CT6065 - Broadband Systems 2 (2024/25)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2024/25 | ||||||||||||
Module title | Broadband Systems 2 | ||||||||||||
Module level | Honours (06) | ||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 15 | ||||||||||||
School | School of Computing and Digital Media | ||||||||||||
Total study hours | 150 | ||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2024/25(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) |
Module summary
The module provides students with an understanding and knowledge in the principles and applications of broadband systems. It covers the key features of broadband systems, their operations and design requirements. The module develops analytical and design knowledge and provides experience of team working through a group work.
Prior learning requirements
Level 5 – completed CT5002 or CT5051
• Terrestrial communication systems.
• Satellite systems: Satellite applications, satellite organisations, typical structure and links. Satellite frequency allocations. Satellite link power budgets: figure of merit satellite G/T ratio, carrier-to-noise density and energy per bit-to-noise density ratios, satellite power density footprints. Satellite and their sub-systems. Satellite networks and multiple access: multibeam and regenerative satellites networks, Frequency Division Multiple Access (FDMA), Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA), & Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA)
• Optical fibre systems: Historical review of fibre-optics and optoelectronics. Ray optics, EM waves, optical waveguides. Physical basis of light sources and detectors. Principles of fibre-optic communications. The electro-optic effect and devices. Components of optical systems: Connectors, splices, couplers and switches. Optical sources and detectors: light emitting diodes, semiconductor lasers, driving circuits. PIN and avalanche photodiode detectors, detector circuits, noise and bandwidth.
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
Students will be expected to carry out independent background study to familiarise themselves with the platforms and tools that will be used during the module. The module includes online learning material via Weblearn (VLE), face-to-face delivery of content, teaching/tutorial and assessment activities, student support and feedback.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module students should be able to:
LO1. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of key features/characteristics and applications of modern broadband systems, their operations and design requirements including the key components constituting these systems.
LO2. Evaluate components of broadband systems in terms of quality and trade-offs using analytical tools and modelling techniques,
LO3. Discuss the key factors affecting the performance of a typical broadband systems with due consideration to system specifications and other relevant factors in the planning and design of such systems.
LO4. Use appropriate computational and analytical techniques to model the systems, recognising the limitations of the techniques employed.
LO5. Select and evaluate appropriate technical literature in the implementation of broadband systems with consideration of health & safety, diversity, inclusion, cultural, societal, environmental and commercial matters, codes of practice and industry standards.
LO6. Apply appropriate concepts and principles to analyse and critically evaluate the performance of such systems. This will include consideration of health & safety, diversity, inclusion, cultural, societal, environmental and commercial matters, codes of practice and industry standards.
[1] Kai Chang (2004), RF and Microwave Wireless Systems, ISBN: 978-0-471-46387-0
[2] Pozar (2011), Microwave and RF Design of Wireless Systems, Wiley ISBN: 978-1-118-29813-8
[3] Maral & Bousquet (2020), Satellite Communications Systems: Systems, Techniques and Technology, Wiley ISBN 978-1-119-38208-9
[4] Otto Strobel (2016), Optical and Microwave Technologies for Telecommunication Networks, ISBN: 978-1-119-15459-4
[5] T. L. Singal, Optical Fiber Communications (2018), Cambridge Univ. Press, ISBN: 9781316661505
[6] Shiva Kumar, M. Jamal Deen (2014), Fiber Optic Communications: Fundamentals and Applications, ISBN: 978-0-470-51867-0
[7] Hiroshi Nakajima (2015), Optical Design Using Excel: Practical Calculations for Laser Optical Systems, ISBN: 978-1-118-93912-3
[8] Yasuhiro Koike (2014), Fundamentals of Plastic Optical Fibers, ISBN: 978-3-527-41006-4
[9] John Senior (2009), Optical Fiber Communications: Principles and Practice, ISBN-10:013032681X
IEEE Transaction on Microwave, Theory & Techniques
IEEE Optical Communications
Journal of Communications and Networks
IEEE Communications Magazine
IEEE Transactions on Communications
IET Communications
Websites: IEEE xplore