DT4005 - Human Nutrition For Dietitians (2021/22)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2021/22 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Module status | DELETED (This module is no longer running) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Module title | Human Nutrition For Dietitians | ||||||||||||||||||||
Module level | Certificate (04) | ||||||||||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 30 | ||||||||||||||||||||
School | School of Human Sciences | ||||||||||||||||||||
Total study hours | 300 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2021/22(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) |
Module summary
The module develops an understanding of human nutrition science which includes an introduction to the nutrient and non-nutrient components of foods, their main metabolic and physiological roles, and main food sources in the diet. It introduces knowledge of the nutritional composition of foods, the food groups, the concept of energy and energy balance, dietary reference values, and the importance of diet in health and disease through the lifecycle. In addition, the nutritional and physiological factors which impinge on food choice are explored.
This module underpins the human nutrition content and thread of the course and encourages engagement with nutrition science from the outset. It ensures that learners are equally equipped with basic nutrition science concepts, regardless of their entry-level understanding, before engaging in more complex aspects in subsequent years. The learners start to develop skills in: ingredient, meal and diet analysis; calculating the absolute and relative nutritive value of foods and meals; a basic understanding of food labels, including nutrition and health claims; simple food preparation and cooking; and an understanding of how aspects of food preparation can affect nutritional quality. Nutrients, foods, diets, and their effects are considered from a global and UK perspective reflecting the globalisation of the food chain, the diversity of our learners, and their future employability.
To pass the module, learners need to achieve a minimum aggregate mark of 40%. In addition learners must normally obtain at least 35% in each component of assessment within this module. A mark of between 35% and 39% may be compensated by other components.
Prior learning requirements
Course entry requirements
The major food groups (Eatwell Guide, staple foods), and the nutrients (together with non-nutrients and antinutrients) provided by these groups. LO2
Dietary guidelines, including dietary reference values and their application to population groups. LO2
Introduction to nutrients: macro and micronutrients; non-nutrient components and novel foods; anti-nutrients. Food sustainability Includes: classifications; main functions; dietary sources; DRVs; groups at risk of deficiency/excess. LO1, LO2
An introduction to energy, energy balance and factors affecting energy intake and expenditure. LO3
An overview of the effects of key nutrient deficiencies and excess; including an overview of food fortification, and both acute and chronic disease risk. LO1
An introduction to dietary requirements and factors affecting dietary intake through the lifecycle. LO2
Nutritional and physiological factors affecting food choice, diet and nutritional intake. LO2
Food preparation skills - including foods of different ethnicities and cultures; effects of changing ingredients or cooking techniques on nutrition and taste; cost; portion size. Safe working practices, including the selection of appropriate hazard control and risk management, reduction. Selection and correct use of personal protective equipment. LO4
An introduction to dietary assessment: via the basic use of food composition tables and databases, dietary reference values and guidelines; and dietary recall. LO3
Atwater factors – the estimation of the absolute and relative energy and nutrient content of foods. LO4
An introduction to food labels (nutrition and ingredient), nutrition and health claims.
An introduction to how food production influences the nutritional quality of food and diet. LO1 - 4
Transferable study skills to include: information gathering; team work; academic writing; referencing; numerical skills and data management.
Learners will have opportunity to learn with and from learners from human nutrition.
Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity
Scheduled teaching activity (including lectures, tutorials, kitchen practicals, and directed learning within scheduled teaching time) forms ~25% of the module.
Tutorials, group work in lectures, and directed learning within scheduled teaching time provide an opportunity for learners to learn alongside and from other learners.
Independent study forms the remainder of the module. This independent study includes directed learning, which is encouraged by the regular assessments, which build in their level of difficulty. The assessments are both formative and summative – the formative providing opportunity for self-reflection.
A mix of RLOs, powerpoints; podcasts/videos, practical in-class examples and calculations, on-line assessments, in-class discussions and formative exam essay practice enhance the learner learning experience. Digital literacy is developed via online assessment, use of nutrition databases and nutrient analysis software, and the sourcing of online data.
Directed learning takes place within and external to the timetable. Within the timetable, 9 hr is allocated to directed learning. and are used to encourage and expand learner learning. Continuous online assessment encourages regular directed learning and provides formative (and summative) feedback and allows learners to monitor and reflect on their learning and development.
The workbook is linked to the kitchen practical sessions, and allows the learners the opportunity for reflective learning, provides links between theory (lectures) and application (practical), and enable an opportunity to share their knowledge about food and nutrition.
Formative preparation for the unseen examinations allows learners to reflect on their learning and apply this in a formal setting.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this module learners will be able to:
1. Describe the main functions of macro and micronutrients and their recall their main food sources.
2. Recall the main food groups, the key nutrients they provide to the diet and key dietary reference values.
3. Describe the concept of energy, and be able to calculate the energy and nutrient content of ingredients and foods.
4. Prepare meals based on specific food groups, and discuss and compare their relative attributes.
Assessment strategy
Assessment will comprise of 3 on-line tests in week 4,8 and 11 (20 minutes each) (20%) and by means of an end of semester one exam (1 hour) (30%), nutrition skills workbook (750 words) (20% each) and an end of semester two exam (1 hour) (30%).
To pass the module, learners need to achieve a minimum aggregate mark of 40%. In addition learners must normally obtain at least 35% in each component of assessment within this module. A mark of between 35% and 39% may be compensated by other components.
Component Marks Learning outcomes
3 x Online Quizzes (3 x 20 minutes) 20% 1,2
End of semester 1 exam (1 hour) 30% 1,2,3
Nutrition Skills Workbook (750 words) 20% 2,3,4,
End of semester 2 exam (1 hour) 30% 1,2,3,
Textbooks (no core text):
Mann J, Truswell AS (2017) Essentials of Human Nutrition (5th Edition). Oxford. Oxford University Press.
Geissler CA, Powers HJ (2017) Human Nutrition (13th Edition). Oxford. Oxford University Press.
Gibney MJ, Langham–New SA, Cassidy A, Vorster HH (2009) Introduction to Human Nutrition, 2nd Edition. London; Wiley- Blackwell.
Crawley H (1994) Food Portion Sizes (Second edition). London. HMSO.
Department of Health (1991) Dietary Reference Values for food energy and nutrients in the United Kingdom. Report of the Panel on Dietary Reference Values of the committee on Medical Aspects of Food Policy (COMA). Report on Health and Social Subjects 41. London. HMSO.
The Department of Health: Eatwell Guide; Government Dietary Recommendations; NDNS data; Composition of Foods Integrated Dataset
Electronic Databases:
Nutritics (Nutrition Analysis Software)
Social Media Sources:
Topical podcasts, blogs and newsfeeds incorporated