module specification

CU6P02 - Creative Technology Project (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Creative Technology Project
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Total study hours 300
220 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
74 hours Guided independent study
6 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 5%   A 500 words Research Proposal with learning outcomes, taking the form of a creative brief.
Coursework 15%   A 2,500 words Interim Report. Detailing project process, progress on project to date and highlighting any remedial actio
Coursework 30%   A 5,000 words Final Report. Detailing project process, progress on project to date, testing carried out, and evaluation
Coursework 40%   Artefact. A fully functioning high fidelity game asset prototype, animation asset or sequence.
Practical Assessment 10%   Viva, a 20 minutes presentation of artefact, and a description of project process
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Wednesday Afternoon

Module summary

The Creative Technology Project module provides final year students with an opportunity to carry out an individual extended practical research project in an area of particular interest to them. 

Students use this module to develop their skills in specific techniques and processes, and to extend knowledge and skills delivered elsewhere in the course curricula. The module aims to allow students to produce highly sophisticated portfolio pieces which they would be able to present to potential employers upon graduation.


This module aims to enable students to research, plan and produce their Games Programming and Games Animation Modelling and Effects final projects. It is delivered via one-to-one supervision tutorials.

The module will enable the identification of suitable research topics for practical projects and the formulation of research questions that aid the exploration of these topics. Students will be supported in their work on:

The production of project proposals, where necessary taking into account research ethics and digital production ethics. LO1

Developing suitable research questions and methodologies. LO1, LO2

Developing production processes suitable for practice-based project. LO2, LO3

Identifying and utilizing evaluation methods for practice-based research projects. LO2, LO3, LO4

Managing research production and evaluation processes. LO2, LO3, Lo4

Data gathering and data analysis techniques. LO4

Presenting projects and findings. LO4

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

As a supervised project, the focus of this module is on students’ self-development. Students will be provided with appropriate supervision, and staff will offer guidance towards the management, production and completion of the project.

Learning outcomes

LO1 Provide the opportunity to learn through supervised experience, how to plan and carry out a project, utilising both systematic and creative approaches;

LO2 Provide the opportunity for detailed research into a specialised area relevant to the curriculum;

LO3 Encourage innovation and originality in developing and producing a practical project in a specific area of the curriculum

LO4 Develop skills in: the writing of creative briefs, creative research, project management, fact-based progress reporting, approaches to testing outcomes, and reflection upon results based on initial plans and enhance personal development and improve professional opportunities.


Bruton, D., Radford, A. (2012) Digital Design: A Critical Introduction, Berg: London.
Collins, H. (2019). Creative research: the theory and practice of research for the creative industries.
Carroll, B. (2010) Writing for Digital Media, Routledge: New York, N.Y.
Clazie, I. (2010) Creating Your Digital Design Portfolio: A Practical Guide for Showcasing Your Work Online, RotoVision: Mies, Switzerland.
Hartley, J. (2013) Key concepts in creative industries. SAGE Los Angles
Hewson, C., Vogel, C.M., Laurent, D. (2016) Internet Research Methods, 2nd ed. ed, SAGE: London
Todorovic, M, & Bakir, A (2016), Rethinking Strategy for Creative Industries: Innovation and Interaction, Routledge, London.
Weaver, P. (2004) Success in Your Project, Pearson Education Limited.

Creative industries: focus on employment / Department for Culture, Media & Sport
Department for Culture, Media & Sport, 2014

Digital creativity. Taylor & Francis.
Creative industries journal. Intellect Publishing
Journal of Media Practice. Intellect Ltd