module specification

CU2024 - Compositing, After-FX and Post-production Techniques (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25, but may be subject to modification
Module title Compositing, After-FX and Post-production Techniques
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 15
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 40%   Creative and Technical Exercises
Coursework 20%   Workbook
Coursework 40%   Application *FC*
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

Students learn about, consider and put into practice techniques used in digital post-production. They will also gain experience in the use of industry standard post-production tools.

Prior learning requirements


Module aims

The aim of this module is to teach the fundamentals of digital post-production. The module will facilitate the development of practical as well as theoretical understanding of the skills and knowledge needed at the post-production stages of a project.


? video compression
? digital video formats
? capturing and importing audio, video and still images
? editing
? trimming
? assembling
? transitions
? titles
? 2D and 3D compositing
? compositing and the temporal montage
? compositing and the montage within a shot
? spatial dimensions
? keying
? mattes
? animating clips
? effects
? audio
? exporting movies
? critical evaluation
? storyboarding the post-production phase of a project

Learning and teaching

Learning and teaching will be covered in weekly workshops (3 hours). Key ideas will be introduced and discussed at the start of each workshop. The theories and concepts involved in post-production will be illustrated during the workshops. Workshops will also provide practical experience and a forum to develop skills in the use of digital post-production tools.

In addition students are expected to spend a significant amount of hours carrying out independent study, viewing films and animations and working on their coursework.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this module, students should be able to demonstrate:

knowledge and understanding of a range of digital and non-digital post-production styles and techniques [A2];
ability to design a concept and post-production storyboard to be used to complete and enhance an unfinished project [A3];
ability to implement this plan using appropriate media and post-production tools and techniques [A3];
ability to appreciate and consider how use of other media and post production work may enhance their future animation work [A3];
ability to document post-production plans and ideas for this and future projects [A3];
ability to critically evaluate their own work and working methods [A1].


Brinkman, R. (1999), The Art and Science of Digital Compositing, Elsevier Academic Press, ISBN 0121339602

Freeman, D. (2004), Creating Emotion in Games, New Riders,
ISBN 1592730078

Hashimoto, A. (2004), Visual Design Fundamentals: A Digital Approach, Charles River Media, Graphics Series ISBN 1584502592

Kelly, D. (2002), Digital Compositing in Depth, Paraglyph Press, ISBN 1932111549

Meyer, T. (2004), Creating Motion Graphics with After Effects: Volume 1: The Essentials, CMP Books, ISBN 1578202493

Wells, P. (1998), Understanding Animation, Taylor & Francis Ltd, ISBN 0415115973