module specification

AC4005 - Professional Skills for Accounting (2020/21)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2020/21
Module title Professional Skills for Accounting
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 30
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 300
210 hours Guided independent study
90 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Practical Assessment 30%   One-hour MCQ test on numeracy and mathematics
Coursework 40%   Reflective portfolio and 10 minutes group presentation
Practical Assessment 30%   Quantitative Methods Test ( One hour)
Running in 2020/21

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

The module aims to prepare learners for the accounting profession. This will be achieved by teaching relevant academic and practical skills which will enable the learner to succeed academically and to begin to develop key workplace skills including numeracy. It will also emphasise the need for personal development and the importance of a professional approach to learning.


• Knowledge of the importance of data and its development into relevant information. LO1
• Use of Microsoft Excel and Word for reporting. LO1
• A basic skills set for numeracy leading to the ability to deal with more abstract mathematical concepts.  LO1
• An introduction to mathematics descriptive statistics and their application to accounting and finance. LO2

• How to read and research, including competence at academic referencing. LO3
• How to learn creatively and to develop critical thinking skills. LO3
• The importance of reflective learning in university and at the workplace. LO3
• The importance of regular professional development. LO3
• How to work in groups with confidence. LO3

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Lectures and Tutorials:

The module will consist of one-hour lectures to introduce new topics and themes and relate to the accounting profession. Tutorials will be computer and class based and will require students to practice what has been learned in the lectures. As an overall assessment of the module students will be required to collate a portfolio on a regular basis of their personal development as they progress. Learning will be supported by a developed Weblearn site, which students will be required to access on a frequent basis to prepare for lectures and tutorials.

Learning outcomes

LO1: Develop key skills in numeracy and Excel. Demonstrate the uses of big data and analytics for understanding the business context. Apply techniques to communicate business data as information to business stakeholders.

LO2: Effective demonstration of mathematics and quantitative statistical methods for accounting and related areas.

• LO3: Understand how to search and sort key academic journals and other publications published in the Accounting and Finance industries area and become aware of the need for research and for personal development at university and in the work place. Also, how teams and individuals are recruited, managed, motivated and developed through talent management.

Assessment strategy

Students will be given a formative assessment in Week 2 which will be submitted in Week 4 and feedback given in Week 6.

Students will be given feedback on the first summative assessment in Week 7 and receive summative feedback within 15 work days of submission of assignments. Suggestions for skills improvement will be provided on an individual basis. The portfolio will be regularly assessed by tutors and the final grade will be assessed by viva at the end of the module. Students will be given an opportunity to practice this on a regular basis, which will provide an opportunity for formative feedback.


Financial times
The Wall street Journal Europe (free copies available every day at Moorgate Library)

Core Text:
Cottrell (2017), Skills for Success, Critical Thinking Skills: Effective Analysis, Argument and Reflection Palgrave.

Other Texts:
Cottrell, The Study Skills Handbook, Palgrave, 2013.
Oakshott L, Essential Quantitative Methods for Business, Management and Finance, 978-1137518552, Palgrave MacMillan, 6th Ed, 2016
Swift L, Piff S, Essential Quantitative Methods: For Business, Management and Finance, 978-1137376558, Palgrave MacMillan, 4th Edition, 2014


Journal  of information systems
The Accounting review
Issues in accounting Education

Electronic Databases:
• Science Direct
• FAME (UK Companies)
• Education Research Complete