Course specification and structure
Undergraduate Course Structures Postgraduate Course Structures

UECOMUTH - BSc Community Development and Youth Extended Degree (including Foundation Year)

Course Specification

Validation status Validated
Highest award Bachelor of Science Level Honours
Possible interim awards Bachelor of Science, Diploma of Higher Education, Certificate of Higher Education, Preparatory Diploma, Preparatory Certificate
Total credits for course 480
Awarding institution London Metropolitan University
Teaching institutions London Metropolitan University
School School of Social Professions
Subject Area Education
Attendance options
Option Minimum duration Maximum duration
Full-time 4 YEARS  
Part-time 8 YEARS  
Course leader  

About the course and its strategy towards teaching and learning and towards blended learning/e-learning

The preparatory year of the four-year extended degree programme helps prepare students with non-traditional qualifications, lower UCAS points and mature students wanting to return to education, for level 4 study at undergraduate level. It teaches students the academic study skills, digital skills, research techniques and critical thinking that they will need for undergraduate study as well as introducing them to basic ideas, approaches and themes in social sciences and their pathway choice. The foundation year also aims to develop their independent learning, supporting them to become confident and proactive students, able to operate effectively at undergraduate level within a large university.

Students will gain a solid introduction to their area of study as well as learning and developing their skills in academic writing and research. The workshop style classes use active learning approaches and a key focus in the way this programme is taught is through the use of the students’ own experience and personalisation of the topics and issues covered.

Throughout the year they will also become familiar with the different ways of studying their discipline at HE level through lectures and seminars, classroom discussion, peer-led sessions, 1-1 tutorials, practical sessions and workshops, library research, web-based and blended learning. A wide range of digital skills for study is developed on the course, through independent learning tasks, different assessment types and use of the University’s VLE, which is used to disseminate information and to support student learning and digital skills development. Classroom activities and learning materials are carefully structured and planned so that academic skills and support is automatically built in to all aspects of the learning on the course.

Students will have an Academic Tutor on the course who will teach them for some of their modules and get to know them well. They can access further academic support outside class from full-time Academic Mentors in the form of 1 to 1 tutorials and group workshops organised by the School. In addition, students can get support from Success Coaches - student mentors who have already completed the foundation year and are trained as part of the PASS scheme to support their peers.

The School of Social Professions is on Holloway campus and classes will be mainly held in the Roding & Tower Buildings or the Learning Centre. The Learning Centre houses the recently been refurbished library, providing allocated group study areas as well as access to a comprehensive and regularly reviewed range of textbooks, journals and online learning resources. In addition, there are newly fitted ‘all access’ areas with comfortable seating and IT facilities in the Roding and Tower buildings and the Learning Centre.

Course aims

The preparatory year aims to support and prepare students to become "undergraduate ready". This will be done by equipping them with the necessary knowledge and understanding in social sciences and their pathway choice, the key digital and academic skills in order to communicate their ideas effectively (orally and in writing), using an appropriate academic style, that will allow them to progress onto level 4. It also aims to develop their understanding of different assessments and learning and teaching styles in HE and to build their confidence by experiencing and understanding theories and knowledge through personalisation and reflective learning techniques.

Course learning outcomes

By the end of the preparatory year the student is expected to be able to:

1. understand some of the fundamental ideas, approaches and themes in social sciences and their extended degree subject pathway.
2. communicate ideas about their subject and other related disciplines orally and in writing at a level appropriate for undergraduate study.
3. understand what is expected of a student in a higher education institution.
4. develop and use independent learning, study skills and digital skills needed to make the transition to the next year of study.
5. access and evaluate information independently, making effective use of paper-based, visual and electronic sources and acknowledging their sources correctly in written and oral work.
6. record and reflect on their own learning and use this to evaluate their achievement and formulate realistic plans to reach clear goals.
7. work effectively both as an individual and participate effectively in groups, have the facilitation skills to participate in and lead seminar discussions and deliver individual presentations.

Course learning outcomes / Module cross reference

Module Code


Learning Outcomes LO1 - LO7

Assessment strategy

Students are assessed through a variety of methods including research reports, in-class tests, written portfolios, individual oral presentations, group-led seminars, literature reviews and essays. This is so that students become familiar with a wide range of assessment types they may face at higher levels of study. They are also provided with various opportunities to develop an understanding of the academic skills they need to develop and demonstrate in order to become “undergraduate ready”.

Students have opportunities in all modules for formative feedback via one to one tutorials with their tutors where they will receive in-depth and personalised feedback on their work. This feedback will indicate to students how they can improve their drafts of written work or preparation for an oral assessment to increase their grade and will provide an indication of their progress and skills development so far. Further formative feedback is received through regular short in-class and on-line tests, peer assessment and discussions and tutor oral and written responses.

Students will be thoroughly prepared for and will attempt a range of different assessments across both semesters to give practice in the types of assessments they will face at higher levels. Students will study 8 modules in the foundation year (15 credits each - a total of 120 credits) and will complete 4 modules per semester. At the end of the first semester the students will have completed half their modules and will have their first set of grades giving them clear and early feedback on their progress on the course. The full and final set of grades are obtained after completion of the second set of modules and the full programme.

Course specific regulations

University Regulation 3.1.5 specifies that:
‘All undergraduate courses shall be based on a teaching year comprising 30 weeks of formal scheduled teaching augmented, where appropriate, by a summer studies period.’
For the purposes of the level-3 January entry this will read:
‘All undergraduate courses shall be based on a teaching year comprising 24 weeks of formal scheduled teaching augmented, where appropriate, by a summer studies period.’

Modules required for interim awards

Progression to level 4 is subject to completing and passing all modules for the pathway.
A Preparatory Certificate may be awarded on completion of any modules totalling 60 credits and a Preparatory Diploma on completion of 120 credits.

Arrangements for promoting reflective learning and personal development

Throughout the programme students will be required to reflect on their learning, identify areas of strength and weakness and develop action plans in response to these reflections. This will occur informally through tutor and peer feedback and also formally through reflective writing as part of the assessments and the written and oral response from tutors to this. We expect that through this experience of reflective learning, students will start to understand the value of being proactive, independent learners, ready for their first year of undergraduate study.

Professional Statutory and Regulatory Body (PSRB) accreditations & exemptions

There may be accreditation opportunities depending on the pathway you decide to follow. Community Development and Leadership BSc (Hons) is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Housing.

Career, employability and opportunities for continuing professional development

Successful completion of level 3 will enable you to progress onto the following awards at level 6.
For careers options, please check the careers information for the courses concerned:

Community Development and Leadership – BSc
Creative Writing and English Literature – BA
Criminology - BSc
Criminology and Policing - BSc
Criminology and Law- BA
Criminology and Psychology - BSc
Criminology and Sociology - BSc
Criminology and Youth Studies – BSc
Criminology and International Security – BA
Diplomacy and Law – BA
Education Studies – BA
Education Studies and English Literature– BA
Education Studies and Social Policy – BA
English Literature – BA
Health and Social Care - BSc
Health and Social Policy – BSc
International Relations – BA
International Relations Peace and Conflict Studies – BA
International Relations with Spanish – BA
International Relations with Languages – BA
International Relations with French – BA
International Relations with Arabic – BA
International Relations and Law - BA
Politics – BA
Sociology - BSc
Sociology and Social Policy - BSc
Youth Studies - BSc

In addition, you may be eligible for the following awards, subject to an interview prior to entry at level 3 and then in addition subject to satisfying course specific progression conditions which may include GCSE or equivalent Maths and English certificates, a test, interviews and additional qualification requirements or relevant work experience. Progression onto these courses is also subject to places being available.

Psychology - BSc
Early Childhood Studies - BA
Social Work – BSc
Law - BA or LLB

Students with all entry requirements in a pass in GCSE Maths, GCSE English and a Science GCSE and having achieved exceptional grades in all 120 credits, may also be eligible for an interview for progression to a 2-year Accelerated degree course in:

Primary Education - BA
Early Years Education - BA

Career opportunities

Graduates from community development and youth related courses can enter a wide range of careers including social research, community work, counselling, teaching, youth justice and social policy.

Entry requirements

In addition to the University's standard requirements, you should have:

  • at least one A level (or a minimum of 40 UCAS points from an equivalent Level 3 qualification, eg BTEC Subsidiary/National/BTEC Extended Diploma)
  • English Language GCSE at grade C (grade 4) or above (or equivalent)

All applicants must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. Applicants who require a Tier 4 student visa may need to provide a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as Academic IELTS. For more information about English qualifications please see our English language requirements.

If you are a mature student with significant work experience, you are invited to apply for this course on the basis of the knowledge and skills you have developed through your work.

Official use and codes

Approved to run from 2016/17 Specification version 1 Specification status Validated
Original validation date 09 Aug 2016 Last validation date 09 Aug 2016  
JACS codes L300 (Sociology): 50% , L530 (Youth Work): 50%
Route code COMUTH

Course Structure

Stage 1 Level 03 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
IF3050 Critical Thinking Core 15        
IF3058 Reflecting on Self and Society Core 15        
IF3059 Social Issues in Context: Text to Essay Core 15        
IF3060 Researching Discrimination Core 15        
IF3061 Researching Inequality Core 15        
IF3063 Media, Crime and 'Race' Core 15        
IF3067 Introduction to Community and Society Core 15        
IF3070 Identity, Power and Society Core 15        

Stage 1 Level 03 January start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
IF3050 Critical Thinking Core 15        
IF3058 Reflecting on Self and Society Core 15        
IF3059 Social Issues in Context: Text to Essay Core 15        
IF3060 Researching Discrimination Core 15        
IF3061 Researching Inequality Core 15        
IF3063 Media, Crime and 'Race' Core 15        
IF3067 Introduction to Community and Society Core 15        
IF3070 Identity, Power and Society Core 15