Course specification and structure
Undergraduate Course Structures Postgraduate Course Structures

UDGAMANE - BSc Games Modelling, Animation and Effects

Course Specification

Validation status Validated
Highest award Bachelor of Science Level Honours
Possible interim awards Bachelor of Science, Diploma of Higher Education, Certificate of Higher Education, Bachelor of Science
Total credits for course 360
Awarding institution London Metropolitan University
Teaching institutions London Metropolitan University
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Subject Area Creative Technologies and Digital Media
Attendance options
Option Minimum duration Maximum duration
Full-time 3 YEARS 8 YEARS
Part-time 4 YEARS 8 YEARS
Course leader  

About the course and its strategy towards teaching and learning and towards blended learning/e-learning

The design of the course has been informed both by Creative Skillset Accreditation Guidelines for Computer Games Degrees with an art and design pathway, research and by our notable industry steering group members (for example, members of Gamelab, UK) who have an artistic and industry perspective on modelling and artwork for computer games. The Computing benchmark statements have also been taken into account:

In these benchmark statements the word ‘computing’ also refers to computer graphics (CG), visualisation and interactive game and simulation development.

Students’ learning is organised around direct contact time and directed time. Direct time takes place through lectures, workshops and tutorials. Problems are formulated via lectures and tutorials and implementation takes place in the workshop. This will take place through various access to learning facilities, materials on VLEs, hard copy and dedicated module websites.

Students will also use self-study time in addition to timetabled sessions for researching topics and reading around the taught material. Information sources will be library searches, the Internet, on-site interviews and opportunities to examine artefacts.

Team working is fostered through group work and projects. Increasingly e-learning is embedded within module design. Particular use is made of Virtual Learning Environments (WebLearn) and/or Internet-based user groups enabling asynchronous communication with tutors.

Course aims

The games sector is looking for technical artists: technically competent modellers who have good life drawing and modelling skills, can animate, can create visual effects and are competent in a range of post production techniques. The BSc Games Modelling, Animation and Effects degree would appeal to people interested in games design, and would fit into the broad category 'computer games', while also offering substantial interest to both students in animation and effects for this growing market.

Designing and building models for computer games requires a solid CG knowledge background and a high level of appropriate techniques and relevant tools. The core modules have been chosen with this in mind. The course allows students to specialise and explore areas of personal interest (i.e. modeller, animator, texture artist, visual effects artist) and build up a significant portfolio of work.

The main aim for this course is to provide students with a general education in the area of computer games development, with an emphasis on Computer Graphics (CG) for games: concept artwork, 2D/3D assets and character models, animation, textures, visual effects (VFX) and rendering. Students will develop problem solving and teamwork skills as well as the necessary communications skills plus awareness of the ethical responsibilities with which a developer must contend.

The BSc Games Modelling, Animation and Effects degree will provide career opportunities for students in the Computer Games industry and professional practice in a range of positions from concept artist, technical artist, graphics designer to technical asset artist, character/model builder, texture artist, character animator, environment artist, VFX artist etc. The programme would also provide excellent preparation for further research or study.
This course has been designed after taking into account industry demand for computer graphics skills, both creative artist and technical - including modelling, rigging, animation, texturing, lights/cameras, visual effects (VFX) and rendering.

The new BSc Games Modelling, Animation and Effects degree

1. offers a course which is relevant to the needs of industry and commerce in the computer games area with the focus on exposing students to the latest developments in computer games graphics design, animation and effects techniques

2. develops the analytical and practical skills associated with the design and implementation of graphics for computer games (modelling, animation and effects) from both a creative art and a technical perspective

3. develops the intellectual, technical and practical skills needed within the computer games modelling, animation and effects sectors

4. develops students’ creative and technical skills to fully prepare them for design/creative careers within the creative economy

5. develops students’ ability to communicate in terms of questioning, presentation, and logical representation in order to specify, resolve and design graphics for games across a wide range of genres.

Course learning outcomes

On completing the course students will be able to

Knowledge and understanding:

LO1: Carry out independent research and investigation;

LO2: Gain knowledge across a range of contexts appropriate to the contemporary industry practice in computer graphics (CG), games modelling, animation, effects techniques and applications.

Cognitive intellectual skills:

LO3: Be able to identify the problem, analyse available data, formulate and design creative solutions to a problem in the general area of CG and in particular for computer games;

LO4: Develop implementation skills and awareness within the domain of CG in a variety of contexts, software packages and delivery platforms in order to deliver professional quality artefacts.

Transferable skills including those of employability and professional practice:

LO5: Use and integrate diverse tools and techniques at a professional level as well as implement creative ideas in CG;

LO6: Work effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team and develop the skills associated with individual and team working, relationship management, communication and time management.

Subject-specific practical skills.

LO7: Be aware of the social and ethical issues as well as personal strengths and weaknesses associated with CG, games and media development, software development and operation;

LO8: Develop effective oral, visual and written communication skills via presentations, reports and demonstrations specific to CG.

Principle QAA benchmark statements

Designers address practical and theoretical concerns through a broad spectrum of two-dimensional, three-dimensional and time-based media, materials and processes.

An honours degree in an art/modelling and design discipline also confirms that the holder has acquired relevant technical knowledge and practical skills, and will be able to employ materials, media, techniques, methods, technologies and tools associated with the discipline(s) studied with skill and imagination while observing good working practices, and professional/legal responsibilities relating to the subject.

Assessment strategy

Formative assessment will be a regular feature of the semester, encompassing peer review, opportunities for QA (Quality Assurance), detailed feedback and guidance from tutors.

Summative assessment such as coursework, presentations and group work will require students to:

  • Model and provide optimal solutions for a given scenario;
  • Demonstrate an understanding of application work flow;
  • Write and present verbal and written reports on development and application-based approaches to problem solutions.

Summative assessment such as unseen examinations generally will not be used in the course (see module specs), however in some modules students may require to deal with:

  • Objective tests;
  • Reports, usually of specified length.

The course assessment on the degree is spread over a period of time to give students the maximum opportunity for achievement. This should also ensure that students are able to submit work to a standard that meets the assessment required on each module and that they have the opportunity to work at the highest level possible.

The BSc Computer Animation course assessment schedule also conforms to the agreed Multimedia assessment 30-credit tariff. The 30-credit assessment tariff is included in this submission.

Organised work experience, work based learning, sandwich year or year abroad

As part of their 3rd year (Level 6) honours year students take a Long Work Related Learning module (FC6W03).

The module enables students to undertake an appropriate period of professional activity, related to their course at level 6, with a business or community organisation and to gain credit for their achievements. The activity can be a professional training, volunteering activity, employment activity, an activity within the Faculty of Life Sciences Computing Virtual Business Environment (VBE), placement, or business start-up activity.

A short internship with Gamelab London or an alternative games or digital media company are also options and subject to availability.

Course specific regulations

If attendance falls below 75% on a module, reassessment opportunities will not be available and instead the module will have to be retaken the following year with attendance and payment of fees. Mitigating circumstances cannot be claimed for missed classes; however Module Leaders will take account of absences that are a consequence of recorded disability or otherwise recorded as 'Authorised Absence' when applying the 75% threshold.

Modules required for interim awards

All modules are core on the degree are core-compulsory.

Career opportunities

The design of this course takes into account industry demand for computer graphics skills, both creative and technical, including modelling, rigging, animation, texturing, lights/cameras, visual effects (VFX) and rendering.

This degree provides career opportunities in the computer games industry and professional practice in a range of positions from concept, technical, texture, environment, VFX and technical asset artists, to graphics designers, character/model builders and character animators.

Our graduates have taken positions as programmers, artists, animators, designers and game testers at a variety of companies including BBC, ITV, Sky, Rocksteady Studios, Rare, Sega, Lionheart, Media Molecule (Sony), Sports Interactive, Framestore, The Mill and the Moving Picture Company (MPC). Some have also started their own small games studios.

The programme also provides excellent preparation for further research or study.

Entry requirements

In addition to the University's standard entry requirements, you should have:

  • a minimum of grades CCD in three A levels, one of which must be from a relevant subject (or a minimum of 88 UCAS points from an equivalent Level 3 qualification, eg BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma/Diploma; or Advanced Diploma; or Progression Diploma; or Access to HE Diploma of 60 credits)
  • GCSE English and Mathematics at grade C (grade 4 from 2017) or above (or equivalent)

Applicants with relevant professional qualifications or extensive professional experience will also be considered on a case by case basis.

To study a degree at London Met, you must be able to demonstrate proficiency in the English language. If you require a Tier 4 student visa you may need to provide the results of a Secure English Language Test (SELT) such as Academic IELTS. For more information about English qualifications please see our English language requirements.

If you need (or wish) to improve your English before starting your degree, the University offers a Pre-sessional Academic English course to help you build your confidence and reach the level of English you require.

Official use and codes

Approved to run from 2014/15 Specification version 1 Specification status Validated
Original validation date 20 Jun 2014 Last validation date 20 Jun 2014  
JACS codes
Route code GAMANE

Course Structure

Stage 1 Level 04 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
CU4002 Digital Design and Image Making Core 30        
CU4005 Game Design Core 30        
CU4009 3D Modelling Core 30        
CU4010 Introduction to Drawing and Animation Core 30        

Stage 1 Level 04 January start Not currently offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
CU4002 Digital Design and Image Making Core 30        
CU4005 Game Design Core 30        
CU4009 3D Modelling Core 30        
CU4010 Introduction to Drawing and Animation Core 30        

Stage 2 Level 05 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
CU5004 Advanced 3D Modelling and Animation Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR MON PM
CU5005 Digital Toy Design Core 30        
CU5007 Modelling and Texturing Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR TUE AM
CU5008 Moving Image and VFX Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR THU AM

Stage 3 Level 06 September start Offered

Code Module title Info Type Credits Location Period Day Time
CU6007 Games Asset Development Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR TUE PM
CU6008 Visual Effects for Computer Graphics and Games Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR WED AM
FC6P01 Project Core 30 NORTH AUT+SPR WED PM
FC6W03 Long Work Related Learning Core 30