development planning (PDP) through the curriculum. This enables them to reflect on, plan, review and record their own personal and marketing/business skills development.

Finally, the diversity of experiences that students bring to the course is used positively to enhance the collective student experience. This is achieved by utilising a variety of group, team and syndicate activities drawn together, where possible, with plenary sessions. Additionally, independent study will play a critical role in ensuring that students with different market knowledge and experience will use individual routes to achieve the common learning outcomes in each module.

The use of digital technology is central to the delivery of course modules contents, seminars exercises and student feedback. Communications with students takes place via Weblearn where materials are constantly uploaded and updated and announcements are made.Studentsare asked to effectively utilise Weblearn facilities and use blogs to share their views of contemporary issues in marketing and related areas of study. In such an online collaborative learning (OCL) environment tutors play a key role as the link to the knowledge community and students are encouraged and supported to work together to create knowledge, explore ways to innovate and solve problems rather than recite what they think is the right answer.

The course adopts an enterprising approach to teaching and learning in which some modules are delivered in collaboration with the Accelerator, London Metropolitan University's business incubator, which focuses on delivering career-ready, global enterprising graduates. Students are also strongly encouraged to utilise the support provided by Accelerator.

The formal teaching contact time takes place through lectures, seminars, workshops and IT lab sessions whereby information is conveyed, analysed and evaluated through various methods such as case studies, individual and group project activities, presentations, seminar discussions, conferences,self-managed study and individual supervision.

Staff complement this 'formal' learning activity with directed activities, for example the reading of the material suggested in the modules, often from academic journals and module texts.
Independent study includes use of learning material such as lecture and seminar material, additional references and links to external resources are generally made available through Weblearn. Students also need to undertake their own primary and/ or secondary research. All modules provide extensive and up-to-date bibliographies.

In summary;

Theory and practice on this course are inextricably linked and students need to demonstrate the capacity to absorb the theory and apply to the practice. The course adopts a student-led blended/hybrid learning approach in which online learning is blended with face-to-face teaching and the role of students as co-producers/co-creators of knowledge with faculty is promoted.Therefore, students should expect, and positively embrace, a range of learning and teaching experiences.All modes of delivery used by lecturers from different educational backgrounds are expected to develop an independent learning culture and to be a challenging, exciting and rewarding learning experience.

Course aims

The course aims to:

• Develop a systematic understanding of the theoretical knowledge, and foster a critical awareness of contemporary issues in marketing informed by leading-edge research and practice in the field

• Create new insights into the marketing/ subject-specific discipline and new contributions to professional practice

• Enable students to gain a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to marketing theory and practice, research and advanced scholarship

• Create originality in the application of knowledge, together with a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret marketing knowledge in a rapidly changing marketing environment

• Enhance students cognitive/intellectual, transferable subject-specific practical skills and applied decision-making skills needed successful career in marketing and related areas

Course learning outcomes

Knowledge and understanding

Upon successful completion of the course students will be able to:

LO1:Develop a systematic understanding of the role, context and purpose of marketing within the
framework of a variety of environmental settings and organisational contexts
LO2:Demonstrate a specialist knowledge and understanding within marketing management
areas of study
LO3:Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principal concepts and models of marketing, and beable to select, apply and critique these in a wide range of case situations
LO4:Articulate core marketing theories, concepts and models and use these analytical tools to
analyse current andpotential future marketing challenges
LO5:Develop a critical awareness of business ethics and corporate socialresponsibility, cultural and
social diversity in the context of marketing
LO6:Critically explore, analyse and evaluate contemporary issues and trends in general marketing management areas of study as well as in specialised areas of advertising, retail or public
relations, as appropriate

Cognitive/intellectual skills

By the end of the course the students are expected to develop higher order skills reflected in their ability to:

LO1:Demonstrate higher level skills in understanding current issues in specific areas of marketing
LO2:Critically analyse and evaluate specific marketing problemsusingacquired theoretical
knowledge, and demonstrate a scholarly approach to business and marketing research, writing
and problem solving
LO3:Critically analyse, evaluate and synthesise theoretical perspectives of marketing, advertising,
retailing and public relations, as appropriate
LO4:Demonstrate self-awareness and self-development, general study skills, solving business
problem, working in group/individually, communication, organisational skills, self-management, self-
presentation and decision-making
LO5:Develop higher level skills of critical reflection and judgement in light of evidence and
argument about marketing/business issues, and appreciate the uncertainty and ambiguity
relating to the limits of knowledge
LO6: Demonstrate a sound knowledge and understanding of appropriate market research and
analytical techniques suitable for Master’s level students

Practical/transferable skills including employability

By the end of the course, students will have developed practical/transferable skills in marketing that will enhance their employability in the field. They will be able to:

LO1:Demonstrate the qualities and transferable skills necessary for employment requiring the
exercise of initiative and personal responsibility, decision-making in complex and unpredictable
situations and the independent learning ability required for continuing professional development
LO2:Deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in the
absence of complete data/information, and communicate their conclusions to specialist and non-
specialist audiences
LO3: Develop higher level skills in market research and analysis in order to isolate and explore
opportunities for future employability
LO4:Gather, organise and deploy complex information and ideas in subject-specific areas in order to
communicate by oral, written and visual means, including via digital platforms, and develop high
level of academic writing and communication skills
LO5:Demonstrate a thorough and systematic understanding of practical marketing issues and
challenges and be capable of providing an effective and realistic advice in dealing with them
LO6:Demonstrate a critical reasoning and high order skills in tackling and solving practical marketing
LO7:Demonstrate their ability to work as independent learners, and act autonomously in planning
and implementing tasks at a professional level, and demonstrate self-direction and originality in
solving business/marketing problems

Subject-Specific Practical Skills

By the end of the course, students will be able to:

LO1:Develop a critical awareness and deep interest in subject-specific area and combine knowledge
and analysis acquired in core/pathway modules to develop practical skills in advertising, public relations or retail marketing, as appropriate
LO2:Relate core concepts, theories and models in subject-specific areas to the student’s own
practice and work environment
LO3:Adopt an applied, problem-solving approach supported with relevant qualitative and quantitative
data analysis and evaluation skills relevant to a subject area
LO4:Collect, analyse, interpret, evaluate and synthesise complex information to make informed
business decision in subject-specific areas of advertising, public relations or retail marketing, as
LO5:Develop a Master’s level skills in the use of dedicated data analysis software tools (e.g.,
Advanced analytics with Excel, SPSS, and NVivo)
LO6:Undertake and report on independent and evidence informed research on contemporary topic in
the subject area

Principle QAA benchmark statements

This course complies with the QAA Characteristics Statement for Master’s Degrees (2015) sters-Degree-Characteristics-15.pdf, and the QAA Subject Benchmark Statement for Master’s Degrees in Business and Management

Assessment strategy

The core of the MA Marketing programme consists of a set of 5 common 20 credit modules which students will study together with MA Marketing pathway students, plus 2 additional 20 credit modules to be studied as part of the chosen pathway. In addition, all students undertake a 40 credit business research project as final part of the course.

The course has a balanced range of formative assessments e.g. Written coursework, oral presentations or group work which requires students to critically reflect upon the academic literature; analyse case studies; collect, interpret and synthesise ideas and information; and demonstrate engagement with contemporary issues in marketing theory and practice. Students will also be required to develop or propose appropriate courses of action for marketing,retail, advertising or public relations organisations.Feedback on these coursework helps students with the development of their final assignments.

In addition students are required to undertake a business research project. This requires students to demonstrate critical engagement with current literature on subject-specific areas, to develop and carry through an appropriate research programme that constitutes an original application of knowledge, and to critically evaluate the results achieved and the implications of these results for managerial actions.

Organised work experience, work based learning, sandwich year or year abroad


Course specific regulations

The course conforms to the Regulations of the University Post Graduate framework.

Modules required for interim awards

MA Marketing course structure (180 credits):
MA Marketing pathway students are required to take 5 core modules, and 2 additional 20 credit modules to be studied as part of the chosen pathway. In addition, all students undertake a 40 credit business research project as final part of the course.

Core modules:
Creativity and Innovation in Marketing (20 credits)
Digital Marketing and Social Media (20 credits)
Marketing Research in Practice (20 credits)
Strategic Marketing Management (20 credits)
Understanding Consumer Behaviour (20 credits)
Business Research Project (40 credits)

Retail Marketing pathway modules:
Retail Management and Marketing (20 credits)
Retail Design, Buying and Merchandising (20 credits)

Advertising pathway modules:
Advertising Management (20 credits)
Contemporary Advertising Practice (20 credits)

Public Relations pathway modules:
Public Relations Strategy and Planning (20 credits)
Contemporary Theory and Practice in Public Relations(20 credits)

PG Diploma in Marketing(120 credits): students are required to take five from the following core modules plus one pathway module
Creativity and Innovation in Marketing (20 credits)
Digital Marketing and Social Media (20 credits)
Marketing Research in Practice (20 credits)
Strategic Marketing Management (20 credits)
Understanding Consumer Behaviour (20 credits)
Plus one pathway module (20 credits)

PG Certificate in Marketing (60 credits): students are required to take three from the following core modules
Creativity and Innovation in Marketing (20 credits)
Digital Marketing and Social Media (20 credits)
Strategic Marketing Management (20 credits)
Understanding Consumer Behaviour (20 credits)

Arrangements for promoting reflective learning and personal development

Students are required to undertake Personal Development Planning (PDP) as part of the course. This requires reflective self-appraisal to help and review their learning and development throughout the course. They are introduced to PDP through the core modules, pathway modules and carry it forward in the Business Research Project. Students are encouraged to reflect on their progress and set realistic goals.

Students will be asked to record their expectations and experience of each taught module and incorporate this into their PDP. In particular students should note:

(a) How the module fits into their overall programme plan/career aspirations and what they hope to learn from it?
(b) How they plan to use the module to enhance their performance, particularly in regard to areas identified in their PDP/Action Plan that might need further development?
(c) What are the action points, which have arisen from their learning/progress during the module?
(d) What is their evaluation of their performance on completion of the module? How far does this reflect on other modules? How does the module feed into the next stage of their studies and/or their career planning?

Students will benefit from career workshops, employer events and one-to-one advice and guidance provided by the University’s career advice.

Additionally, students will need to continually reflect on their work as part of the supervised aspect of the course. Based on the research proposal, course leaders and dissertation coordinators seek to match up the interest of staff with the topics chosen by the students. The research proposal written by the student explains the problem under investigation and research plan which is proposed for solving the problem.

Students will be assigned to academic supervisors at the beginning of the supervision period. Appreciating the dynamics of the student-supervisor relationship is essential to facilitate effective supervision. The business research project supervisor provides each student with the necessary critical input to support the student through the research and writing process and to ensure completion. In preparing for and during student- supervisor meetings, students will need to reflect on what they have achieved and set future objectives. Reflection is proven to enhance skills and knowledge development. A written record of the purpose and outcome of each meeting should be signed and kept by both parties. A pro-forma for recording these meetings is included in the Business Research Project Handbook.

Feedback is offered along the Business Research Project supervision period via the supervisor through guidance, advice and support as appropriate. Developmental feedback is offered either through face-to-face meeting or via email, and final feedback following business research project submission and assessment is offered to students. Students can reasonably expect to obtain eight hours of tutorial guidance from their supervision.

Arrangements on the course for careers education, information and guidance

In support of the University’s aims and objectives a high quality Careers and Employability Team has been established which enables current and past students to make informed decisions about their career choices and helps them fulfil their potential by improving their employability.
Students taking the MA Marketing course may engage with employers through work based learning. Postgraduate and research students have dedicated career and employability advice and our graduates can access these services for up to three years. Further information of career and employability advice is available on the University webpage:

Other external links providing expertise and experience


Career opportunities

The course prepares students for roles in marketing students for various roles in marketing in the UK and overseas. Marketing Week (2015) voted the role of Marketing Manager as the best job in the UK.

Entry requirements

You will be required to have:

  • a minimum of 2:2 (or equivalent) in any subject discipline
  • a full university application form will need to be submitted which includes a detailed statement to support your application
  • Mathematics GCSE at grade C (grade 4 from 2017) or above (equivalent)

All applicant must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English Language. Applicants who require a Tier 4 student visa may need to provide a Secure English Language Test (SELT). For more information about English qualifications please see our English Language requirements.

Official use and codes

Approved to run from 2017/18 Specification version 1 Specification status Validated
Original validation date 21 Aug 2017 Last validation date 21 Aug 2017  
JACS codes
Route code MKTPWY

Course Structure

Stage 1 Level 07 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
MC7072 Strategic Marketing Management Core 20 NORTH AUT THU PM
MC7073 Understanding Consumer Behaviour Core 20 NORTH AUT WED PM
MC7077 Marketing Research in Practice Core 20 NORTH SPR TUE AM
MC7078 Creativity and Innovation in Marketing Core 20        
MC7080 Digital Marketing and Social media Core 20 NORTH SUM THU AM
          NORTH SUM THU PM
          NORTH SPR MON PM
          NORTH SPR FRI AM
          NORTH SPR THU AM
          NORTH SPR WED PM
          NORTH SPR WED AM
MC7P76 Business Research Project Core 40        
MC7070 Contemporary Advertising Practice Option 20        
MC7071 Retail Design, Buying and Merchandising Option 20 NORTH SPR TUE PM
MC7074 Contemporary Theory & Practice in Public Relations Option 20        
MC7075 Public Relations Strategy & Planning Option 20 NORTH AUT WED AM
MC7079 Retail Management and Marketing Option 20        
MC7081 Advertising Management Option 20        

Stage 1 Level 07 January start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
MC7072 Strategic Marketing Management Core 20        
MC7073 Understanding Consumer Behaviour Core 20        
MC7077 Marketing Research in Practice Core 20 NORTH SPR TUE AM
MC7078 Creativity and Innovation in Marketing Core 20        
MC7080 Digital Marketing and Social media Core 20 NORTH SUM THU AM
          NORTH SUM THU PM
          NORTH SPR MON PM
          NORTH SPR FRI AM
          NORTH SPR THU AM
          NORTH SPR WED PM
          NORTH SPR WED AM
MC7P76 Business Research Project Core 40        
MC7070 Contemporary Advertising Practice Option 20        
MC7071 Retail Design, Buying and Merchandising Option 20 NORTH SPR TUE PM
MC7074 Contemporary Theory & Practice in Public Relations Option 20        
MC7075 Public Relations Strategy & Planning Option 20        
MC7079 Retail Management and Marketing Option 20        
MC7081 Advertising Management Option 20