module specification

ED5F01 - Language of Science and ICT (2019/20)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2019/20
Module title Language of Science and ICT
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Social Professions
Total study hours 300
142 hours Placement / study abroad
98 hours Guided independent study
60 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 50%   Presentation (Science)
Coursework 50%   Essay 2500 (ICT)
Running in 2019/20

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module will introduce the skills in ICT and science that students need to be effective support professionals delivering ICT and science within the Primary school curriculum . The Module will encapsulate the current study of science within the Primary range. The meaning and relevance of scientific thought will be evaluated. The importance of linguistic development will also be linked to the formation of scientific concepts.

Module aims

This module will particularly concentrate on those areas of ICT which most effectively support learning objectives in  Science.  The module will be contextualised by readings from current research and inspection reports.  The module will also parallel the students’ development of their own personal ICT skills.  To enable students to support children's development in science, both through discrete activities and cross-curricular activities.  The link between literacy, language and science will be made. The students will use I.C.T as a vehicle throughout this module to:

• establish students’ awareness of their own level of ICT skills
• introduce ICT processes which best support learning of literacy  and science
• introduce the planning of ICT, taking into consideration the subject objectives and the       effectiveness  of ICT
• introduce assessment of ICT in relation to the subject areas   introduce the organisation of ICT in classrooms and schools


This module is designed for students who are teaching assistants, supporting qualified teachers in the teaching of science and the language related to science and ICT.  Students will study significant and emerging theories and principles of how children develop scientific and ICT knowledge and skills.  How children's scientific and ICT knowledge is assessed and the role of the adult in supporting children's scientific and ICT development, in a safe environment, will be investigated.  Relevant legislation, regulations and guidance in relation to teaching science and ICT will be included.  Students will study basic scientific and ICT concepts so that they have the knowledge required to support children in their learning.  They will be encouraged to evaluate their personal development.
Students will study the use of I.C.T. in teaching and learning: 
• The use of peripherals.
• The generic applications and their importance for professional development.
• ICT practices in relation to the core subjects.
• The pupils’ National Curriculum for IT.
• Initial consideration of methods of planning, organisation and assessment of ICT in the Primary classroom.
• Consideration of equity and special needs
• The interpretation of inspection reports..

Learning and teaching

Teaching will be lectures, seminars, discussions, group work, and workshops, workplace activities and independent study. Moodle will also be used to support learning.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module students will be able to:

1. Use  ICT in supporting teaching and learning in Science and for their own professional development.

2. Support methods of planning, organisation and assessment of Science and ICT in the Primary Classroom
3. Interpret their own scientific knowledge in the light of social, cultural, technological and environmental issues and evaluate their scientific knowledge from an ethical point of view.
4. Evaluate the support they have provided for children's development and progress in science, including the consideration of children's understanding of the relevant ethical issues. 
5. Reflect critically on the use of narrative and discussion to support the development of scientific understanding and the related social, cultural and environmental issues.

Assessment strategy

Assessment (A):
Within the workplace the candidates are required to undertake a series of observations and assessments on the development of scientific concepts through the use of narrative and other language based approaches. A presentation consisting of a display and 10 minutes oral explanation identifying successful strategies and analysing associated learning. (Learning Outcomes 3,4,5)

Assessment (B): Students will write a reflective account of the use of ICT across the Curriculum including reference to their own relationship to ICT knowledge and understanding and that of the children.(3000 words) (Learning Outcomes 1,2)


Core Texts

Loxley P, Dawes L, Nicolls L, Dore B (2nd ed) (2013). Teaching Primary Science: Promoting enjoyment and developing understanding. Blackwell

Audain J (2013) Using ICT in the Primary Classroom: Ideas and activities for beginners and experts. Bloomsbury Education. London

Recommended Reading

Harlen W and Qualter A (2009) Teaching of science in Primary Schools. Fulton. London

Peacock G, Sharp J, Johnsey R and Wright D (2012) (6th ed). Primary Science: Knowledge and Understanding ( Achieving QTS series) Learning Matters. London

Tolmie A (2012) Understanding core skills and influences in Primary Schools. Science learning. Taking a scientific approach. IOE Press. London

Beauchamp G (2012) ICT in the Primary School: From Pedagogy to Practice. Pearson Education. London

Allen J, Potter J, Sharp J and Turvey K (2012) Primary ICT: Knowledge, Understanding and Practice ( Achieving QTS Series) Learning Matters. London.

Ager, R. (2003) Information & Communications Technology in Primary Schools David Fulton

Loxley P, Dawes L, Nicolls L, Dore B (2nd ed) (2013). Teaching Primary Science: Promoting enjoyment and developing understanding. Blackwell

Kerry T (2010) Cross Curricula Teaching in the Primary School: Planning and facilitating Imaginative lessons. Hodder and Staughton

Leask M and Meadows J (2000) Teaching and Learning using ICT in the Primary School. Routledge

Beere J (2012) The Perfect Ofsted Lesson. Carmarthen: Independent thinking Presss