module specification

FE7052 - International Corporate Finance (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title International Corporate Finance
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 20
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 200
12 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
152 hours Guided independent study
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 100%   Coursework - 3000 words
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Autumn semester North Wednesday Evening

Module summary

This module explores the theoretical underpinnings and empirical evidence concerning the activities of corporate finance from an international perspective. The module offers students the opportunity to develop their knowledge in a range of areas related to the international financial system, theories explaining foreign exchange rate behaviour, hedging currency risks, sources of finance for international trade and investment projects for both large and small firms, the effect on international capital structure of investment decisions, risk exposure and risk management, cross-border mergers and acquisitions, and multinational working capital management. These topics will be dealt with the overall framework in relation to international corporate activities.


The module aims to:


  • provide a framework for students to explore corporate strategies and decisions in an international perspective.
  • Offer a conceptual framework for students on corporate strategies and decisions from an international perspective.
  • a study on the application of relevant theories, models and empirical evidence for the analysis and evaluation of major corporate activities and decisions made by global firms.


The module uses Bloomberg for teaching delivery and assessment and enables students to join the elite group of Bloomberg users around the world. 


Note: If there are not sufficient student numbers to make a module viable, the School reserves the right to cancel such a module. If the School cancels a module it will use its reasonable endeavours to provide a suitable alternative.

Prior learning requirements



International financial environment: The exchange rates regimes and international monetary system (LO1)


The foreign exchange market: international parity relations, theories explaining determinants of exchange rates, functions and types of financial markets, and their application for currency risk management (LO2)


Sources of financing for global firms: financial reports equity and debt finance through capital markets, banks and other institutions (LO3)


Sources of financing in global firms: corporate report, financing international trade, equity and debt finance through international capital markets, money markets, banks and other institutions (LO3)


Multinational working capital management: management of trade receivables, trade payables, inventories and cash (LO3)


Risk management: risk exposures (transaction, translation and economic exposures) and foreign exchange risks (LO3)


International capital structure: The costs of capital for global firms, introduction to international capital asset pricing model and its implications (LO3)


Multinational capital budgeting and investments: evaluation of investment projects and decision making (LO4)

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Learning and teaching are structured by using a 2-hour lecture and 1-hour seminar in each week as required. The lectures will outline the key concepts, theories and models to prepare students to develop the capability to solve problems and evaluate alternative decision options. The seminars will be used by lecturer and students to discuss assigned topics on various aspects of the material covered by the module. It is expected that students will spend 12 or more hours per week outside the lecture and seminar reading assigned material, collecting data for analysis, solving problems and writing essays or preparing essay plans to consolidate their understanding of the module.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module, students will be able to:


  • Demonstrate a clear understanding of the historical and contemporary policy and institutional issues in the international financial system and their implications for the development of the international financial architecture dealing with international business and finance.
  • Discuss the theoretical determinants of foreign exchange rates and the functions of currency markets and their implications for international corporate finance.
  • Analyse how global firms meet their funding, liquidity and risk management objectives through the use of major capital and money markets as well as international banking and finance systems.
  • Evaluate capital investment projects that multinational firms undertake.


Reading List Talis Link:

Core Reading List:

Berk, J. and DeMarzo, P. (2019), Corporate Finance, Global Edition, 5th Edition, Pearson, Harlow.

Jacque, L. L. (2019), International Corporate Finance: Value Creation with Currency Derivatives in Global Capital Markets, 2nd Edition, Wiley and Sons.


Other Reading List:


Copeland, L. (2014), Exchange Rates and International Finance, 6th Edition, Pearson, Harlow

Eiteman, D., Stonehill, A. and Moffett, M. (2015) Multinational Business Finance, 14th Edition, Pearson, Harlow

Levi M. D., (2017), International Finance, 5th Edition, Routledge, Oxon

Pileam, K. (2013), International Finance, 4th Edition, Palgrave Macmillan, Hampshire

Ross S A, Westerfield, R., Jaffe, J.  and Jordan, B. D. (2009), Modern Financial Management, 8th Edition, McGraw Hill

Shapiro, A. (2013) Multinational Financial Management, 10th Edition, Wiley & Sons, Inc.


Journal of Financial Economics

Journal of Finance, European Financial Management

Financial Management

Journal of Banking and Finance

Journal of Applied Corporate Finance

Financial Analysts Journal

Online resources:

International Monetary Fund

The World Bank

The UK Data Service