module specification

CO4050 - Construction Site Engineering and Infrastructure (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Construction Site Engineering and Infrastructure
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 15
School School of the Built Environment
Total study hours 150
30 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
84 hours Guided independent study
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Other 50%   A site survey undertaken as a team with a 1250-word individual submission.
Coursework 50%   A 1250-word illustrated report
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Spring semester North Tuesday Afternoon

Module summary

In this practical module, you will gain hands-on experience as you learn to operate surveying equipment as used by industry. You will learn how to record, collate, analyse, and present data. You will build a clear understanding of the importance of ensuring that data is accurately collected and reported, as well as the impact of errors in any aspect of the process. You will be given the skills to undertake surveys and to measure buildings using the most up-to-date techniques as well as using traditional methods.

To do this you will take part in real practical surveying workshops.  The workshops will be designed to present you with scenarios which require you to solve authentic site engineering challenges faced in industry.  You will gain hands-on experience of operating basic surveying equipment to collect data to inform the project team, and to communicate to the site team requirements with regards to site operations.

You will study and interpret construction drawings.  This will require you to bring together the complementary skills you will be gaining in other modules you are studying in your first year.  The ability to interpret construction drawings is fundamental to you being able to communicate complex information to the site team who will be constructing the project.

The module will also introduce you to the construction materials, technologies, and methods used on infrastructures projects such as roads, sewers, and services, which typically form part of the brief with regards to site-surveying and setting-out.


• Introduction to basic principles and purposes of engineering surveying (LO1,4)
• Road, sewer, and infrastructure construction (LO4)
• Field measurement and reduction of the three basic survey observables (LO1,2,3)
• Introduction to coordinate geometry (LO1)
• Establishment of basic survey control (LO2,3)
• Topographic surveys (LO1,2,3)
• Data – collection, collation and data driven decision making (LO3)
• Setting out procedures for simple buildings and infrastructure (LO2,3,4,5)
• Measurement of existing buildings (LO2,3,4,5)

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

This module will be focussed on practical hands-on learning sessions where you will be taught how to operate highly specialised survey equipment. You will be given opportunities to put your learning into practice in a variety of settings to give you broad experience of surveying and measurement. Alongside practical sessions, you will have seminars where you will learn the relevant engineering theory underpinning the processes and techniques that you are learning, including the construction of infrastructure such as roads and sewers. 

Study will be supported via online lectures, tutorials, seminars, practical activities and guided asynchronous activities. Where appropriate, activities will be captured and made available to allow asynchronous. You will be expected to undertake independent study to help embed and apply these theories through your own reading, research, and practical activities.

Problem based learning will be used to encourage independent learning through proposing a problem based around a subject site. The problem will be complex with more than one right answer, challenging you to work individually and in small groups to develop solutions, thereby developing their problem-solving abilities. Staff will act as facilitators throughout the activities.

Tasks will be performed through group and independent study, to develop critical thinking skills of analysis, evaluation, and synthesis in the area of site engineering practice. Throughout the module your output’s will be reviewed, and formative feedback will be given to feed forward into your coursework.

The learning and teaching in classes will be supported by the University’s VLE and a blended learning approach, sharing class materials, recommended reading, and case studies.

Group tutorials will also be offered to support students in the preparation of their assessments, with opportunities for students to receive forward feedback.

You will reflect on your learning which will contribute towards your online Professional Development Journal (PDJ).

Learning outcomes

On completion of the module the learner, operating independently and applying their knowledge and skills, should be able to:
1. Develop an understanding of the theories underpinning construction site engineering and surveying.
2. Efficiently operate a range of survey equipment in field survey exercises.
3. Demonstrate how survey data is collected and presented and how to evaluate the relevance and validity of survey data in a variety of situations.
4. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the materials, technologies, and construction methods used in the construction of roads, sewers, and other infrastructures.
5. Engage in effective group working to collect accurate data and solve problems.


There is no single text currently in publication that provides a comprehensive coverage of all aspects of this module. There are several books, publications and online resources which cover various parts of the module in some detail, and these are included in the core text list.

There is excellent coverage of the subject available via the Construction Information Service (CIS).  

CIS is accessed via Construction Information Service  and provides a huge range of information relevant to this module. You will be directed to the relevant resources held on CIS during the course of the module.

Core and recommended resources are listed in the online reading list for the module:
Talis reading list