Course specification and structure
Undergraduate Course Structures Postgraduate Course Structures

UDBSCMSY - BSc Business Computer Systems (Top Up)

Course Specification

Validation status Validated
Highest award Bachelor of Science Level Honours
Possible interim awards
Total credits for course 120
Awarding institution London Metropolitan University
Teaching institutions London Metropolitan University
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Subject Area Computer Science and Applied Computing
Attendance options
Option Minimum duration Maximum duration
Full-time 1 YEARS  
Part-time 2 YEARS  
Course leader  

About the course and its strategy towards teaching and learning and towards blended learning/e-learning

The delivery of modules involves face-to-face teaching in lectures, supported by seminars, tutorials and workshops as appropriate to the needs of each module. Teaching and learning materials are made available online through the university's VLE (virtual learning environment). In addition, students are encouraged to participate in, and are supported by, module leader blogs, use of video, role playing, visits to external organisations, presentations and workshops presented by external guest speakers. In addition to timetabled use of PC workshops, students are encouraged to make use of PC provision in their personal study time, as well as using the study facilities in the library and learning centre (including ebooks and ejournals).

Support for International Students is provided in a variety of ways, centrally by the international office, by the undergraduate office and by the faculty. International students are invited one week earlier than home students and offered both social and academic events. The undergraduate office and PAAs ensure that international students arriving late (often for visa-related reasons) receive a late induction, including their personal timetable. In the faculty, international students have been in the forefront of student self-organisation, including the Maths Society, the IEEE Society and the BCS IMPACT Young Professionals Group. In addition, learning support is available in the form of English classes, report writing workshops etc, to which international students may be referred by their PAA or course leader.

Course aims

This degree is specifically designed for those students who wish to specialise in the design and implementation of modern computer-based applications with particular reference to management support systems, databases and ecommerce systems in a business environment. Students work on case studies to hone their skills in system design and development, and utilise this skills in a significant design and development exercise in a final year project. The course fosters skill development across a range of tools and development platforms, and encourages students critically to evaluate the role of computer applications in business. Emphasis throughout is on what the student learns and can achieve by putting what has been learned into practice.
The aims are:
• To provide an education in the development and use of information systems and computer applications that will equip students with intellectual, practical and problem-solving skills;
• To provide graduates with transferable skills to enable progression in management or technical areas, with the ability to master new developments and have flexibility in career structure in an era of rapid organisational change and technological innovation;
• To equip graduates with the necessary skills to progress to advanced postgraduate courses in related areas of study, and enable them to be effective and independent lifelong learners;
• To provide industry, commerce and research laboratories with the effective and adaptive specialists in business computer systems that society demands.

The specific aims of the course are:
to develop students’ knowledge of computer software and hardware systems
to provide students with a sound foundation in the theoretical and practical aspects of business computing systems and technology
to develop students’ awareness, understanding and skills in the design, development and implementation of business computer systems
to build an awareness the professional, legal, ethical and social issues in business computer systems.

Course learning outcomes

LO 1 To demonstrate an awareness of key legal, social, ethical and professional issues pertinent to information systems, and their use in the business environment

LO 2 To able to select and applying appropriate problem-solving strategies in the context of information systems and information technology

LO 3 to be able to identify, specify, analyse and evaluate business problems within a business information systems environment

LO 4 To be able to demonstrate professional skills in a work-related context (including e.g. presentations, report-writing, ability to work as part of a team)

LO 5 To be able to understand the needs of business users, and plan, design, develop and implement a software solution to meet their requirements.

Course learning outcomes / Module cross reference

Module Title Module Code

CC6052 Management Support Systems
CC6001 Advanced Database Systems Development
CC6002 Ecommerce and Ebusiness
CS6P05 Project
FC6W51 Work Related Learning II

Learning Outcomes 1 - 8

Principle QAA benchmark statements

6 Benchmark standards
6.1 Benchmark standards are defined at threshold and typical levels and some further comments are made about excellence.
Threshold level
6.2 The threshold level is interpreted to mean that all students (taken over all years), graduating with an honours degree in the discipline of computing will have achieved this level of performance.
6.3 On graduating with an honours degree in computing, students should be able to:
􀁺demonstrate a requisite understanding of the main body of knowledge for their programme of study
􀁺understand and apply essential concepts, principles and practice of the subject in the context of well-defined scenarios, showing judgement in the selection and application of tools and techniques
􀁺produce work involving problem identification, the analysis, the design or the development of a system with appropriate documentation, recognising the important relationships between these. The work will show some problem-solving and evaluation skills drawing on some supporting evidence, and demonstrate a requisite understanding of the need for quality
􀁺demonstrate transferable skills and an ability to work under guidance and as a team member
􀁺identify appropriate practices within a professional, legal and ethical framework and understand the need for continuing professional development
􀁺discuss applications based upon the body of knowledge.
Typical level
6.4 This is the average standard attained (taken over all years) of all the students graduating with an honours degree in the discipline of computing.
6.5 On graduating with an honours degree in computing, students should be able to:
􀁺demonstrate a sound understanding of the main areas of the body of knowledge within their programme of study, with an ability to exercise critical judgement across a range of issues
􀁺critically analyse and apply a range of concepts, principles and practice of the subject in an appropriate manner in the context of loosely defined scenarios, showing effective judgement in the selection and use of tools and techniques
􀁺produce work involving problem identification, the analysis, the design or the development of a system, with accompanying documentation, recognising the important relationships between these. The work will show problem-solving and evaluation skills, draw upon supporting evidence and demonstrate a good understanding of the need for quality
􀁺demonstrate transferable skills with an ability to show organised work as an individual and as a team member and with minimum guidance
􀁺apply appropriate practices within a professional, legal and ethical framework and identify mechanisms for continuing professional development and lifelong learning
􀁺explain a wide range of applications based upon the body of knowledge.
6.6 While the benchmark standards above are defined for just threshold and typical levels, it is nevertheless expected that programmes in computing will provide opportunities for students of the highest calibre to achieve their full potential.
6.7 Such students will be:
􀁺creative and innovative in their application of the principles covered in the curriculum, and may relish the opportunity to engage in entrepreneurial activity
􀁺able to contribute significantly to the analysis, design or the development of systems which are complex, and fit for purpose, recognising the important relationships between these
􀁺able to exercise critical evaluation and review of both their own work and the work of others.
6.8 In as much as human ingenuity and creativity has fostered the rapid development of the discipline of computing in the past, programmes in computing should not limit those who will lead the development of the discipline in the future.

Assessment strategy

A variety of methods are in use, and each is specified in the appropriate module specification and handbook. Methods of assessment include:
• Case study focussed reports
• Research reports
• Presentations
• Software development and testing
• Unseen examinations
• Part-seen examinations (e.g. with seen case study)

Organised work experience, work based learning, sandwich year or year abroad

Work placement modules are available as designates at level 6.

Modules required for interim awards

All modules are compulsory except the choice of optional modules at level 6.

Arrangements for promoting reflective learning and personal development

Students are encouraged to write blogs/log books to illustrate what they have learned each week, and to maintain a personal development portfolio. Formative feedback is provided during the course of the academic year so that students are able to show draft work to lecturers in seminars and workshops in order to refine and enhance their work before final submission. Students are asked to demonstrate how formative feedback on initial drafts has been employed in the final submission.

Career, employability and opportunities for continuing professional development

The BSc Business Computer Systems course prepares students for a range of opportunities upon graduation including consultancy, database design, ecommerce development and postgraduate studies.

Career opportunities

On completion of this course, you'll be equipped to pursue a career as a developer for databases and e-business applications or in software development and project management.

This course also prepares you to continue your studies at postgraduate level.

Entry requirements

In addition to the University's standard entry requirements, you should have:

  • 240 credits from a Higher National Diploma (HND) or a foundation degree (FdSc) in Computing, IT or Business Information Technology

Applicants with relevant professional qualifications or extensive professional experience will also be considered on a case by case basis.

All applicants must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. Applicants who require a Tier 4 student visa may need to provide a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as Academic IELTS. For more information about English qualifications please see our English language requirements.

Official use and codes

Approved to run from 2014/15 Specification version 1 Specification status Validated
Original validation date 01 Aug 2014 Last validation date  
JACS codes I100 (Computer Science): 100%
Route code BSCMSY

Course Structure

Stage 1 Level 06 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
CC6001 Advanced Database Systems Development Core 30        
CC6002 Ecommerce & Ebusiness Core 30        
CS6P05 Project Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR WED PM
CC6051 Ethical Hacking Option 15 NORTH SPR THU AM
CC6052 Management Support Systems Option 15        
FC6W51 Work Related Learning II Option 15        
XK0000 Extension of Knowledge Module Option 15 NORTH SPR NA  
          NORTH AUT NA