module specification

CT5053 - Audio Engineering (2018/19)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2018/19
Module status DELETED (This module is no longer running)
Module title Audio Engineering
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 15
School Faculty of Life Sciences and Computing
Total study hours 170
134 hours Guided independent study
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Practical Assessment 20% 40 0.5- Hours Assessed Recording - Students must pass this element
Coursework 50%   Portfolio CD
Unseen Examination 30%   1.5-Hours Unseen Examination
Running in 2018/19

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module aims to introduce students to the range of equipment available in a modern recording studio, and develop both an operational and technological understanding.

Module aims

1-To provide an understanding of the operation of a modern recording studio;
2 -To provide both a practical and theoretical understanding of the techniques involved in the production of an audio recording;
3 -To explain the operation of audio production equipment;


Mixers:  Basic functions and circuits, operation

Effects and dynamics:  Types, parameters, use

Microphones:  Types, operation, usage,

Studio Operation:  Running a session, procedures, recording, editing and mixing,

Learning and teaching

The technological aspects of the module, together with the basic principles of operation will be introduced by means of tutorial sessions in class, reinforced by formal on-line presentations.  Having assimilated this knowledge, students will then be required to undertake a series of practical tasks which will enable them to develop operational skills, and to relate the operational to the technical aspects of the equipment.
To allow students as much access to the equipment as possible, many of the sessions will be run in small groups, with students able to use the facilities at times outside of the scheduled class time by mutual agreement.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
LO1.  Describe in detail the components of an audio system.
LO2.  Correctly operate principal audio components
LO3.  Explain the operational implications of technological considerations with regard to equipment design
LO4.  Describe the basic electronic circuits underlying the fundamental functional blocks of an audio system.
LO5.  Produce recordings of professional standard and understand the factors which influence recording quality.

Assessment strategy

The module fits the normal structure of 50% examined and 50% course-work, however, since the focus of the module is heavily practical, the exam element itself is divided into two parts, one practical and one theoretical, to reflect this.
An end of module exam for which students will be able to prepare using problem sheets will assess outcomes one, three and four.
Outcomes two, three and five, which form the larger part of the module, will be assessed using a portfolio of recorded tracks, one of which will take the form of an assessed recording where students will be required to demonstrate competence and understanding of the practical skills they have learnt during the module, applying them to a simple recording situation.


Core reading:
Rumsey and McCormick (6th Ed) 2009, Sound and Recording: An Introduction, Focal Press, ISBN 978-0240521633
Huber and Runstein (8th Ed) 2013,  Modern Recording Techniques, Focal Press,  ISBN 978-0240821573

Other resources:
Interactive Lecture Notes