Course specification and structure
Undergraduate Course Structures Postgraduate Course Structures

UDCRYHST - BSc Criminology and Youth Studies

Course Specification

Validation status Validated
Highest award Bachelor of Science Level Honours
Possible interim awards Bachelor of Science, Diploma of Higher Education, Certificate of Higher Education, Bachelor of Science
Total credits for course 360
Awarding institution London Metropolitan University
Teaching institutions London Metropolitan University
School School of Social Sciences
Subject Area Criminology and Sociology
Attendance options
Option Minimum duration Maximum duration
Full-time 3 YEARS  
Part-time 4 YEARS  
Course leader  

About the course and its strategy towards teaching and learning and towards blended learning/e-learning

The course is delivered through a range of pedagogic methods including formal lectures, seminars, workshops and project-based research activity and individual tutorials held in staff office hours. There is an emphasis upon the link between teaching and research so that staff research provides the basis for teaching on a range of modules.

The course integrates face-to-face with online learning. All modules use Weblearn-Blackboard facilities making key information available and providing a convenient place for handbook information, calendars and class announcements. Some modules, for example Researching Crime and Deviance, focus specifically on the development of CIT skills. The course will also progressively examine ways of further developing the link between face-to-face and online learning as ideas aid technology develop, and as resources permit. The course encourages contact between students and tutors and encourages active learning. CIT and other media are used to encourage collaboration between students.

Course aims

1. offer a course relevant to a range of careers in the areas of criminal justice, youth work and related fields
2. develop the intellectual skills necessary for the understanding and critical evaluation of a range of theoretical approaches to the study of crime, deviance and youth
3. develop students’ familiarity with the institutional apparatus which regulates and seeks to control socially defined deviant populations
4. develop students’ competence in qualitative and quantitative research methodologies
5. explore and analyse the ways young people experience and engage with contemporary society in both national and international contexts
6. offer the opportunity to develop the above in relation to specialist areas of interest, including a self-directed piece of research at honours level.

Course learning outcomes

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:

1. deploy accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within Criminology and Youth Studies;

2. devise and sustain arguments, and/or to solve problems, using ideas and techniques, some of which are at the forefront of Criminology and Youth Studies;

3. describe and comment upon particular aspects of current research, or equivalent advanced scholarship, in Criminology and Youth Studies, recognising the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge;

4. manage their own learning, and to make use of scholarly reviews and primary sources (for example, refereed research articles and/or original materials appropriate to Criminology and youth Studies);

5. apply the methods and techniques that they have learned to review, consolidate, extend and apply their knowledge and understanding, and to initiate and carry out projects;

6. critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts and data (that may be incomplete), to make judgements, and to frame appropriate questions to achieve a solution - or identify a range of solutions - to a problem;

7. communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences;

8. exercise initiative and personal responsibility, including decision-making in complex and unpredictable contexts;

9. undertake appropriate further training of a professional or equivalent nature

Course learning outcomes / Module cross reference


Learning outcomes cover LO1-LO9

Principle QAA benchmark statements


Assessment strategy

Students are assessed through a combination of written and oral work, module-specific research projects, seen and unseen examinations, and an individual largely self-directed project which includes an assessed oral presentation. At level 4 assessments seek to encourage students to specify and describe theories and institutions. At level 5 assessments require students to extend and critically to evaluate the knowledge they have encountered. Students at this level are also required to produce research reports including data analysis and interpretation. At level 6 assessments test students’ critical knowledge of applied areas of Criminology and their ability to think and research independently.

Organised work experience, work based learning, sandwich year or year abroad

Students undertake a work placement in their third year.

There may also be opportunities for students to study for part of their degree in another European country. ERASMUS is part of the European Union SOCRATES programme for cooperation in the field of education. Under ERASMUS the university has student exchange agreements with many different European countries.

Arrangements for promoting reflective learning and personal development

In the first year students begin processes of personal development planning in core modules and start to build up a record of achievements. They are encouraged to reflect in workshops contexts and individually on specifically what they have learned from modules and the ways in which this knowledge may be used in, or applied to, the wider social world. Specific modules focussed on social research methodologies provide a forum in which students reflect upon their practice as social researchers, its ethical dimensions and the ways in which this practice may be applied to solving problems in the context of volunteering activity and/or employment. Self-directed project research at level 6 provides an opportunity for students to consolidate this reflection, bringing together particular substantive areas of interest with methodological issues and considering how this might provide a basis for their further self-development and contribution to the wider social world in the future.

Career, employability and opportunities for continuing professional development

Past students have gone on to take up careers in the police service, the probation service, youth offending teams, and other areas of the criminal justice system as well as in victim, prisoner and witness support agencies. The programme is also excellent preparation for further study and some students have gone on to complete our MSc Criminology or our MSc Crime, Violence and Prevention programme. The analytic and methodological skills gained on successful completion of the course provide a strong grounding for development within many different careers.

Career opportunities

Successful completion of this undergraduate course offers you improved career opportunities in youth work and similar areas of the Criminal Justice System, the National Probation Service, the police, the Youth Justice Board, housing welfare, education, charitable institutions and more. Examples of our the roles our graduates have secured include Substance Misuse Officer and Sessional Play Service Coordinator. Others have gone on to work at Central Care and Sutton Mencap.

The degree is also excellent preparation if you want to pursue further research or study in universities, governmental bodies and private institutions. Through postgraduate study at London Met you can gain even further links with police forces through and John Grieve Centre for Policing and Community Safety.

Entry requirements

In addition to the University's standard entry requirements, you should have:

  • a minimum of grades BBC in three A levels (or a minimum of 112 UCAS points from an equivalent Level 3 qualification, eg Advanced Diploma)
  • GCSE English at grade C/grade 4 or above (or equivalent)

Applications are welcome from mature students who have passed appropriate Access or other preparatory courses or have appropriate work experience.

If you don't have traditional qualifications or can't meet the entry requirements for this undergraduate degree, you may still be able to gain entry by completing the Criminology, Policing and Law Extended Degree (including Foundation Year) BSc (Hons).

All applicants must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. Applicants who require a Tier 4 student visa may need to provide a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as Academic IELTS. For more information about English qualifications please see our English language requirements.

Official use and codes

Approved to run from 2013/14 Specification version 1 Specification status Validated
Original validation date 01 Sep 2013 Last validation date 01 Sep 2013  
JACS codes L300 (Sociology): 50% , L530 (Youth Work): 50%
Route code CRYHST

Course Structure

Stage 1 Level 04 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
SC4000 Introduction to Criminological Theory Core 30        
SC4001 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System Core 30        
SC4003 Researching Crime and Deviance Core 30        
SS4004 Researching Social Life Core 30        
SS4007 Social Problems and Social Issues Core 30        
SW4005 Introduction to Working with Young People Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR TUE AM

Stage 1 Level 04 January start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
SC4000 Introduction to Criminological Theory Core 30        
SC4001 Introduction to the Criminal Justice System Core 30        
SC4003 Researching Crime and Deviance Core 30        
SS4004 Researching Social Life Core 30        
SS4007 Social Problems and Social Issues Core 30        
SW4005 Introduction to Working with Young People Core 30 NORTH SPR+SUM TUE AM

Stage 2 Level 05 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
SC5001 Measuring and Interpreting Crime Core 30        
SS5005 Youth, Resistance and Social Control Core 30        
SC5000 Crime in Context Alt Core 30        
SH5W01 Development for Employment Alt Core 30        
SS5006 Racism and Ethnicity Alt Core 30        
SC5002 Perspectives on Policing Option 30        
SC5050 Crime, Media and Technology Option 15 NORTH AUT FRI PM
SC5051 Youth, Crime and Violence Option 15 NORTH SPR FRI PM
XK0000 Extension of Knowledge Module Option 15 NORTH SPR NA  
          NORTH AUT NA  

Stage 3 Level 06 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
SC6P00 Criminology Project Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR WED PM
SC6000 Crime Control and Penology Alt Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR FRI PM
SC6004 Social Control, Drugs and Organised Crime Alt Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR FRI AM
SC6051 Serious and Serial Offenders Option 15 NORTH AUT THU PM
SC6052 Terrorism and Counter-Terrorism Option 15 NORTH SPR THU PM
SC6053 Victims and Crime Option 15 NORTH AUT TUE PM
SC6W51 Criminology Work Experience Option 15 NORTH SPR WED PM
SS6006 Gender and Sexuality Option 30 NORTH AUT+SPR THU PM
SS6032 Rethinking Childhood and Children's Lives in Ed... Option 30        
SS6054 Human Rights and Conflict Option 15 NORTH SPR THU AM
SS6063 Religion and the State Option 15 NORTH AUT MON AM