module specification

BM7107 - Introduction to Clinical Immunology (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Introduction to Clinical Immunology
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 20
School School of Human Sciences
Total study hours 200
200 hours Guided independent study
0 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
In-Course Test 20%   Online Quizzes
Coursework 30%   Reflective Learning Log - PLL (2000 words)
Coursework 50%   Written Assignment - ECA (1500 words)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year LMET Distance Learning Not applicable -

Module summary

This module provides an understanding and knowledge of the theory and practice of clinical immunology. It expandes on the mechanisms of the mammalian immune system in defence and evasion of microorganisms, the diagnosis and monitoring of immunological disease or disorders, organ transplantation, prophylaxis and immunotherapy, and immunological techniques

Prior learning requirements



Review of the basis of immunity: protective role of the immune system.
Immunological disease, over-activity, immunodeficiency, inappropriate response, allergy, autoimmunity and neoplastic. 
Transplantation immunology; immunosuppressive therapy; experimental systems and immunomodulation therapy. Immunological techniques in research and clinical practice.
Immunotechnology: hybridoma technology; monoclonal antibodies and their biochemical and medical applications; vaccine design and production. The role of public health laboratories in disease control; strategies for control of community, health care associated and hospital acquired infections; rationale of immunisation programmes.

Learning Outcomes LO1 - 3

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Information pertaining to the subject matter will be presented through an integrated programme of lectures and supporting exercises, together with some use of a problem-based learning approach and the guided use of student-centred learning resources.  Lectures will be used to provide a conceptual framework.  Student centred assignments will enable students to reinforce and expand their knowledge, and develop subject specific skills and competence.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the processes of microorganism detection by and evasion of the immune system and show an understanding of the consequences of inappropriate responses and malfunctions in the ontogeny of immune response components through completion of the quizzes
2. Apply critical thinking to the analysis and solve immunological problems and show an appreciation of current and evolving concepts in immunology and developments in immunotechnology, immunotherapy and immunoprophylaxis, in relation to the practice of a biomedical scientist.
3. Demonstrate through the reflective learning journal that the student has reflected on their own performance as an independent professional learner.


Abbas AK, Lichtmanm AH, Pillai S. (2017) Cellular and Molecular Immunology Elsevier.
Alberts et al. (2014) Molecular Biology of the Cell.  Freeman. NY
Delves PJ, Martin SJ, (2017) Roitt’s Essential Immunology. Blackwell
Berk A, Kaiser CA  (2016) Molecular Cell Biology Freeman. NY
Murphy K. (2016) Janeway's Immunobiology. Garland Science. NY