module specification

CA4051 - Statistics for Travel and Tourism (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Statistics for Travel and Tourism
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 15
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 150
45 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
90 hours Guided independent study
15 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Unseen Examination 25%   In-class test (90 minutes)
Coursework 75%   Coursework (2,500 words)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

To be successful in business one needs to be able to deal with numbers and understand statistics, and the various ways in which they are presented. Innovation and entrepreneurship come from creativity, and from understanding trends that are visible in data available through business and industry statistics.
This module introduces data collection and presentation skills in the context of the travel and tourism industry. It provides underpinning skills required to deal with numerical information and to make effective use of mathematical and statistical methods of data analysis and interpretation relevant to the industry.  In other words, it provides students with an understanding of the fundamentals of statistical methods necessary for the travel and tourism industry.
Overall, this module provides analytical and communications skills relevant to understanding industry information with an emphasis on problem-solving techniques used in aviation and tourism industries.

Prior learning requirements

Basic Mathematics and Statistics Skills


The travel and tourism industries and the need for quantitative analysis
Databases in Aviation, Travel and Tourism
Basic business mathematics and statistics in the travel and tourism industries
Expressions in mathematics using variables 

Equations and inequalities
Statistical fundamentals – with application in the travel and tourism industries
Sampling, questionnaire design and survey techniques – passengers opinion LO1
Modelling transport, airlines management and decision-making process
Use of correlation, regression and time series analysis
Linear and quadratic functions –  revenue evaluation and management 
Demand and cost – demand for air travel, cost and pricing
Forecasting through decomposition and additive/multiplicative process
Organisations that carry out statistical analyses in the travel and tourism industries LO2

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The formal delivery of the teaching and learning will consist of three-hour weekly workshops involving lecture/seminar periods, and include lectures, guest speakers, case study discussions, panel discussions and debates, film and DVDs, as well as scenario-based activities and simulations.

Within the module there is significant opportunity to participate in proactive learning activities via the use of Weblearn facilities which promote inter-active discussions between both peers and lecturers and enables learners to share resources and access links to external journal articles, websites and other sources.

Discussion and debate are actively encouraged both within the classroom context and via Weblearn (VLE). Students participating in this degree come from a variety of backgrounds and often have a wealth of industry experience upon which to draw. It is useful to access this via our VLE’s proactive and inter-active classroom management. Students are responsible to prepare for forthcoming lectures to ensure that they fully understand the concepts discussed and can participate fully in debates and discussions.

Tutors will provide an indication of forthcoming lecture content at the end of each preceding lecture. The student should then research articles and appropriate readings around these themes to contribute fully to discussions and inter-active Question and Answer sessions.

Opportunities for reflective learning will be available throughout the module as students will consider their approach to tasks and discussions whilst simultaneously reflect upon informal feedback from lecturers on ideas and concepts spoken in class, and on assessments.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Understand mathematical and statistical methods to analyse data and explore relationships between different variables using excel
2. Comprehend the means by which data can be collected, summarised and presented in reports to inform management decision making


Core Texts (Essential):
• Buglear, J. (2010) Stats means business: Statistics with Excel for business, hospitality and tourism, Butterworth-Heinemann.
• Oakshott, L. (2016). Essential Quantitative Methods for Business, Management and Finance, 6th ed., Palgrave Macmillan.
• Swift, L., Piff, S. (2014), Quantitative Methods for Business, Management and Finance, 4th ed., UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Other Texts (Recommended):
• Anderson, D.R., Sweeney, D.J., Williams, T.A., Freeman, J., Shoesmith, E. (2017) Statistics for Business and Economics, 4th ed., Cengage Learning.
• Buglear, J. (2011) Quantitative Methods for Business and Management, Pearson.
• Dewhurst, F. (2006) Quantitative Methods for Business and Management, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill.
• Rowntree, D. (2004) Statistics without Tears: An introduction for non-mathematicians, Penguin.
• Taylor, S. (2007) Business Statistics for non-mathematicians, 2nd ed., Palgrave Macmillan.
• Waters, D. (2011) Quantitative Methods for Business, 5th ed., Financial Times: Prentice Hall.
Electronic Databases and Websites:
• Bank of England database;
• EU database Eurostat;, especially Tourism statistics; and Air transport statistics;
• Office for National Statistics;
• Statista;
• Yahoo finance;