Course specification and structure
Undergraduate Course Structures Postgraduate Course Structures

PMWOMCDA - MA Woman and Child Abuse

Course Specification

Validation status Validated
Highest award Master of Arts Level Masters
Possible interim awards Postgraduate Diploma, Postgraduate Certificate, Advanced Diploma in Professional Development
Total credits for course 180
Awarding institution London Metropolitan University
Teaching institutions London Metropolitan University
School School of Social Sciences
Subject Area Criminology and Sociology
Attendance options
Option Minimum duration Maximum duration
Full-time 1 YEARS  
Part-time 2 YEARS  
Course leader  

About the course and its strategy towards teaching and learning and towards blended learning/e-learning

The primary modes of delivery will be lectures/presentations, seminars and workshops within which core material is provided. These are combined with small group discussions/tasks to consolidate learning and critical engagement.

• Direct contact time includes lectures/presentations, seminars and structured workshops in which students are provided with information and expected to contribute through discussions of, e.g. articles, undertaking specific exercises, collating information to respond to specific tasks.
• In addition, students are provided with directed reading lists, references and external, e.g. internet, sources. Students are required to prepare for sessions by reading texts and/or collecting, collating and analysing data and information.

Course aims

The overriding aim of the course is to provide a comprehensive grounding in the theories, research and policy and practice approaches to child and woman abuse. The course content and required work will be cross disciplinary addressing criminal justice, social policy, protection, prevention and health and well-being. Students on the course will study the historical approaches to a range of forms of physical, sexual and psychological/emotional abuses of women and children, what research reveals about connections at the levels of causation, practices and consequences and how these abuses are responded to in the diverse communities that comprise the UK and internationally.

The specific aims of the course are to develop:

1. an overview of the various forms of child and woman abuse, the connections between them and debates with respect to their definition/s;
2. a critical understanding of the theoretical, methodological and ethical considerations when researching child and woman abuse;
3. a strong grasp of the current knowledge base with respect to incidence, prevalence, perspectives of victims, perpetrators and responders;
4. an awareness of the historical shifts in perspectives, policies and practices with respect to gender and generation;
5. knowledge of current areas of consensus and debate with respect to evidence based policy and practice in the UK and internationally where applicable;
6. experience applying course content to their own working context.

Course learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:

1. Apply methods and techniques appropriate to their own research or advanced scholarship in Woman and Child Abuse

2. Apply knowledge with originality, based on a practical understanding of how established techniques of research and enquiry are used to create and interpret knowledge in Woman and Child Abuse

3. Evaluate critically current research and advanced scholarship in Woman and Child Abuse

4. Evaluate methodologies and develop critiques of them and, where appropriate, to propose new hypotheses

5. Deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in the absence of complete data, and communicate their conclusions clearly to specialist and non-specialist audiences

6. Exercise self-direction and originality in tackling and solving problems, and act autonomously in planning and implementing tasks at a professional or equivalent level

7. Advance their knowledge and understanding, and to develop new skills to a high level

8. Exercise initiative and personal responsibility, including decision-making in complex and unpredictable situations

9. Learn independently for the purposes of continuing professional development.

Course learning outcomes / Module cross reference


Learning outcomes cover LO1-9

Principle QAA benchmark statements

Assessment strategy

Skills and learning outcomes are assessed through essays, coursework (including annotated bibliographies and briefings for policymakers) individual presentations and the dissertation. Optional modules may also include reports and examinations as assessments.

Modules required for interim awards

MA Woman and Child Abuse: 4 core modules, 1 designate, 1 elective, plus triple module dissertation
PG Dip Woman and Child Abuse: 4 core modules plus 1 designate and 1 elective
PG Cert Woman and Child Abuse: 3 core modules OR 2 core modules plus 1 designate

Arrangements for promoting reflective learning and personal development

During each module, reflective time is built in to enable students to consider how learning from the course can be applied to their professional practice and/or has changed previous understandings. Small group exercises are also designed to challenge common myths and stereotypes, often using research data, which requires students to engage with multiple perspectives and develop their critical thinking skills. At the end of each day of teaching on the core modules, students are able to stay and discuss their thoughts and responses to the day’s material in small, peer support groups.

Career, employability and opportunities for continuing professional development

The majority of WCA students are already in employment, often in senior roles. For those seeking to move into the field, the course leader will alert them to networks where volunteer opportunities are advertised.

The course is particularly suited to those who are looking to
• Continue academic research to doctoral level
• Conduct internal evaluation, monitoring and small scale research projects
• Develop and extend specialist services dealing with child and/or woman abuse
• Undertake policy development at a local, regional or national level where they have responsibility for delivering support and advocacy services, co-ordinating multi-agency for and/or improving the response of the criminal justice and/or health sectors.
• Deliver government and or agency policy commitments with respect to Safeguarding Children, addressing domestic violence, rape, FGM, forced marriage, sexual exploitation and other forms of violence against women.

Career opportunities

The course is particularly suited to those who are working in specialised services for women and children who have experienced violence. It is also excellent preparation for those who are wishing to establish careers in this sector.

Our graduates have gone on to key roles in policymaking or service delivery at local, regional and national levels, and some pursue further studies to PhD level, including with the Child and Woman Abuse Studies Unit.

Entry requirements

You will be required to have at least one of the following:

  • a good honours degree in a relevant subject
  • experience of developing/delivering policy or service provision in the field (though the course is also relevant to those with a professional interest in violence against women and children)
  • extensive relevant professional experience may be acceptable if you do not have sufficient academic qualifications

If you don't meet the entry criteria for the MA you have the option of taking a core module as a short course and on successful completion of assessments, you can then apply to join the MA.

Everyone who applies for the course is interviewed, with importance placed on the statement of application. Please contact the course leader, Dr Sukhwant Dhaliwal, to talk about making an application, or if you have any questions about the course.

All applicants must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. Applicants who require a Tier 4 student visa may need to provide a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as Academic IELTS. For more information about English qualifications please see our English language requirements.

Official use and codes

Approved to run from 2013/14 Specification version 1 Specification status Validated
Original validation date 01 Sep 2013 Last validation date 02 Sep 2013  
JACS codes L300 (Sociology): 100%
Route code WOMCDA

Course Structure

Stage 1 Level 07 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
SS7146 Sexual Exploitation of Children and Young People Core 20 NORTH SUM WK AM&PM
SS7147 Violence Against Women: Issues, Research and Po... Core 20 NORTH AUT WK AM&PM
SS7148 Sexual Violence: Causes, Consequences and Inter... Core 20 NORTH SPR WK AM&PM
SS7168 Researching Violence and Evaluating Interventions Core 20 NORTH AUT WK AM&PM
SS7P38 Woman and Child Abuse Dissertation Core 60 NORTH AUT WK AM&PM
          NORTH SPR WK AM&PM
          NORTH SUM WK AM&PM
GI7004 Researching Public Services Option 20        
GI7010 Human Rights and the International Order Option 20 NORTH SPR MON EV
GI7073 Human Security Option 20        
SH7058 Children and Families: Policy and Practice Option 20        
SS7080 Crime and Offender Patterns Option 20        
SS7085 Psychology and Crime Option 20 NORTH SPR TUE AM
SS7152 Social Policy Themes and Priorities: Local, Reg... Option 20        
EL0000 Elective Option 30 NORTH SPR NA  
          NORTH AUT NA  
          NORTH SUM NA  

Stage 1 Level 07 January start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
SS7146 Sexual Exploitation of Children and Young People Core 20 NORTH SUM WK AM&PM
SS7147 Violence Against Women: Issues, Research and Po... Core 20        
SS7148 Sexual Violence: Causes, Consequences and Inter... Core 20 NORTH SPR WK AM&PM
SS7168 Researching Violence and Evaluating Interventions Core 20        
SS7P38 Woman and Child Abuse Dissertation Core 60 NORTH SPR WK AM&PM
          NORTH SUM WK AM&PM
GI7004 Researching Public Services Option 20        
GI7010 Human Rights and the International Order Option 20 NORTH SPR MON EV
GI7073 Human Security Option 20        
SH7058 Children and Families: Policy and Practice Option 20        
SS7080 Crime and Offender Patterns Option 20        
SS7085 Psychology and Crime Option 20 NORTH SPR TUE AM
SS7152 Social Policy Themes and Priorities: Local, Reg... Option 20        
EL0000 Elective Option 30 NORTH SPR NA  
          NORTH SUM NA