module specification

ED5F02 - Supporting Numeracy and Literacy in a Multilingual Context (2019/20)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2019/20
Module title Supporting Numeracy and Literacy in a Multilingual Context
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Social Professions
Total study hours 300
108 hours Placement / study abroad
132 hours Guided independent study
60 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 40%   Resource Pack and Evaluation
Coursework 60%   Essay 2500
Running in 2019/20

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

The module introduces students to the learning and teaching of literacy and numeracy across the 5-11 age range in the multilingual and multicultural context.  It relates educational theories and practice to teaching and learning in all aspects of language and numeracy. It is designed to provide a core of knowledge and linguistic experience for classroom assistants. It introduces the numeracy curriculum with a focus on the development of children’s understanding of number and algebra, in particular understanding the number system and methods of calculation, examine the development of skills and concepts across the 5-11 age range informed by recent research and theoretical perspectives.  Students will begin to audit their own subject knowledge and develop their own numeracy understanding.
Emphasis throughout will be placed on supporting children’s numeracy and literacy understanding.

Module aims

This module aims to:
• Introduce students to subject knowledge in English and Mathematics as outlined in the National Curriculum
• Provide students with a theoretical framework to understand the processes of language     acquisition and development and how classroom assistants support this.
• Students understanding and confidence in their own mathematical development and raise awareness of the factors that influenced their mathematical development within a multilingual society and classroom
• Positive attitude to mathematics, generate enthusiasm for teaching the subject and a commitment to equal access for all pupils
• Introduce the National Curriculum KS1 and KS2 with reference to the planning, teaching, resourcing, evaluation and assessment of English and Mathematical thinking.


An introduction to the nature, purpose, value and meaning of mathematics and mathematical activity, and the subject knowledge and understanding that students need and should be able to apply in order to secure pupils’ progress in English in KS1 and KS2:

- Develop and assess students’ knowledge and understanding of number (including the number system, notation, operations, rules of computation, written, mental and calculator methods) and set targets for future learning.
- The mathematics that underpins the National Curriculum for number and mathematical thinking.
- Recent developments and research in teaching number and algebra e.g. the National Numeracy project and Homework policy.
- Resources including commercial schemes, early play equipment, structural apparatus and ICT.
- Knowledge and understanding of the language and notation associated with Mathematics in order to support effective teaching in the Primary school.
- Develop, under supervision of the classroom teacher, an ability to plan, organise and evaluate mathematical work; begin to assess children’s knowledge, skills and understanding of mathematics; different styles of classroom management.
- Identify what language is and the role it plays in shaping personal and societal identity.
- Knowledge and understanding of the languages and cultures of UK schools; the nature of linguistic diversity and implications for learning and teaching; approaches to language education in British schools; and what is meant by language awareness in the educational context, which includes consideration of gender

- The process of language acquisition looking at similarities and differences in first and second language acquisition and the meaning of bilingualism.
- Language and learning theories (including Piaget, Chomsky, Vygotsky, Bruner, Wells, Krashen, Cummins); the relationship between spoken and written language, the nature and role of dialect, Standard English and varieties; the language of home and school.
- The role of talk in learning and the curriculum, including the potential range of contexts for speaking and listening and opportunities for collaboration
- Ways to support the development of oracy and literacy through play, songs, rhymes and stories, including role-play and drama.
- How children learn to read and write and the ways in which their understanding and application of skills and strategies at text, sentence and word level are part of a developmental process
- Texts and materials to support reading, including fiction, poetry, ICT and reading schemes and ways to use resources effectively in the classroom
- The ideology, structure and terminology of the National Curriculum for English – Programmes of Study, the National Literacy Strategy.
- Planning, teaching and evaluation strategies to support language and literacy development in the multilingual classroom, including a study of research and reports which explore teaching methods and approaches and with opportunities for carrying out school based tasks with some guidance from experienced practitioners
- The purposes and forms of assessment in language and an introduction to ways of using formative and summative methods.

Learning and teaching

Sessions will bring together theory, students’ reflections as language and numeracy users and direct reference to school observations and tasks.  The range of teaching and learning methods will include lectures, seminars,, discussions, group activities and presentations, individual reading and workshops. All teaching and learning strategies will be supported by Moodle (VLE)

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module students will be able to:

1. Identify the social and cognitive aspects of language and the range of languages and linguistic diversity in primary education
2. Recognise the relationship of language to learning and its role across the curriculum
3. Understand the strategies used for assessing, recording and reporting children’s progress in language and literacy
4. Understand the ideas that underpin the mathematics curriculum.
5. Use resources, including some commercial schemes,  play equipment, structural apparatus and ICT to support learning in Mathematics
6. Evaluate the effectiveness of some resources in facilitating the Mathematics Curriculum

Assessment strategy

The assessment of the module is in two parts.

1.A written assignment of 2,500 words which will assess students’ abilities to:

a) Show understanding of the reading process and evidence of subject knowledge in language and literacy appropriate to supporting children’s progress in reading
b)Observe and analyse one child’s language and literacy development with a particular focus on reading
(Learning outcomes 1,2,3)

2.A resource pack and evaluation:
Plan and use a maths-based activity with a small group of children which shows understanding of: the age and needs of the children, resourcing and equal access. Present these findings to your peers in a 10 minute oral presentation.
Evaluate the activity (1000 words)
( Learning outcomes 4,5,6)


Core Texts
Medwell J, Wray D, Minns H and Griffths V (2011). Primary English: Teaching theory and Practice ( Achieving QTS) Hodder and Stoughton.

Haylock D (2010) Mathematics explained for Primary teachers. Basil Blackwell

Recommended texts

Bunting R. (1997) Teaching About Language in the Primary Years, David Fulton

CLPE (1990) The Reading Book, Centre for Language in Primary Education

Baker C. (1995) Building Bridges: Resources for Children, Multilingual Matters

Brown A. (1993) Helping Children to Write, Paul Chapman

Chambers A. (1991) The Reading Environment, Thimble Press

Harris R. & Savitzky F. (1988) My Personal Language History, New Beacon Books Ltd

Wells G. (1987) The Meaning Makers, Hodder & Stoughton

-Palmer S, Corbett P (2005) Literacy: what works? Nelson Thornes

DfES (2002) Ref 0239/2002 NLS: Supporting Pupils Learning English as an Additional Language

DfES (2002) NLS: Including all Children in the Literacy Hour and Daily Mathematics Lessons

Askew M. (1998) Teaching Primary Mathematics, Hodder and Stoughton

Hopkins C., Gifford S., Pepperall S. (Eds) (1996) Mathematics in the Primary School: A sense of progression David Fulton Ltd

Atkinson S. (1992) Mathematics with Reason, Hodder an Stoughton

Haylock D. (1995) Mathematics Explained for Primary Teacher, Paul Chapman Ltd

Hughes M. (1989) Children and Numbers, Blackwell

Wood D. (1998) How Children Think and Learn, Open University: Basil Blackwell

Haycock & Cockburn (2002) Understanding Mathematics in the Lower Primary Years. Paul Chapman

Cotton T (2010) Understanding and teaching Primary mathematics. Thinble Press

Boys R, Spink E, Macrory G, Bowen P (2008) Primary Curriculum : Teaching the Foundation Subjects. Nelson Thornes

Thompson I (2010) Issues in Teaching numeracy in Primary Schools. Hodder and Stoughton.

Online resources