module specification

CC3001 - Management Support Systems (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25, but may be subject to modification
Module title Management Support Systems
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 15
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Unseen Examination 40%   Part seen exam 2.5hrs *FC*
Group work 60%   Group report and software 6000 Words
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module enables students to understand the application of computer-based information systems used in business for the support of management decision-making, e.g. Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems, Executive Information Systems, etc.

Prior learning requirements

CC2005C Project Planning and Management (or equivalent) and CC2002C Business Database Applications

Module aims

This module enables students to understand the application of computer-based information systems used in business for the support of management (Management Information Systems, Decision Support Systems, Expert Systems, Executive Information Systems etc.). The module aims to develop:
- a critical appreciation of the key processes involved in management decision-making at all levels within a business organisation and of the ways in which information and information systems support this decision-making
- a detailed understanding of the structure and function of different types of computer-based information system that have a role in supporting managers in their decision-making
- a critical awareness of the methods and techniques used to develop computer based management support systems
The principal graduate attributes focused on in this module are A2 and A3


The major topics of study on this module are:
? Management decision-making:
- functions of management
- levels of management decision-making
- information needs of managers
- the relationship between business strategy and information systems strategy
? Information systems that support management decision-making:
- Management Information Systems (MIS)
- Information reporting systems
- Decision Support Systems (DSS)
- Expert Systems (ES)
- Executive Information Systems (EIS)
- Manpower planning simulation models
- Knowledge management
? Techniques and methods:
- techniques involved in developing management support systems
- elementary models used in computer-based decision support
- managing the development of management support systems

Learning and teaching

Topics will be introduced through the medium of formal lectures, supported by workshop sessions and on-line resources as follows:
Lecture (1 hour / week): introduction of the key topics identified in the syllabus, plus suggestions for further study and directed reading
Seminar (1 hour / week): discussion of the key topics identified in the syllabus; general guidance on the practical coursework assignment is also provided in these sessions
Workshop (2 hours / week): the practical work is carried out in small teams and is supported by staffed workshop sessions. The practical assignment consists of three phases: the production of a proposal document, a design document and a final report (together with the software solution). The initial design document and software are essentially formative: written feedback is provided by the tutors on marked assignments. There is also the opportunity for students to discuss their evolving system design and implementation ideas within these workshop sessions
On-line resources: lecture notes and other supporting material are made available on the university network and/or dedicated module web-site. Demonstrations of management support systems are included.

Indicative students’ learning time on the module:
Class contact (lectures, seminars and workshops) 44 hours
Individual study and preparation for examination 46 hours
Preparation of proposal document 10 hours
Preparation of design document 20 hours
Preparation final report, including software 30 hours

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module, students will be able to:
1. demonstrate a critical appreciation of the key processes involved in management decision-making at all levels within a business organisation and of the ways in which information and information systems support this decision-making [A2]
2. demonstrate a detailed understanding of the structure and function of different types of computer-based information system that have a role in supporting managers in their decision-making [A2]
3. produce, in teams, a computer based information system that would provide significant support to management in the decision-making associated with a given business scenario, along with supporting design and implementation documentation [A2, A3]


Cadle J. & Yeates D., 2001, Project Management for Information Systems, 3rd edition, FT Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-273-65145-5
Chaffey, D. (ed.), 2003, Business information systems, 2nd edition, FT Prentice Hall, ISBN 0-273-65540-X
Lucey, T., 1997, Management Information Systems, 8th edition, Continuum, ISBN 0-8264-5407-0
Sauter, V., 1997, Decision support systems, Wiley, ISBN: 0-471-31134-0
Srinivasan, A., Sundaram, D. & Davis, J., 2000, Implementing Decision Support Systems, McGraw-Hill, ISBN: 0-07-709508-1
Turban, E. & Aronson, J., 2000, Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, 6th edition, Prentice Hall, ISBN: 0-13-032723-9