Course specification and structure
Undergraduate Course Structures Postgraduate Course Structures

UDECNMIC - BSc Economics

Course Specification

Validation status Validated
Highest award Bachelor of Science Level Honours
Possible interim awards Bachelor of Science, Diploma of Higher Education, Certificate of Higher Education, Bachelor of Science
Total credits for course 360
Awarding institution London Metropolitan University
Teaching institutions London Metropolitan University
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Subject Area Business and Management
Attendance options
Option Minimum duration Maximum duration
Full-time 3 YEARS  
Part-time 4 YEARS  
Course leader  

About the course and its strategy towards teaching and learning and towards blended learning/e-learning

This course provides students with an in-depth knowledge and understanding of theory, methods and application in Economics and develops their ability to use critical reasoning in a variety of economic contexts. They develop a broad range of skills which enhance their employability and personal development. The Economics Team at London Met has a strong research base and a thriving alumni community that helps maintain links with employers and City institutions. Students also run a vibrant Economics Society at the University.

The course adopts an approach to teaching and learning based on practices that have been agreed across Banking, Finance and Economics undergraduate courses.

Students’ learning is initiated and directed through formal contact time with the teaching team in lectures, seminars and workshops. Students are expected to develop their learning through small-group in class and through reading, writing, problem-solving and other learning activity outside class. Students learn both individually and in groups and use case studies, presentations and problem-based learning exercises to develop and demonstrate their understanding. Critical thinking is developed throughout the course.

Lectures and seminars are important activities that develop cognitive skills. Lectures provide students with good subject specific information and clear guidance on how best they can learn. Module teaching is structured so that students first acquire basic knowledge and then progress to develop higher level skills of evaluation and synthesis. Seminars encourage student reflection, engagement and participation. They give students the opportunity to test their understanding and to make mistakes in a supportive environment. Seminar and small-group learning activities typically require students to carry out independent work prior to formal class and to work cooperatively in groups.

Numerical, mathematical, statistical and econometric skills are introduced and developed in core quantitative modules at levels 4 and 5 and the application of these methods is supported and enhanced in other core modules. Students learn how to obtain, manipulate and interpret key economic data series and they are able to extend quantitative and research skills at level 6 in the project module and through option choice.

Practical skills are developed through the use of student presentations in seminars/tutorials, and through independent activities undertaken by students who reflect on, develop and present work for informal assessment by the tutor. Initiative and independence are developed progressively through the three levels of the course, so that students learn to take greater responsibility for their work, culminating in their level 6 project.

With respect to blended learning: all modules make use of virtual learning environment platforms (WebLearn) in which module lecture and seminar material, module and course handbooks and other material are made available. Other ICT resources include links to key web resources, on-line learning games, test questions and previous examples of assessments with feedback.

Students are able to gain experience of a real-world business environment through the compulsory work-related learning module options which can be selected by students.

Students may transfer between the BSc Economics and its two sister courses BSc Economics and Finance and BA Business Economics as well as to BSc Banking and Finance at the end of Level 4 without loss of time.

An inclusive learning environment anticipates the varied requirements of learners, while raising aspirations and supporting achievement for people with diverse requirements, entitlements and backgrounds.

Course aims

The BSc Economics aims to:
1. Instil a knowledge and understanding of methods, theory and application in Economics;
2. Provide a range of cognitive and transferable skills which promote employability and/or further study;
3. Develop students’ abilities to use and evaluate forms of economic reasoning in a variety of contexts;
4. Provide a rich and challenging course which promotes personal and academic development and life-long learning.

Course learning outcomes

Upon successful completion of the BSc Economics, students will be able to:

1. articulate core economic concepts, theories and models and use these tools to analyse economic problems and policy questions in a business, government, or social context;

2. understand and apply mathematical and econometric methods and computing techniques in a variety of economics-related contexts, and elaborate the range of ideas and differing methods of analysis used in Economics; and explain verbal, graphical and mathematical representations of economic and financial ideas and analyses, including the relationship between them, drawing appropriate inferences;

3. apply intellectual skills and critical reasoning with particular emphasis on the development of the higher order skills of analysis, synthesis and evaluation of concepts, ideas and theories in economics; and carry out independent scholarly research and use acquired knowledge to analyse and evaluate specific issues and problems in economics and business.

4. produce reports and give oral presentations to a professional level; and work effectively in groups and demonstrate team-working, planning, communication and other “soft” skills; and link theoretical and quantitative knowledge and analytical skills to practice in business, government and other organisations; and communicate complex ideas and analysis in economics through written and oral expositions;

5. marshal evidence and assimilate, structure and analyse qualitative and quantitative data; interpret and present effectively economic information from a variety of sources, using up-to-date statistical and modelling tools and appropriate software such as EViews.

6. apply and evaluate research techniques used in Economics; and design, plan, organise and deliver an individual research project reflecting professional standards adopted in economics and finance

Course learning outcomes / Module cross reference

Economics for Finance and Business FE4001
Accounting FE4002
Quantitative Methods for Banking, Finance and Economics FE4003

Contextualising Theory FE4052
Introduction to Financial Markets and Institutions FE4051


Econometrics and Financial Modelling FE5001
Macroeconomics FE5003
Microeconomics FE5005
International Business and World markets FE5004
Bank Lending and the Legal Environment FE5006
Corporate Financial Services Strategy FE5051
Money and Banking FE5052
Economics and Ethics FE5053
IT for Professionals FE5055
Learning Through Work 2 MN5W55
Creating a Winning Business 2 MN5W59
Open Language Programme OL0000
Extension of Knowledge XK0000

Professional Experience Year placement MN6W04
Economics of Multinational Business FE6051
Empirical Research in Global banking, Finance and Economics FE6P01
Development Economics and Emerging markets FE6002
International Corporate Social Responsibility AC6063
Personal Finance FE6052
International Trade and Finance FE6053
Learning Through Work 2 MN6W55
Extension of Knowledge Module XK0000
Open Language Programme OL0000
Creating a Winning Business MN6W50

Principle QAA benchmark statements

Economics (2015)

Assessment strategy

A range of assessment methods are used across each level of the course, reflecting the range of learning outcomes at each level and the diversity of learning styles amongst students. In each module, the assessments methods chosen are those best-suited to measuring the achievement of that particular module’s learning outcomes.

For instance, essays are used in modules where learning outcomes include the development of writing skills, referencing, synthesis and critical evaluation. Group work is used in modules where co-operative skills are being developed. Case studies are employed where students are learning how to apply economic analysis to particular scenarios or organisations. Other methods or assessment include: individual presentations, coursework problem sets and mini-projects, group reports, in-class tests, seen and unseen exams.

Priority is given to methods of assessment consistent with timely formative feedback, either in the development stage of the work or as soon as possible after the assessment has been completed.
Wherever possible a feed-forward strategy is used to provide feedback prior to submission of coursework to enable students to improve their work. The University aims to provide feedback on the first assessment component within a week of submission, and for subsequent assessment components within two weeks of submission.

Unseen and seen examinations are also seen as an important tool for assessing the achievement of learning outcomes and the maintenance of academic standards.

Organised work experience, work based learning, sandwich year or year abroad

As part of our Undergraduate Student Promise, every student will undertake accredited work-related learning.

Students have the opportunity to take a 30 credit 12-month sandwich work-placement module before commencing their final year of study (which would extend the course to four years). Students who do not take this sandwich work-placement year will take at least one Work-Related Module i.e., MN5W50 or MN5W55 or MN6W50 or MN6W55 in Level 5 or Level 6, enabling them to learn and enhance their practical business skills and experience; thus they will have the option of taking the “Create a Winning Business” or “Learning Through Work” 15 credit module in the second or third year of the course programme.

Work-related learning provides students with:
● the experience of a competitive recruitment process or pitching for an opportunity
● a work-related experience or project which impacts a real organisation
● assessment and feedback on their reflections on their experience of the work-related learning and planning for their future career.

Where required, students will be supported in finding suitable opportunities which can be either be a placement, part-time role or ’live’ project for an external organisation untaken within the University. We have dedicated placements and careers teams who will assist learners with all aspects of their job search and application. The suitability of the opportunities will be assessed by the Module Leader on an individual basis. It is the student’s responsibility to apply for opportunities and engage with the relevant University personnel who to assist them in gaining a suitable role.

Learners may be able to utilise their existing part-time / vacation employment (whether or not this relates to their subject area), providing they can demonstrate that it is personally developmental and involves responsibility (decided upon submission of the role details by the Module Leader).

The course draws on external links with economists and finance practitioners in the City and elsewhere in the UK. These links give rise to University and GSBL public lectures, external speaker seminars and other meetings of interest to undergraduate students. These events throughout the course provide opportunities for students to gain knowledge and experience from outside the University.

Students are able to study at various universities in Europe, usually for one semester, as part of the Erasmus programme. In the past students have visited the Universities of Lund, Perugia and Montpellier amongst others.

Arrangements for promoting reflective learning and personal development

Students are encouraged to reflect on their personal development throughout the course. They are introduced to personal development planning in the academic skills seminars in FE4001 Economics for Finance and Business at level 4 and they are thereafter encouraged to plan the development of their skills and employability throughout their course.

Students are provided with support for the development and reflection on professional skills during continuous induction as part of FE4002, and develop their presentational and team-working skills in a number of modules across levels of study. Where particular skills are developed in particular modules, lecturers and course tutors make this process explicit to students to enhance reflection.

The level five and six extension of knowledge options allow students to shape their own specialist knowledge and development, including the option of developing skills in languages such as German, French, Spanish or Arabic.

The final-year project module FE6P01 Empirical Research in Global Banking, Finance and Economics requires students to carry out research and assessment work which incorporates work-based skills, career management and professional standards. This module will also feature presentations from outside professionals so that students relate their own project work to real-world practice.

Career, employability and opportunities for continuing professional development

Taking this course opens up a wide range of career opportunities. In the past BSc Economics graduates have found employment in international companies and public sector organisations. A sizeable proportion also progress to postgraduate study.

The Careers Development and Employment Service is a university-wide resource made available to students which provides information about labour market opportunities and career development.
Students are given a “Careers” talk during Welcome Week at the beginning of level 4. The University careers advisor then gives career presentations in core lectures in all three levels of the course and also runs careers and CV forums which Economics students are encouraged to attend.

Students are also introduced to the local Careers and Employability team within the School and the placements service it provides. They are encouraged to plan early for their work-related learning module core options at either Levels 5 or 6 to assist students in finding work placement opportunities. The course leader, with the support of academic staff contributing to the course, provides information about career opportunities after graduation and works closely with Careers and Employability team to assist students to find beneficial part-time work and/or internships.

Guest speakers organised by Economics, the School of Business & Law and student societies bring students into contact with economic specialists and business managers from both national and international organisations. These meetings give students the opportunity to know more about future career paths and the best strategies to pursue their own career aspirations.

In addition, students are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities including involvement in peer coaching of students, receiving professional mentoring, volunteering in the not-for-profit sector, joining or setting up student society and national competitions / activities including University Business Challenge and Amnesty International Raise Off. Within GSBL there are a series of regular staff research seminars provided by the different subject areas including economics, finance, management, and human resources. The University’s research centres also stimulate student links with outside activities and organisations. These centres provide opportunities for students to engage in wider research issues at the forefront at knowledge.

Career opportunities

Economics graduates are among the highest paid and a degree in economics can give your career a major head start.

Our graduates pursue diverse career routes, including jobs in banking and finance, international corporations, management, government, consultancy and research. Others progress to postgraduate study at leading universities around the world.

Find out how we helped economics graduate Tim Armitage to become vice chancellor of investment management firm, Black Rock.

Entry requirements

In addition to the University's standard entry requirements, you should have:

  • a minimum grade C in three A levels or minimum grades BC in at least two A levels in academic or business subjects (or a minimum of 96 UCAS points from an equivalent Level 3 qualification, eg BTEC National, OCR Diploma or Advanced Diploma)
  • English Language and Mathematics GCSE at grade C/grade 4 or above (or equivalent)

All applicants must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. Applicants who require a Tier 4 student visa may need to provide a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as Academic IELTS. For more information about English qualifications please see our English language requirements.

Official use and codes

Approved to run from 2014/15 Specification version 1 Specification status Validated
Original validation date 04 Aug 2014 Last validation date  
JACS codes L100 (Economics): 100%
Route code ECNMIC

Course Structure

Stage 1 Level 04 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
FE4001 Economics for Finance and Business Core 30        
FE4002 Accounting Core 30        
FE4003 Quantitative Methods for Banking, Finance and E... Core 30        
FE4051 Introduction to Financial Markets and Institutions Core 15 NORTH AUT MON PM
          NORTH AUT TUE PM
FE4052 Contextualising Theory Core 15        

Stage 2 Level 05 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
FE5001 Econometrics and Financial Modelling Core 30        
FE5003 Macroeconomics Core 30        
FE5005 Microeconomics Core 30        
MN5W50 Creating a Winning Business 1 Alt Core 15 NORTH AUT FRI AM
          NORTH AUT FRI PM
          NORTH AUT THU AM
          NORTH AUT THU PM
          NORTH AUT WED PM
          NORTH AUT WED AM
          NORTH SPR WED PM
MN5W55 Learning through Work Alt Core 15 NORTH AUT THU AM
          NORTH AUT THU PM
          NORTH AUT WED AM
          NORTH AUT WED PM
          NORTH AUT FRI AM
          NORTH SPR WED AM
          NORTH SPR WED PM
          NORTH AUT FRI PM
FE5004 International Business and World Markets Option 30        
FE5006 Bank Lending and the Legal Environment Option 30        
FE5052 Money and Banking Option 15        
FE5053 Economics and Ethics Option 15        
FE5055 Information Technology for Professional Practice Option 15        
OL0000 Open Language Programme Module Option 15 NORTH SPR NA  
          NORTH AUT NA  
XK0000 Extension of Knowledge Module Option 15 NORTH SPR NA  
          NORTH AUT NA  

Stage 3 Level 06 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
FE6002 Development Economics and Emerging Markets Core 30        
FE6P01 Empirical Research in Global Banking, Finance a... Core 30        
MN6W04 Professional Experience Year Placement Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR NA  
MN6W50 Creating a Winning Business 2 Alt Core 15        
MN6W55 Learning through Work 2 Alt Core 15        
AC6063 International Corporate Social Responsibility Option 15        
FE6051 Economics of Multinational Business Option 15        
FE6052 Personal Finance Option 15 NORTH SPR WED PM
FE6053 International Trade and Finance Option 15 NORTH AUT WED PM
OL0000 Open Language Programme Module Option 15 NORTH SPR NA  
          NORTH AUT NA  
XK0000 Extension of Knowledge Module Option 15 NORTH SPR NA  
          NORTH AUT NA