module specification

AR7066 - Professional Studies (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Professional Studies
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 20
School School of Art, Architecture and Design
Total study hours 200
110 hours Guided independent study
90 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 20%   Draft Contract
In-Course Test 20%   In Class Test
Coursework 60%   4,000 word essay
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module covers the range of professional skills, essential to practicing as an architect

Module aims

The module aims to introduce students to key issues of professional practice in architecture and urban planning. It aims to develop their capacity for making well-argued professional judgments across a range of issues, related to their design practice. It expands their knowledge and skills in different forms of analysis, argument and presentation, both written and oral. It also offers the development of social, political and commercial skills.


'A work of architecture is invariably an advertisement of a point of view. It is never either pure form or pure function, nor can it be simply a mixture of both; but always, either forcibly or feebly, it involves an act of judgment. It is an attitude taken up with regard to society, history and change, the nature of pleasure, and other matters quite extraneous to either technique or taste.'
Colin Rowe, from the Cambridge Review, October 31, 1959.

The formal syllabus will examine a number of contemporary topics that are seen as critical issues for the architectural profession. This will be supported by skilling in different forms of analytical writing (e.g. design report, journalism, manifesto) and presentation. These will act as a guide to help students select and develop their own topics for investigation. Typically these will include:
- introduction to the variety of roles that architects and urbanists might and do take
- the ethics of architecture (professional codes and liability)
- management practices (different forms)
- legal practices (planning/agreements/contracts/employment)
- financial practices (politics/economics)
- regulatory practices (building codes/health and safety.)
- architectural writing and oral presentation for different audiences

Learning and teaching

Methods will include:
- Formal lectures from a range of voices in practice and academia
- Seminars and class presentations of work in progress
- Workshops to develop communication skills
- e-tutorial support
- applied research

Learning outcomes

By completing the module the student should be able to:
1. understand the professional role of the architect both locally and globally
2. be able to make well-argued professional judgments across a range of issues, related to their design practice
3. Show evidence of ability across a range of relevant professional communication skills
3. produce a cogent document of professional interest.


1. American Institute of Architects 2008 The Architecture Students Handbook of Professional Practice: John Wiley and Sons
2. Brookhouse, S. 2012. Professional Studies in Architecture: A Primer RIBA Enterprises
Fisher, T. 2010. Ethics for Architects: 50 Dilemmas of Professional Practice Princeton Architectural Press
3.Kliment, S. A. 1998 Writing for Design Professionals: A guide for Architects, Engineers, Landscape and Interior Architects and Other Designers Norton
4. Harper, R. 2000. A Student’s Guide to the First Year in an Architect’s Office. RIBA Publications
Hyde, R. 2012. Future Practice. Conversations from the Edge of Architecture Routledge
5. RIBA Education Centre. 1999. Architecture Education for the 21st Century. London: Royal 6. Institute of British Architects supported by the Thomas Cubitt Trust and the Interbuild Fund. [RIBA Review of Architectural Education Chaired by Sir Colin Stansfield Smith.]
6. Success Strategies for Design Professionals. Super Positioning for Architecture  & Engineering Firms. Weld  Coxe, Nina F. Hartung, Hugh Hochberg, Brian J. Lewis, David H. Maister, Robert F. Mattox, Peter A. Piven.  USA, 1987, reprint 1992.
7. Архитектурный проект как организационное мероприятие Крашенинников А.В., Архитектурный вестник  №5 2003
8. Градостроительный кодекс РФ
9. Закон об архитектурной деятельности РФ
10. Дударев В.В., Борзенков В.Л., Верхоглазенко В.Н. Современные методы управления изменениями. Методические материалы семинара в рамках программы Обмена и обучения Специалистов Russia USAID.
11. Кофи. О.  Работа с иностранным архитектором . Лекция- рукопись. 1999 г.
12. Крашенинников А.В., Токарев Н.В. Основы «Девелопмента» для архитекторов . Рукопись статьи . 1999
13. Крашенинников А.В. Градостроительное развитие жилой застройки. М, 2005
14. Материалы семинара « Современные практики управления  изменениями»    (Modern Practices in Change Management ) Агентство США по международному развитию  и Академия развития образования США. Москва, 2004 тод
15. О. Лиари. Как построить и сохранить успешную архитектурную практику  Перевод с английского. F.O’Liary. Guide to building and maintaining a successful architectural practice . Philadilphia USA 1997.ММР- Авторский перевод
16. Пет Гатри. « .. Карманный справочник  архитектора» Перевод с английского ,из книга «The architects’s portable handbook. First step rules of thumb for building design. Pat Guthrie/ McGraw-Hill, Inc/ 1999
17. Профессия архитектора. Сегодня и завтра ПР №9 -1998 г
18. Токарев Н. «Точки роста».  ПР 11.
19. Токарев Н.В.: «Архитектор: между произведением и услугой» ПР №18
20. Услуги, относящиеся к проектам в сфере строительства. Перевод с английского из из справочника Королевского  института архитектуры Ирландии
21. Эллер Э  Программа развития  ПР №1
Закон Российской Федерации “Об авторском праве и смежных правах”,
Форлати С., Исопп А.,
22. Материалы Х  Ежегодной Конференцией СМА   Интернет сайта  СМА 2003 г..
23. Нанасов П.С.  Из книги Управление проектом. 2000 г.