Course specification and structure
Undergraduate Course Structures Postgraduate Course Structures

UDFILTVS - BA Film and Television Studies

Course Specification

Validation status Validated
Highest award Bachelor of Arts Level Honours
Possible interim awards Bachelor of Arts, Diploma of Higher Education, Certificate of Higher Education, Bachelor of Arts
Total credits for course 360
Awarding institution London Metropolitan University
Teaching institutions London Metropolitan University
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Subject Area Creative Technologies and Digital Media
Attendance options
Option Minimum duration Maximum duration
Full-time 3 YEARS  
Part-time 4 YEARS  
Course leader  

About the course and its strategy towards teaching and learning and towards blended learning/e-learning

The BA Film and Television Studies combines the theoretical, historical and cultural study of film and television with a practice/theory approach which examines the relationship between theory and practical filmmaking through practice-based work. Students will undertake both academic and practice-based learning, exploring a wide variety of theories, approaches, national cinemas and television industries through critical analysis, and developing professional abilities in such fields as screenwriting, short film, artists’ film and video and documentary film-making. Transferrable skills and students’ personal development are promoted throughout the course via student presentations, group work, research and coursework planning and practice-based assignments, as well as through the opportunity for recognition of relevant employment-based learning.


Students will experience a variety of teaching and learning approaches including lectures, seminars, film screenings, workshops, group work, blended learning via the university’s virtual learning environment, online discussions, workshops, student development weeks, and library and exhibit visits. Students are expected to complement their in-class and blended learning opportunities with extensive guided independent study and to be actively engaged in their learning. Students are encouraged to reflect on their learning experience through developmental learning and both formative and summative assignments including logs, portfolios, essay and project planning and practice/theory reflective work that are embedded across the course.  Learning strategies on the course are designed to promote transferrable skills of communication, independent thinking, the ability to work effectively with others, work planning and independent responsibility. Student feedback and engagement with teaching and learning strategies are promoted via student representatives and course committees. Learning facilities include large screen lecture theatres, flexible open-learning spaces and the extensive facilities of the university’s Learning Centre. For practice-based learning, students have access to up to date digilab facilities and camera equipment.

Course aims

The main aims of the BA Film and Television Studies are:

  • To develop students’ understanding of film and television theories and histories
  • To enable students to critically analyse film and television in relation to a variety of cultural issues
  • To develop students’ transferrable skills through presentations, group work, practice-based assignments, employment-based learning, course committees and student consultation
  • To encourage skills of research, writing, argument development and critical analysis
  • To promote students’ self-directed learning
  • To encourage students to reflect on their personal development through reflecting learning and assessment
  • To enable students to develop skills in screenwriting, digital film production, artists’ film and video and documentary filmmaking
  • To prepare students for careers in a variety of fields including the film and television industries, and for further academic and practice-based study

Course learning outcomes

The following learning outcomes incorporate and depend on systematic understanding of the key aspects of the knowledge base of Film and Television Studies, including a coherent and detailed knowledge of some specialist areas in depth.

On successful completion of this course students will be able to:

  • deploy accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within Film and Television Studies;


  • devise and sustain arguments, and/or solve problems, using ideas and techniques, some of which are at the forefront of Film and Television Studies;


  • describe and comment upon particular aspects of current research, or equivalent advanced scholarship, in Film and Television Studies, recognising the uncertainty, ambiguity and limits of knowledge;


  • manage their own learning, and make use of scholarly reviews and primary sources (for example, refereed research articles and/or original materials appropriate to Film and Television Studies);


  • apply the methods and techniques that they have learned to review, consolidate, extend and apply their knowledge and understanding, and to initiate and carry out projects;


  • critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts and data (that may be incomplete), to make judgements, and to frame appropriate questions to achieve a solution – or identify a range of solutions – to a problem;


  • communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and non-specialist audiences;


  • exercise initiative and personal responsibility, including decision-making in complex and unpredictable contexts;


  • undertake appropriate further training of a professional or equivalent nature.

Course learning outcomes / Module cross reference

- Deploy accurately established techniques of analysis and enquiry within Film and
Television Studies:

Approaches to Film and Television (IPA)
Film and Television Histories (IPA)
Introduction to American Film and Television
Moving Image Practice (IPA)
Representation and Identity (PA)
Cinema and Television in Europe (PA)
Exploring Film, Television and Digital Practice
Scripting Performance for Screen and Stage
Contemporary American Television (PA)
Stardom and Performance (PA)
Film and Philosophy (PA)
Film Reception and Interpretation (PA)
Screening American in Hollywood Film (PA)
Constructing Reality in Film and Television
Artists’ Film and Video (PA)
Surrealism and Film (PA)
The Hollywood Musical (PA)
Project – Film and Television Studies (PA)

- Devise and sustain arguments, and/or solve problems, using ideas and techniques, some of which are at the forefront of Film and Television Studies:

Approaches to Film and Television (IPA)
Film and Television Histories (IPA)
Introduction to American Film and Television
Representation and Identity (PA)
Cinema and Television in Europe (PA)
Contemporary American Television (PA)
Stardom and Performance (PA)
Film and Philosophy (PA)
Film Reception and Interpretation (PA)
Screening American in Hollywood Film (PA)
Constructing Reality in Film and Television
Artists’ Film and Video (PA)
Surrealism and Film (PA)
The Hollywood Musical (PA)
Project – Film and Television Studies (PA)

- Describe and comment upon particular aspects of current research, or equivalent
advanced scholarship, in Film and Television Studies, recognising the uncertainty,
ambiguity and limits of knowledge:

Representation and Identity (PA)
Cinema and Television in Europe (PA)
Stardom and Performance (PA)
Film and Philosophy (PA)
Contemporary American Television (PA)
Film Reception and Interpretation (PA)
Screening America in Hollywood Film (PA)
Artists’ Film and Video (PA)
Surrealism and Film (PA)
The Hollywood Musical (PA)
Project – Film and Television Studies (PA)

- Manage their own learning, and make use of scholarly reviews and primary sources (for example, refereed research articles and/or original materials appropriate to Film and
Television Studies):

Approaches to Film and Television (IPA)
Film and Television Histories (IPA)
Introduction to American Film and Television
Moving Image Practice (IPA)
Representation and Identity (PA)
Cinema and Television in Europe (PA)
Exploring Film, Television and Digital Practice
Contemporary American Television (PA)
Stardom and Performance (PA)
Film and Philosophy (PA)
Film Reception and Interpretation (PA)
Screening America in Hollywood Film (PA)
Constructing Reality in Film and Television
Artists’ Film and Video (PA)
Surrealism and Film (PA)
The American Musical (PA)
Project – Film and Television Studies (PA)

- Apply the methods and techniques that they have learned to review, consolidate, extend and apply their knowledge and understanding, and to initiate and carry out

Representation and Identity (PA)
Cinema and Television in Europe (PA)
Exploring Film, Television and Digital Practice
Contemporary American Television (PA)
Stardom and Performance (PA)
Film and Philosophy (PA)
Film Reception and Interpretation (PA)
Screening America in Hollywood Film (PA)
Constructing Reality in Film and Television
Artists’ Film and Video (PA)
Surrealism and Film (PA)
The Hollywood Musical (PA)
From Page to Performance: Stage and Screen
Project – Film and Television Studies (PA)

- Critically evaluate arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts and data (that may be
incomplete), to make judgements, and to frame appropriate questions to achieve a
solution – or identify a range of solutions – to a problem:

Approaches to Film and Television (I)
Film and Television Histories (I)
Introduction to American Film and Television (I)
Moving Image Practice (I)
Representation and Identity (PA)
Cinema and Television in Europe (PA)
Exploring Film, Television and Digital Practice
Contemporary American Television (PA)
Stardom and Performance (PA)
Film and Philosophy (PA)
Scripting Performance for Screen and Stage
Film Reception and Interpretation (PA)
Screening America in Hollywood Film (PA)
Constructing Reality in Film and Television
Artists’ Film and Video (PA)
Surrealism and Film (PA)
The Hollywood Musical (PA)
From Page to Performance: Stage and Screen
Project – Film and Television Studies (PA)

- Communicate information, ideas, problems and solutions to both specialist and nonspecialist audiences:

Approaches to Film and Television (I)
Film and Television Histories (I)
Introduction to American Film and Television (I)
Moving Image Practice (I)
Representation and Identity (PA)
Cinema and Television in Europe (PA)
Exploring Film, Television and Digital Practice
Contemporary American Television (PA)
Stardom and Performance (PA)
Film and Philosophy (PA)
Scripting Performance for Screen and Stage
Film Reception and Interpretation (PA)
Screening America in Hollywood Film (PA)
Constructing Reality in Film and Television
Artists’ Film and Video (PA)
Surrealism and Film (PA)
From Page to Performance: Stage and Screen
The Hollywood Musical (PA)
Project – Film and Television Studies (PA)

- Exercise initiative and personal responsibility, including decision-making in complex and unpredictable contexts:

Moving Image Practice (I)
Exploring Film, Television and Digital Practice
Representation and Identity (P)
Recognition of Work (PA)
Constructing Reality in Film and Television (P)
Artists’ Film and Video (PA)
Surrealism and Film (P)
Project – Film and Television Studies (PA)

- Undertake appropriate further training of a professional or equivalent nature:

Project – Film and Television Studies

Principle QAA benchmark statements

Assessment strategy

The course provides a variety of assessment strategies designed to promote and evidence students’ engagement with learning. Assessments are both formative and summative to promote developmental learning, and include formal essays, presentations, portfolios, case studies, and practice-based assessments such as screenwriting, short film-making and experimental film and video-making.  Students will have the opportunity to submit draft material to tutors and receive individual tutorials and feedback during student development weeks. Students will be provided with both formative and summative feedback in a variety of forms including in-class, tutorials, on-line, peer critique and formal written feedback. Formative feedback provides an opportunity for students to reflect on their engagement with learning and develop their work towards their final summative assessments.


The course structure diagram below sets out the course structure for full-time students. This will vary for part-time students according to their programme of study.

Organised work experience, work based learning, sandwich year or year abroad

Students have the opportunity at level 5 to undertake a Recognition of Work module, gaining credit for learning gained through prior or concurrent experience in service-learning activities and employment. Work may include volunteering, peer mentoring or peer assistance, service to community activities, work-based learning gained through student employment initiatives in the university, or generic workplace learning such as part-time or vacation employment.  The module demonstrably contributes towards the student’s portfolio of employable skills, providing the opportunity for students to demonstrate how they have developed high-level transferrable and career management skills, or how their work has demonstrably contributed towards their engagement with the discipline of Film and Television Studies.

Course specific regulations


Modules required for interim awards

The following modules are required to gain the BA Film and Television Studies:


Approaches to Film and Television

Film and Television Histories

Introduction to American Film and Television

Moving Image Practice

Cinema and Television in Europe

Representation and Identity

Exploring Film, Television and Digital Practice

Film Reception and Interpretation

Screening America in Hollywood Film

Project – Film and Television Studies

Career opportunities

Studying this degree, you'll develop transferable skills that will increase your employability.

Students go on to work, for example, in film and television companies, independent production houses, media journalism, film marketing and publicity and cinema exhibition, as well as going forward to postgraduate study.

Entry requirements

In addition to the University's standard entry requirements, you should have:

  • a minimum of grades BBC in three A levels (or a minimum of 112 UCAS points from an equivalent Level 3 qualification, eg Advanced Diploma)
  • English Language at grade C/grade 4 or above (or equivalent)

If you do not have traditional qualifications or cannot meet the entry requirements for this undergraduate degree, you may still be able to gain entry by completing the Film, Photography and Media Extended Degree.

Applications are welcome from mature students who have passed appropriate Access or other preparatory courses or have appropriate work experience.

Mature students are also encouraged to apply.

To study a degree at London Met, you must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. If you require a Tier 4 student visa you may need to provide the results of a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as Academic IELTS. For more information about English qualifications please see our English language requirements.

If you need (or wish) to improve your English before starting your degree, the University offers a Pre-sessional Academic English course to help you build your confidence and reach the level of English you require.

Official use and codes

Approved to run from 2013/14 Specification version 1 Specification status Validated
Original validation date 01 Sep 2013 Last validation date 01 Sep 2013  
JACS codes P300 (Media Studies): 100%
Route code FILTVS

Course Structure

Stage 1 Level 04 September start Not currently offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
SJ4030 Approaches to Film and Television Core 30        
SJ4031 Film and Television Histories Core 30        
SJ4032 Introduction to American Film and Television Core 30        
SJ4046 Moving Image and Sound Practice Core 30        
SM4001 Media Genres Core 30        

Stage 1 Level 04 January start Not currently offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
SJ4030 Approaches to Film and Television Core 30        
SJ4031 Film and Television Histories Core 30        
SJ4032 Introduction to American Film and Television Core 30        
SJ4046 Moving Image and Sound Practice Core 30        
SM4001 Media Genres Core 30        

Stage 2 Level 05 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
SJ5030 Cinema and Television in Europe Core 30        
SJ5042 Film and Television Practice Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR MON AM
SJ5072 Stardom and Performance Core 15 NORTH AUT TUE AM
FC5W52 Work Related Learning for Media 1 Alt Core 15        
SJ5032 Representation and Identity Option 30        
SJ5053 Scripting Performance for Screen Option 15 NORTH AUT WED PM
          NORTH AUT WED AM
SJ5070 Contemporary American Television Option 15        

Stage 3 Level 06 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
SJ6032 Screening America in Hollywood Film Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR TUE PM
SJ6058 Film Reception and Interpretation Core 15 NORTH AUT WED AM
SJ6059 The French New Wave Core 15 NORTH AUT MON PM
SJ6P30 Project (Film and Television Studies) Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR NA  
FC6W52 Work Related Learning for Media 2 Alt Core 15        
SJ6060 Documentary Filmmaking Option 15 NORTH SPR MON AM
SJ6078 The Hollywood Musical Option 15        
SJ6085 Writing for Film and Television Option 15        
XK0000 Extension of Knowledge Module Option 15 NORTH SPR NA  
          NORTH AUT NA