module specification

CT7159 - Sensors, Actuators and Control (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Sensors, Actuators and Control
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 20
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Total study hours 200
52 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
100 hours Guided independent study
48 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 50%   Logbook + Group Case study (2500 words)
Unseen Examination 50%   Final Examination (3 hours)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

Sensors, actuators and control systems constitute the primary interrelated building blocks of any mechatronic system. The actuator, under the command of the control system, generates useful physical movement within constituent mechatronic mechanism. To generate the appropriate control command, the control algorithm continuously monitors the real-world (including various states of the mechatronic mechanism) as perceived by the sensor system.

The aim of the module is to cover the theories and practices of these three building blocks and associated techniques with special reference to robotic systems. The target audience group for the module includes graduates from diverse STEM background aiming for a career in robotics, mechatronics, and automation. More specifically, the module objectives are:
• Develop an understanding of working principles and operations of a wide variety of transducers and actuators, and technical details and practical applications.
• Provide practical experience with sensor and actuator systems.
• Development a theoretical background to classical control systems and its application to real systems, with special reference to robotic systems.
• Overall, develop a deep level understanding of the primary building blocks of a practical mechatronic system.

Prior learning requirements

Same as the entry requirement of MSc Robotics with Artificial Intelligence course.
Available for Study Abroad? (YES)


Instrumentation of an engineering system: sensing, actuation, and system control. Application scenarios of sensors and actuator. Common control system architectures. [LO1, LO2]

Component interconnection and signal conditioning. Performance specification and instrument rating parameters. Signal estimation from measurements. [LO1, LO2, LO3]

Analog sensors and transducers: passive and active devices, sensor classification. Types of sensor, e.g. tachometer, piezoelectric sensors, strain-gauge sensors, torque/force sensors. [LO1, LO2]

Digital and innovative sensing: advantages of digital transducers, incremental optical encoder and hardware features, direction, position, and speed sensing, absolute optical encoder, linear encoder, MEMS and smart/intelligent sensors.
Sensor fusion through Bayes, Kalman filter, and neural networks. Networked sensing and localization. Sensor applications. [LO1, LO2, LO3]

Stepper motors and continuous-drive actuators: stepper motors and dc motors (including brushless dc motors) and ac motors modelling and control. Hydraulic actuators and control systems (pump, valve, actuator, accessories). [LO2, LO4, LO5]

Dynamic models (dynamics of mechanical systems, models of electric circuits, models of electromechanical systems). Dynamic response (review of Laplace transforms, system modelling diagrams, time-domain specifications, effects of zeros and additional poles, stability). [LO1, LO5]

An overview and a perspective on feedback control, the basic equations of control (stability, tracking, regulation, sensitivity), the three-term controller: PID control, the root-locus design method, the frequency-response design method. [LO1, LO4, LO5]

State-space design: advantages of state-space, system description in state-space, block diagrams and state-space, analysis of the state equations, control-law design for full-state feedback, estimator design. Compensator design: combined control law and estimator, intelligent control. [LO1, LO4]

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module will be delivered by a mixture of lectures, tutorials/workshops, synchronous/asynchronous e-Learning/ blended learning. Students will be expected to carry out directed independent background study to familiarise themselves with the platforms and tools that will be used during the module.

All required learning material for the module (lectures/ tutorials/ workshops/ recordings / links etc) will be available to students on University VLE (Weblearn). The module page on VLE will be continuously updated with announcements and need based additional information to ensure appropriate support for students’ learning.

Students will be encouraged to keep logbook for reflective learning and regular feedback.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this module, you should be able to:
LO1. Demonstrate a strong knowledge and understanding of the range of sensors and actuators relevant to control in robotics applications and evaluate their relative merits.
LO2. Appraise a range of sensor and actuator types and technologies, describe the dynamic properties of commonly used sensors and actuators, and explain how faults/failures can affect sensors and actuators and how these can be mitigated.
LO3. Analyse, specify, and design sensor-based measurement and actuation systems and to interface them to computer systems for monitoring and control purposes.
LO4. Analyse and design the feedback controllers using proportional, integral and derivative (PID) control, pole placement, and state space and intelligent concepts of control systems.
LO5. Evaluate an application from a control perspective, leading to a suitable controller selection.
LO6. Work effectively as a member of a team for a given group case study.


Reading list link:

Core Textbooks:
• Pawlak, Andrzej M. Sensors and actuators in mechatronics: design and applications. CRC Press, 2017.
• De Silva, Clarence W. Sensors and actuators: Engineering system instrumentation. CRC Press, 2015.
• Franklin, Gene F., et al. Feedback control of dynamic systems. London: Pearson, 2015.
• Spong, Mark W., Seth Hutchinson, and Mathukumalli Vidyasagar. Robot modeling and control. 2006.
Recommended Textbooks:
• Morris, Alan S., and Reza Langari. Measurement and instrumentation: theory and application. Academic Press, 2012.
• De Silva, Clarence W. Intelligent control: fuzzy logic applications. CRC press, 1995.
• Isermann, Rolf. Fault-diagnosis systems: an introduction from fault detection to fault tolerance. Springer Science & Business Media, 2005.
• Katsuhiko, Ogata. Modern control engineering. Pearson, 2010.

• Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220; CODEN: SENSC9), MDPI
• Journal of Sensors, Hindawi
• Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Elsevier
• IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control
• IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology