module specification

ED4F03 - Understanding Behaviour and Learning Difficulties (2019/20)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2019/20
Module title Understanding Behaviour and Learning Difficulties
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Social Professions
Total study hours 300
142 hours Placement / study abroad
98 hours Guided independent study
60 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 40%   Essay 1000 words
Coursework 60%   Case Study 1500 words
Running in 2019/20

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module explores the context of special educational needs within the current educational climate together with the different areas of provision and recent legislation. It provides an introduction to the assessment of special educational needs including specific learning and behavioural difficulties.  It is run over 30 weeks and is assessed through a case study 50% and written assignment 50%

Module aims

This module aims for the student to:
Develop awareness of the individual learning needs of all young children and of the legislative procedures in place for the identification and support of children with special educational needs through the Code of Practice.  It focuses on the terminology associated with special educational needs and the roles and responsibilities of professional and paraprofessional staff in schools in supporting identified special educational needs, including the role of the SENCO It provides a background to inclusive practice within Primary Education.


This module will provide:
• Exploration of the context of special educational needs within the current educational climate, the different areas of provision and recent legislation.
• An introduction to the assessment of special educational needs including specific learning difficulties and behavioural difficulties.
• Identification of strategies to support pupils with reading and/or mathematical difficulties; visual and hearing impairment; gross and fine motor skill difficulties.
• Consideration of the role of classroom assistants in identifying and supporting children with educational needs, and awareness of multi-agency approaches to special needs education.

Developing skills in working with parents and carers to support children with special educational needs and the range of behaviour, social and emotional needs in relation to learning.
• Why some children require support in terms of behaviour, social and emotional development.
• The principles, policies and practices of inclusion in the school and community
• Effective strategies for supporting pupils with behaviour, social and emotional needs
• Identify and use effective strategies in managing pupils’ behaviour through and     understanding of social and emotional development
• Work closely with a pupil, the teacher and other professionals in implementing, supporting and maintaining positive behaviour
• Develop, implement and evaluate specific plans and activities to support the individual needs of children
• Critically evaluate some of the methods used to support children with special educational needs.

Learning and teaching

A range of learning and teaching methods: lectures/presentations, discussions, seminars and practical workshops, some tutor-led, some student directed. In addition work related activities and independent study will encourage the development of reflective learning and the ability to link theory and practice. All teaching material will be supported by Moodle (VLE)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module students will be able to:
1. Recognise and evaluate a range of approaches used to support children with special   educational needs
2. Discuss the role of the SENCO, class teacher, classroom assistants and multi disciplinary agencies in supporting children with special educational needs
3. Investigate the spectrum of learning behaviour in conjunction with social and emotional areas of pupils’ development
4. Consider and critically evaluate potential practical strategies for dealing with behaviour and for promoting and maintaining positive behaviour in relation to learning and attainment
5. Provide the student with a theoretical background and practical advice in supporting pupils who experience generic difficulties in accessing and understanding learning and the curriculum

Assessment strategy

The assessment is in two parts:

PART A.  Case study of an individual child, identifying their special educational needs and their specific learning support requirements (max. 1500 words).
This work will be graded and constitute 60% of the assessment for this module. (LO 1,2,3)

PART B. Critically evaluate work undertaken with the individual to meet his/her learning needs and enhance levels of attainment.  The student must support this analysis with relevant appendices. (1000 words 40%) (LO 4,5)

To demonstrate that students have achieved the learning outcomes they will: 
• Have an opportunity to demonstrate their increasing knowledge and understanding of one or more areas associated with behavioural difficulties.

• Apply their knowledge in a school context and enhance their practical skills in supporting a targeted individual in terms of learning.

• In their evaluation, be expected to show an awareness of professional responsibilities in the management of behaviour. They will also show awareness of the appropriate policies and procedures, use appropriate terminology and demonstrate an ethical dimension through their work. Practical skills in planning, supporting and assessing children’s progress in conjunction with the class teacher, SENCO and other professionals will also be demonstrated


Core Texts

Ekins A (2011). The changing face of Special Educational needs:Impact and implications for SENCO’s and their schools. Routledge. London.

Cuthertson L (2012). Behaviour matters for teachers. Understanding behaviour in Schools. OAG Consultants. London.

Recommended Texts

Fawcus, M(ed) (1997) Children with Learning Difficulties: A Collaborative Approach to Their Education and Management, Whurr Publications Ltd

Grieve R & Hughes M (ed) (1999) Understanding Children Blackwell

Lewis, A. (1995) Primary Special Needs and the National Curriculum, Routledge

Ramjuhn A (2002) Implementing the Code of Practice for Children with Special Needs: a practical guide, Fulton

Stiere, Deveraux, Laycock, Gifford and Yerbury (1993) Profiling, Recording and Observing, Routledge

Dyson A (2004) Inclusion and Pupil Achievement DfES Research Report 578

Rose R and Howley M (2009) The Fulton Special Education Dictionary The Practical Guide to Special Educational Needs in Inclusive Primary Classrooms (Primary Guides)

Glazzard J, Hughes A, Netherwood A and Neve L (2010)Teaching Primary Special Educational Needs (Achieving QTS) . Routledge. London

Tassoni P (2003)Supporting Special Needs: Understanding Inclusion in the Early Years (Professional Development). Routledge. London.

Rae T (2012). The Anger Alphabet. Understanding Anger – An emotional development programme for Young Children aged 6-12. Sage . London

Peer L and Reid G (2011). Special Educational needs. A Guide for inclusive practice. Sage London.

Allen s, Gordon P and Hughes C (2011). How children Learn 4: Thinking and special educational needs and inclusion. Practical school books. london