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Undergraduate Course Structures Postgraduate Course Structures

First year of course: 2024/25
368 courses found

NOTE: Course details may be subject to modification
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Code Full title Type Info
APARAPRB Architect Apprenticeship (Level 7) (RIBA Part 2 and Part 3) Postgraduate
APPAFEWL PGCE Primary Apprenticeship 5-11 (West London Teacher Training... Postgraduate
APPAFSWL PGCE Primary Apprenticeship 5-11 SEND (West London Teacher Tra... Postgraduate
APPAHTSA PGCE Primary Apprenticeship (Hackney Teaching Schools Alliance) Postgraduate
APPATSWL PGCE Primary Apprenticeship 3-7 (West London Teacher Training ... Postgraduate
APPGTAPI Postgraduate Teacher Apprenticeship (PGTA) in Primary (5 – 11)... Postgraduate
APPGTAPM Postgraduate Teacher Apprenticeship (PGTA) in Primary (7 – 11)... Postgraduate
APPGTAPR Postgraduate Teacher Apprenticeship (PGTA) in Primary (3 – 7) ... Postgraduate
APPRAPNW PGCE Primary Apprenticeship (New Wave) Postgraduate
PAABACLC Advanced Diploma in Professional Development in Anti-Bribery a... Postgraduate
PACORSOC Advanced Diploma in Professional Development in Corporate Soci... Postgraduate
PAEMLAPR Advanced Diploma in Professional Development in Employment Law... Postgraduate
PBEXTMBA Executive Master of Business Administration Postgraduate
PBMBUADM Master of Business Administration Postgraduate
PCDSGCCS PG Cert Design for Cultural Commons Postgraduate
PCFMMNCT PG Certification Fashion Marketing and Management Postgraduate
PCFRCCDL PG Certification Financial Services Law, Regulation & Compliance Postgraduate
PCHRLCDL PG Certificate Human Rights Law Postgraduate
PCLMMLDL PG Certification Media Law Postgraduate
PCLRTEHE PG Certificate Learning and Teaching in Higher Education Postgraduate
PCMTLCDL PG Certification Maritime Law Postgraduate
PCPLGPCT Postgraduate Certificate in Professional Legal Practice Postgraduate
PCPPARCH PG Certificate Professional Practice in Architecture (RIBA 3) Postgraduate
PCSPCTRA PG Certificate Specialised Translation Postgraduate
PCTRSTEC PG Certificate Translation Technology Postgraduate
PDCFINTP PG Diploma Conference Interpreting Postgraduate
PDFMMNDP PG Diploma Fashion Marketing and Management Postgraduate
PDFRCDDL PG Diploma Financial Services Law, Regulation & Compliance Postgraduate
PDGLHURM Postgraduate Diploma Global Human Resource Management Postgraduate
PDHRLDDL PG Diploma Human Rights Law Postgraduate
PDINTERP PG Diploma Interpreting Postgraduate
PDLEGPRA PGD Legal Practice Course Postgraduate
PDLEGPS1 PGD Legal Practice Course Stage 1 Postgraduate
PDLEGPS2 PGD Legal Practice Course Stage 2 Postgraduate
PDLLMLDL PG Diploma Media Law Postgraduate
PDMTLDDL PG Diploma Maritime Law Postgraduate
PDSUTSWK PG Diploma Step Up to Social Work Postgraduate
PDTRASLA PG Diploma Translation Postgraduate
PECSWICT PGCE Secondary Computer Science with ICT Postgraduate
PEDNENGL PGCE Secondary English with Media Postgraduate
PEDNPRIV PGCE Primary (Viridis) Postgraduate
PEENGDRA PGCE Secondary English with Drama Postgraduate
PEPGSTG2 PGCE Primary (7-11) (Key Stage 2) Postgraduate
PEPRMARY PGCE Primary (5-11) Postgraduate
PEPRMYTS PGCE Primary (3-7) Postgraduate
PESCMSCM PGCE Secondary Computer Science with Maths Postgraduate
PESECENG PGCE Secondary English Postgraduate
PESECMDL PGCE Secondary Modern Languages Postgraduate
PESECMTH PGCE Secondary Mathematics Postgraduate
PESSCBIO PGCE Secondary Science with Biology Postgraduate
PESSCCHE PGCE Secondary Science with Chemistry Postgraduate
PESSCPHY PGCE Secondary Science with Physics Postgraduate
PFMAFIAR Master of Fine Arts Postgraduate
PGGDPLAW Graduate Diploma in Law Postgraduate
PIMARRIB MArch Architecture RIBA 2 Postgraduate
PMAACOMN MSc Airline and Airport Corporate Management Postgraduate
PMABLNTE MA Arabic Language Teaching Postgraduate
PMADDMHE MSc Addiction and Mental Health Postgraduate
PMARTINT MSc Artificial Intelligence Postgraduate
PMBIOMDS MSc Biomedical Science Postgraduate
PMBLOSCI MSc Blood Science Postgraduate
PMBLSCDL MSc Blood Science (Distance Learning) Postgraduate
PMBMSTDL MSc Biomedical Studies (Distance Learning) Postgraduate
PMCANPHA MSc Cancer Pharmacology Postgraduate
PMCAPHIM MSc Cancer Immunotherapy Postgraduate
PMCHADMH MSc Child and Adolescent Mental Health Postgraduate
PMCNCSWE MSc Computer Networking and Cyber Security with Work Experience Postgraduate
PMCNSPCT MSc Counselling and Psychotherapy Postgraduate
PMCONECS MSc Computer Networking and Cyber Security Postgraduate
PMCONINT MA Conference Interpreting Postgraduate
PMCONPRM MSc Construction Project Management Postgraduate
PMCOSORE MSc Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability Postgraduate
PMCRDIPW MA Creative, Digital and Professional Writing Postgraduate
PMCRMLGY MSc Criminology Postgraduate
PMCRMMTL MSc Criminology and Psychopathology Postgraduate
PMCRYPTO MSc Cryptography Postgraduate
PMCYBSEC MSc Cyber Security Postgraduate
PMDATANA MSc Data Analytics Postgraduate
PMDIETNU MSc Dietetics and Nutrition Postgraduate
PMDIGMED MA Digital Media Postgraduate
PMDOCFLM MA Documentary Film Production Postgraduate
PMEDUCAT MA Education Postgraduate
PMEDUECS MA Education (Early Childhood Studies) Postgraduate
PMELTEDL MA English Language Teaching (Distance Learning) Postgraduate
PMEMBIOS Extended Master's - MSc Biomedical Science Postgraduate
PMEMCNCS Extended Master's - MSc Computer Networking and Cyber Security Postgraduate
PMEMCRIM Extended Master's - MSc Criminology Postgraduate
PMEMCSRS Extended Master's - MSc Corporate Social Responsibility and Su... Postgraduate
PMEMDAAN Extended Master's - MSc Data Analytics Postgraduate
PMEMDGMD Extended Master's - MA Digital Media Postgraduate
PMEMEDUC Extended Master's - MA Education Postgraduate
PMEMGHRM Extended Master's - MA Global Human Resource Management Postgraduate
PMEMHSCM Extended Master's - MSc Health and Social Care Leadership and ... Postgraduate
PMEMIBFN Extended Master's - MSc International Banking and Finance Postgraduate
PMEMIBMA Extended Master's - MSc International Business Management Postgraduate
PMEMIBMP Extended Master's - MSc International Business Management with... Postgraduate
PMEMINDS Extended Master's - MA Interior Design Postgraduate
PMEMINTP Extended Master's - MA Interpreting Postgraduate
PMEMITFN Extended Master's - MSc International Trade and Finance Postgraduate
PMEMITRL Extended Master's - MA International Relations Postgraduate
PMEMMARK Extended Master's - MA Marketing Postgraduate
PMEMMBAA Extended Master's - Master of Business Administration Postgraduate
PMEMOCGS Extended Master's - MA Organised Crime and Global Security Postgraduate
PMEMPBHT Extended Master's - MSc Public Health Postgraduate
PMEMPJMA Extended Master's - MSc Project Management Postgraduate
PMENLNTE MA English Language Teaching Postgraduate
PMEVSTRD MA Environmental, Sustainable and Regeneration Design Postgraduate
PMFAMAMN MA Fashion Marketing and Management Postgraduate
PMFOODSC MSc Food Science Postgraduate
PMFRCMDL LLM Financial Services Law, Regulation and Compliance Postgraduate
PMFSLRCT LLM Financial Services Law, Regulation and Compliance (Top-up) Postgraduate
PMFURNDE MA Furniture Design Postgraduate
PMGBHMRM MA Global Human Resource Management Postgraduate
PMHRLMDL LLM Human Rights Law Postgraduate
PMHSCLMG MSc Health and Social Care Leadership and Management Postgraduate
PMHUMNTR MSc Human Nutrition Postgraduate
PMHURIIC MA Human Rights and International Conflict Postgraduate
PMIBUMNT MSc International Business Management Postgraduate
PMIBUPJT MSc International Business Management with Project Management Postgraduate
PMIELTMT MSc International Events, Leisure and Tourism Management Postgraduate
PMINACFI MSc International Accounting and Finance Postgraduate
PMINBAFI MSc International Banking and Finance Postgraduate
PMINRDES MA Interior Design Postgraduate
PMINTRFI MSc International Trade and Finance Postgraduate
PMINTRLN MA International Relations Postgraduate
PMINTSCS MA International Security Studies Postgraduate
PMITPRET MA Interpreting Postgraduate
PMJWLSVR MA Jewellery and Silversmithing Postgraduate
PMLEGAPR LLM Legal Practice Postgraduate
PMLEGPRT LLM Legal Practice (Top-up) Postgraduate
PMLLMMLW LLM Media Law Postgraduate
PMMEDCON MA Media and Communications Postgraduate
PMMEDICS MSc Medical Genomics Postgraduate
PMMKTPWY MA Marketing Postgraduate
PMMRTMLW LLM Maritime Law (Top-Up) (Distance Learning) Postgraduate
PMMTLMDL LLM Maritime Law Postgraduate
PMORCRGS MA Organised Crime and Global Security Postgraduate
PMPBARTP MA Public Art and Performative Practices Postgraduate
PMPCODIP MA Peace, Conflict and Diplomacy Postgraduate
PMPHSDDS MSc Pharmaceutical Science and Drug Delivery Systems Postgraduate
PMPRODDE MA Product Design Postgraduate
PMPROJMN MSc Project Management Postgraduate
PMPSBSOL Biomedical Science On-line Postgraduate
PMPSLOGY MSc Psychology Postgraduate
PMPSMEHE MSc Psychology of Mental Health Postgraduate
PMPUBHEA MSc Public Health Postgraduate
PMPYSTPY MSc Physiotherapy (Pre-registration) Postgraduate
PMQUTSUR MSc Quantity Surveying Postgraduate
PMRELEST MSc Real Estate Postgraduate
PMROBWAI MSc Robotics with Artificial Intelligence Postgraduate
PMSOCWRK MSc Social Work Postgraduate
PMSPTTPY MSc Sports Therapy Postgraduate
PMTRANSM MA Translation Postgraduate
PMTXTDGN MA Textile Design Postgraduate
PMVICOIL MA Visual Communication: Illustration Postgraduate
PMVISCOM MA Visual Communication: Graphic Design Postgraduate
PMWOMCDA MA Woman and Child Abuse Postgraduate
PMYACWAP MSc Youth and Community Work (Advanced Practice) Postgraduate
PMYACWJR MSc Youth and Community Work (with JNC Recognition) Postgraduate
PSAORQTS Assessment Only (AO) route to qualified teacher status - QTS Postgraduate
RBDOCFBA Doctor of Business Administration Postgraduate
RDPHDAPP Doctor of Philosophy Postgraduate
RMPHIAPP Master of Philosophy Postgraduate
RPCRPLSC Dprof Crime, Policy and Security Postgraduate
UDAAAMAN BSc Airline, Airport and Aviation Management Undergraduate
UDAAAMFY BSc (Hons) Airline, Airport and Aviation Management (including... Undergraduate
UDACFIFY BA (Hons) Accounting and Finance (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDACFINA BA Accounting and Finance Undergraduate
UDACFISE BA (Hons) Accounting and Financial Services (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDADIFFY BA (Hons) Art and Design (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDADMCPR BA Advertising, Marketing Communications and Public Relations Undergraduate
UDAPSYDL BSc (Hons) Applied Psychology (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDARCHFY BA (Hons) Architecture (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDARCHIT BA Architecture Undergraduate
UDARCTNL BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology Undergraduate
UDARTURE BA (Hons) Architecture (Top-Up) Undergraduate
UDBANKFN BSc Banking and Finance Undergraduate
UDBANKFY BSc (Hons) Banking and Finance (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDBIOCHE BSc Biochemistry Undergraduate
UDBIOSCI BSc Biological Science Undergraduate
UDBMAHRM BA (Hons) Business Management and Human Resource Management Undergraduate
UDBMDSCI BSc Biomedical Science Undergraduate
UDBMDSFY BSc (Hons) Biomedical Science (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDBMMARK BA Business Management and Marketing Undergraduate
UDBMMKFY BA (Hons) Business Management and Marketing (including foundat... Undergraduate
UDBSCMSY BSc Business Computer Systems (Top Up) Undergraduate
UDBSNMFY BA (Hons) Business Management (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDBSNMGT BA Business Management Undergraduate
UDBSNMNG BA (Hons) Business Management (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDCHEMST BSc Chemistry Undergraduate
UDCISIFY BEng (Hons) Computer Networking and Cloud Security (including ... Undergraduate
UDCMNCDS BEng (Hons) Computer Networking and Cloud Security Undergraduate
UDCMPSCI BSc Computer Science Undergraduate
UDCMPSFY BSc (Hons) Computer Science (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDCMPTFY BSc (Hons) Computing (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDCMPTNG BSc Computing Undergraduate
UDCOMNCS BSc Computer Networking and Cyber Security Undergraduate
UDCOMNFY BSc (Hons) Computer Networking and Cyber Security (including f... Undergraduate
UDCONMGT BSc (Hons) Construction Management Undergraduate
UDCRILAW BA Criminology and Law Undergraduate
UDCRIMFY BSc (Hons) Criminology (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDCRIMGY BSc Criminology Undergraduate
UDCRINSE BA Criminology and International Security Undergraduate
UDCRIPOL BSc Criminology and Policing Undergraduate
UDCRIPSY BSc Criminology and Psychology Undergraduate
UDCRISOC BSc Criminology and Sociology Undergraduate
UDCSENFY BEng (Hons) Computer Systems Engineering and Robotics (includi... Undergraduate
UDCSENRO BEng Computer Systems Engineering and Robotics Undergraduate
UDCSFCOM BSc (Hons) Cyber Security and Forensic Computing (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDCWENFY BA (Hons) Creative Writing and English Literature (including f... Undergraduate
UDCWENLI BA Creative Writing and English Literature Undergraduate
UDDATSCI BSc (Hons) Data Science Undergraduate
UDDGMDFY BA (Hons) Digital Media (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDDIENUT BSc Dietetics and Nutrition Undergraduate
UDDIETET BSc Dietetics Undergraduate
UDDIFOCS BSc Digital Forensics and Cyber Security Undergraduate
UDDIFOFY BSc (Hons) Digital Forensics and Cyber Security (including fou... Undergraduate
UDDIGMDA BA Digital Media Undergraduate
UDDTSCFY BSc (Hons) Data Science (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDECFNIB BSc (Hons) Economics, Finance and International Business Undergraduate
UDECHODL BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies (Top-Up) Undergraduate
UDECHSFY BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDECNMFY BSc (Hons) Economics (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDECNMIC BSc Economics Undergraduate
UDECOFIN BSc Economics and Finance Undergraduate
UDEDUCFY BA (Hons) Education (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDEDUCTN BA (Hons) Education Undergraduate
UDEEGIOT BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering and Internet of Things Undergraduate
UDEEITFY BEng (Hons) Electronic Engineering and Internet of Things (inc... Undergraduate
UDERLYCS BA Early Childhood Studies Undergraduate
UDEVEMAN BA Events Management Undergraduate
UDEVEMFY BA Events Management (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDFAIONS BA (Hons) Fashion (Top-Up) Undergraduate
UDFAMJFY BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Journalism (including foundati... Undergraduate
UDFAPHFY BA (Hons) Fashion Photography (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDFASPHO BA Fashion Photography Undergraduate
UDFIEART BA (Hons) Fine Art (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDFINAFY BA (Hons) Fine Art (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDFINART BA Fine Art Undergraduate
UDFITEFY BA (Hons) Film and Television Production (including foundation... Undergraduate
UDFITEPR BA Film and Television Production Undergraduate
UDFITEST BA Film and Television Studies Undergraduate
UDFMBSMN BA Fashion Marketing and Business Management Undergraduate
UDFMTSFY BA (Hons) Film and Television Studies (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDFRNSCI BSc Forensic Science Undergraduate
UDFRNSFY BSc (Hons) Forensic Science (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDFSHION BA Fashion Undergraduate
UDFSHNFY BA (Hons) Fashion (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDFSMKJR BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Journalism Undergraduate
UDFSNTFY BA (Hons) Fashion Textiles (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDFSNTXL BA (Hons) Fashion Textiles Undergraduate
UDFSPHOT BA (Hons) Fashion Photography (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDGAMAFY BSc (Hons) Games Animation, Modelling and Effects (including f... Undergraduate
UDGAMOEF BSc (Hons) Games Animation, Modelling and Effects Undergraduate
UDGAPRFY BSc (Hons) Games Programming (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDGAPROG BSc Games Programming Undergraduate
UDGLTPDL LLB (Hons) Graduate Law (Top-up) (Distance Learning) Undergraduate
UDGRCDGN BA (Hons) Graphic Design (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDGRDSPS BA (Hons) Graphic Design (with preparatory semester) Undergraduate
UDGRPDES BA Graphic Design Undergraduate
UDGRPDFY BA (Hons) Graphic Design (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDHHSOCA BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDHMDSCI BSc Herbal Medicinal Science (Top-Up) Undergraduate
UDHSCAFY BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDHSCARE BSc Health and Social Care Undergraduate
UDHUMNFY BSc (Hons) Human Nutrition (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDHUMNUT BSc Human Nutrition Undergraduate
UDIATDPS BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design (with preparatory s... Undergraduate
UDILLAFY BA (Hons) Illustration and Animation (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDILLANI BA Illustration and Animation Undergraduate
UDILMION BA (Hons) Illustration and Animation (Top-Up) Undergraduate
UDINADES BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDINADFY BA (Hons) Interior Architecture and Design (including foundati... Undergraduate
UDINARDE BA Interior Architecture and Design Undergraduate
UDINBMFY BSc (Hons) International Business Management (including founda... Undergraduate
UDINBUSM BSc International Business Management Undergraduate
UDINBUST BSc International Business Management (Top-Up) Undergraduate
UDINDDEC BA (Hons) Interior Design and Decoration (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDINDDFY BA (Hons) Interior Design and Decoration (including foundation... Undergraduate
UDINDEDE BA Interior Design and Decoration Undergraduate
UDINDEFY BA (Hons) Interior Design (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDINRPOL BA International Relations and Politics Undergraduate
UDINTDGN BA Interior Design Undergraduate
UDINTRFY BA (Hons) International Relations (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDINTRLT BA International Relations Undergraduate
UDISAMPS BA (Hons) Illustration and Animation (with preparatory semester) Undergraduate
UDITDSPS BA (Hons) Interior Design (with preparatory semester) Undergraduate
UDITRDSN BA (Hons) Interior Design (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDJFTSFY BA (Hons) Journalism, Film and Television Studies (including f... Undergraduate
UDJFTSTU BA (Hons) Journalism, Film and Television Studies Undergraduate
UDJOURFY BA (Hons) Journalism (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDJOURNM BA (Hons) Journalism Undergraduate
UDLAWINR LLB Law (with International Relations) Undergraduate
UDLAWZFY BA (Hons) Law (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDLAWZZZ BA Law Undergraduate
UDLDSCOM BSc (Hons) Leadership in Communities Undergraduate
UDLLBCRI LLB (Criminal Law) Undergraduate
UDLLBLAW LLB Law Undergraduate
UDMARING BA (Hons) Marketing Undergraduate
UDMASCFY BSc (Hons) Mathematical Sciences (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDMATHFY BSc (Hons) Mathematics (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDMATHMS BSc Mathematics Undergraduate
UDMATSCI BSc Mathematical Sciences Undergraduate
UDMECOFY BSc Media and Communications (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDMEDBSC BSc Medical Bioscience Undergraduate
UDMEDCOM BSc Media and Communications Undergraduate
UDMEDMAR BA (Hons) Media and Marketing Undergraduate
UDMRKTFY BA (Hons) Marketing (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDMUSBFY BA (Hons) Music Business (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDMUSBUS BA (Hons) Music Business Undergraduate
UDMUSPFY BSc (Hons) Music Technology and Production (including foundati... Undergraduate
UDMUSPRO BSc Music Technology and Production Undergraduate
UDNURSAD BSc (Hons) Nursing (Adult) Undergraduate
UDPDFDFY BA (Hons) Product and Furniture Design (including foundation y... Undergraduate
UDPHARFY BSc (Hons) Pharmacology (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDPHARMA BSc Pharmacology Undergraduate
UDPHASCA MSci Pharmaceutical Science Undergraduate
UDPHMSCI BSc Pharmaceutical Science Undergraduate
UDPHMSFY BSc (Hons) Pharmaceutical Science (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDPHOTFY BA (Hons) Photography (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDPHOTGR BA Photography Undergraduate
UDPHTGRY BA (Hons) Photography (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDPHYTHR BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy Undergraduate
UDPRFNDS BA (Hons) Product and Furniture Design Undergraduate
UDPRIEDU Primary Education (two-year accelerated degree) BA (Hons) Undergraduate
UDPSYCFY BSc (Hons) Psychology (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDPSYCGY BSc Psychology Undergraduate
UDPSYSCG BSc Psychology and Sociology Undergraduate
UDPYSTHY MSci Physiotherapy Undergraduate
UDQSYCMG BSc (Hons) Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management Undergraduate
UDRLESTT BSc (Hons) Real Estate Undergraduate
UDSCLOFY BSc (Hons) Sociology (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDSCLOGY BSc Sociology Undergraduate
UDSFWENG BEng Software Engineering (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDSOCWOR BSc Social Work Undergraduate
UDSOWKFY BSc (Hons) Social Work (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDSPEXFY BSc Sport and Exercise Science (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDSPEXSC BSc Sport and Exercise Science Undergraduate
UDSPOTFY BSc (Hons) Sports Therapy (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDSPOTHE BSc Sports Therapy Undergraduate
UDSPPCFY BSc (Hons) Sport Psychology, Coaching and Physical Education (... Undergraduate
UDSPPCPE BSc Sport Psychology, Coaching and Physical Education Undergraduate
UDSWEGDL BEng Software Engineering (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDTEXTLS BA (Hons) Textiles Undergraduate
UDTHEFLM BA Theatre and Film Undergraduate
UDTHTPFT BA (Hons) Theatre and Performance (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDTHTPRF BA (Hons) Theatre and Performance Undergraduate
UDTHTREF BA (Hons) Theatre and Film (Top-Up) Undergraduate
UDTOPLAW LLB Law (Top-up) (Distance Learning) Undergraduate
UDTRASTU BA Translation Undergraduate
UDTTOMAG BA (Hons) Tourism and Travel Management (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDTTRMAN BA Tourism and Travel Management Undergraduate
UDTTRMFY BA (Hons) Tourism and Travel Management (including foundation ... Undergraduate
UDTXTIFY BA (Hons) Textiles (including foundation year) Undergraduate
UDTXTLTU BA (Hons) Textiles (Top-up) Undergraduate
UDYTHSTU BSc Youth Studies Undergraduate
UDYTWKJR BSc (Hons) Youth Work (with JNC Recognition) Undergraduate
UOIFPAID International Foundation Programme Architecture and Interior D... Undergraduate
UOIFPAMD International Foundation Programme Art Media and Design Undergraduate
UOIFPBSM International Foundation Programme Business Management Undergraduate
UOIFPCTM International Foundation Programme Computing, Technology and M... Undergraduate
UOIFPLAW International Foundation Programme Law Undergraduate
UOIFPSCI International Foundation Programme Sciences Undergraduate
UOIFPSSH International Foundation Programme Social Sciences and Humanities Undergraduate
UOITFDPR International Foundation Programme Undergraduate
USCIMCPM CIM Certificate in Professional Marketing Undergraduate
USICMCM3 CICM Diploma in Credit Management Level 3 Undergraduate
USICMCM5 CICM Diploma in Credit Management Level 5 Undergraduate