module specification

FC6P01 - Project (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Project
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Total study hours 300
6 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
60 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
234 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 10%   Interim Report
Coursework 30%   Project process
Coursework 50%   Final Report
Coursework 10%   Viva/Poster
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Wednesday Afternoon

Module summary

The module enables students to demonstrate their acquired knowledge and skills through a systematic and creative investigation of a project work, either individually or as part of a group, in accordance with their course requirements. The topic of investigation will cover a broad spectrum of various analysis and techniques and will lead to a comprehensive and concise academic/industry-related report. Students will be assisted in exploring areas that may be unfamiliar to them and encouraged to develop innovative ideas and techniques. Students will be able to choose a project that may require the solution to a specific problem, creation of an artefact in a real-world environment or an investigation of innovative ideas and techniques related to an area within their field of study. Collaboration with outside agencies and projects with industrial, business or research partners/ sponsors will be encouraged.

Prior learning requirements

Level - 5 completed


The module aims to develop a wide range of subject specific cognitive abilities and skills relating to intellectual tasks, including practical skills and additional transferable skills of a more general nature and applicable in many other contexts. Each project will differ in specific content but students will be expected to:


Explore unfamiliar territories and adopt a multidisciplinary approach where applicable; demonstrate confidence in applying original and innovative ideas; LO1, LO2

Apply suitable methodology, including use of software, evaluation and verification of results; LO2, LO3

Execute a plan of work to achieve set targets within time limits; learn, through supervised experience, how to plan and carry out a project through a systematic and creative approach; LO3, LO4, LO5

Reflect critically upon the work undertaken and its limitations; raise awareness in potential business development opportunities in connection to the project work undertaken and of any ethical, legal and professional issues; LO4, LO5, LO6

Produce a clear and well-structured project report/documentation; develop reporting skills as well as the ability to communicate results, conclusions, and the  knowledge and rationale underpinning these, to specialists and non-specialists audiences, clearly and unambiguously; LO6


Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Students will either propose their own project, or select from a list of previously approved projects provided by staff and industrial partners/clients. The list will be made available to students via a dedicated web site. Students’ own proposals will be subject to an approval process to ensure that they are of the appropriate scale and standard for the final year project and reflect the title and aims of their degree course.

Students will be allocated a supervisor, based on the project on which they are working, and the supervisor will be the main contact point for the student during the course of the project. There will be at least six formal, recorded sessions with the supervisor, during the project.  Students may be supervised individually or in groups by their supervisor.

The project is a major piece of work equating to about 300 hours of learning time for each student which will be reflected in the quality and quantity of work submitted.

The student will be responsible for the day to day organisation and management of the project and for ensuring that the project is delivered on time.  The supervisor will act in an advisory capacity, offering advice and guidance as necessary to ensure that the student remains on track. Students will be required to formally plan their project.

All projects will contain two milestones:

1. A formal progress review will be undertaken at the midpoint of the project, at which point guidance can be given and remedial action taken as necessary to ensure that the project remains on track.

2. The final submission will mark the formal end of project activity and the date by which all work on the project should be completed.

There will be a project show at the end of the year to celebrate students' achievements. Students will have opportunities to exhibit their project work during the event where stakeholders and students' friends and families would be invited and project prizes could be awarded.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students should be able to:


LO1: Plan and carry out a personal programme of work, independent research or investigation;

LO2: Apply advanced problem-solving skills and technical knowledge to establish rigorous and creative solutions to a previously unfamiliar real-life problem;

LO3: Apply a structured design process and project management techniques to ensure that the project is completed in a timely manner, meeting the requirements of the appropriate professional body or industry standards;

LO4: Select from a range of alternatives the optimal solution to a problem and to justify that selection, giving due consideration to cost drivers, risk management and security issues;

LO5: Carry that solution through to final implementation, demonstrating an ability to work in a team, if appropriate;

LO6: Formally and correctly report on the progress and outcomes of the process, and reflect upon their personal development, legal, social, ethical and professional issues.


A project-specific bibliography will be given to the student as part of their specification.

Students may find the following recommended texts useful.

Breach M. (2009), “Dissertation Writing for Engineers and Scientists”, Pearson Education Ltd. ISBN 9781408241653

Dawson C.W. (2015), “Projects in Computing and Information Systems - A Student’s Guide”, 3rd Ed. Pearson Education Ltd. ISBN  9781292081120


Fisher E.A., Thompson R. (2014) “Enjoy Writing Your Science Thesis or Dissertation!: A Step by Step Guide to Planning and Writing a Thesis or Dissertation for Undergraduate and Graduate Science Students”, Imperial College Press, ISBN: 9781783264209


Oliver P. “Writing Your Thesis”, SAGE Publications, ISBN: 9781446267844

Weaver P. (2004), “Success in Your Project, A Guide to Student System Development Projects”, Prentice Hall Financial Times, ISBN  9780273678090

Cottrell S. (2014), “Dissertations and Project Reports : A Step by Step Guide”, Palgrave Macmillan, ISBN: 9781137364272

Gerald J. Alred, Walter E. Oliu, Charles T. Brusaw (2019), The Handbook of Technical Writing (12th Edition), Bedford, Macmillan Learning, ISBN:  9781319107345



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Electronic Databases:

IEEE Xplore / IET Digital Library (IEL) -


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