module specification

CA4059 - Introduction to the Aviation System (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Introduction to the Aviation System
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 15
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 150
35 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
75 hours Guided independent study
40 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Group Presentation 100%   Group Presentation​
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Autumn semester North Monday Morning

Module summary

The module is designed to acquaint students with the concept that the aviation sector functions most effectively when viewed as an intricate system, where various components are interdependent. This interdependence highlights the crucial role played by all stakeholders in ensuring the delivery of high-quality services. The perspective adopted by the Civil Aviation Authority, conceptualizing the aviation industry as a comprehensive 'aviation system,' underscores the involvement of multiple stakeholders. Successful service delivery necessitates each stakeholder's professional commitment.

Within the module, students will delve into the nature of key 'stakeholders' and the collaborative 'system' they operate within. This understanding forms a fundamental link between service management and the aviation sector, shedding light on the essential actors in the industry. From highly technical roles like piloting aircraft to the safety and security responsibilities of cabin crew, and the various tasks in between, aviation encompasses a diverse range of functions. It is imperative for every individual to comprehend their role within the aviation system and recognize the significance of their contribution to its safety and security.


An introduction to the structure and operating characteristics of the airline and airport industry and the system approach to aviation (LO1

Trends, challenges and strategies(LO3)

Economic significance of the aviation industry(LO1)

Key terms and definitions used in the air transport system for operators e.g. hub airports, full-service network carriers. (LO2)

Review the major organisations and stakeholders associated with airline operations management including ATC/ATM systems.(LO2)

Stakeholder map for international air travel(LO2)

Alliances and frequent flyer programmes(LO2)

An overview of passenger handling and customer service(LO1)

An introduction the role of international co-operation and the role of ICAO(LO1)

An introduction to the role of the regulator e.g. CAA (LO2)

An introduction to key organisations that support the ‘aviation system’ e.g. IATA, ACI World(LO2)

An introduction to airline and airport statistics and their sources(LO3)

Overview of the various key employment roles that support the aviation system e.g. engineering, pilots, cabin crew, security etc.(LO1)

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The formal delivery of instruction in this module will be conducted through three-hour weekly workshops, encompassing lecture and seminar periods. These sessions will feature a diverse range of teaching methods, including formal and guest lectures, case studies, panel discussions, debates,online videos, and scenario-based activities.


To enhance the learning experience, there is a substantial opportunity for proactive engagement through Weblearn (VLE) facilities. These online resources foster interactive discussions among peers and lecturers, facilitating the sharing of resources and access to external journal articles, websites, and other relevant sources.


Encouragement of discussion and debate is a cornerstone of the learning environment, both in the physical classroom and via online platforms like Weblearn. As students enrolled in this program often bring diverse backgrounds and significant industry experience, actively managing and encouraging interaction in the classroom setting becomes crucial. Students bear the responsibility of adequately preparing for upcoming lectures to grasp the discussed concepts fully, ensuring their active participation in debates and discussions.


To aid preparation, tutors will provide insights into upcoming lecture content at the conclusion of each session. Students are expected to delve into relevant articles and textbooks surrounding these themes, contributing substantively to discussions and interactive Question and Answer sessions during lectures.


Reflective learning opportunities abound throughout the module. Students are encouraged to consider their approach to tasks and discussions, concurrently reflecting on informal feedback from lecturers regarding ideas and concepts discussed in class, as well as assessments submitted. This dual reflective process supports a comprehensive and meaningful learning experience.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module the student will be able to:


Identify the principles and concepts surrounding the co-operation between major stakeholders in the aviation system and how they inter-relate to ensure that there is seamless service 

Understand how key International agreements and bodies (organisations) provide frameworks for standards and practices in the global aviation system 

Differentiate the types of airline and airport operations statistics that provide insights into the operation of airlines and airports


Wensveen, J. 2020, ‘Air Transportation: a Management Perspective’, 8th ed,. Routledge Abingdon, Oxon.

Kalić, M., Dožić ,S.,& Babić,D. 2022, ‘Introduction to Aviation System- Indicative bibliography to the Air Transport System’, CRS Press,Boca Raton.

IATA:  International Air Transport Association: 


ICAO: International Civil Aviation Organization

CAA :  data for the sector

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