module specification

FE7061 - International Logistics (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title International Logistics
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 20
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 200
12 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
36 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
152 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Group Presentation 20%   Individually assessed Group Presentation - 20 minutes
Coursework 80%   Individual essay (1,500 words)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Spring semester North Monday Morning
Spring semester North Monday Afternoon
Spring semester North Thursday Morning
Spring semester North Thursday Afternoon
Summer studies North Monday Morning
Summer studies North Monday Afternoon

Module summary

This module will enable you to understand the actual processes of the exchange of goods and services between partners in global trade, and the logistical arrangements within transnational corporations across state and regional boundaries. The focus will be on the economic imperatives which have influenced the development of global supply chain management, the micro-economic dynamics affecting the transport and logistics sector and the disruptive trends which are transforming the industry. It will include increasingly relevant concerns such as ethics and sustainability in global supply chains and the importance of understanding risk, especially in developing markets.

The module aims to introduce you to the different theories, methodologies and data sources which will allow you to monitor and understand the logistical strategies developed by the major global producers and consumer goods intermediaries. These connections and processes are part of the development of global trade and economic growth, and have profound consequences for economic and social development.

The aims of the module are:

1 To provide you with an understanding of the nature of logistics studies.

2 To ensure that you are able to explain the different theories and techniques applied to the study of  logistics

3 To enable you to understand the types of logistics companies and the processes they use in moving goods around the world.

4 To define and explain to you supply chain management concepts, such as the trade-off between inventory and transport costs, which have influenced the production strategies of multinational enterprises.

5 To outline the types of technologies used to provide visibility in the supply chain and increase efficiency.

6 To provide an overview of the disruptive innovations which are being developed to make international logistics more efficient, and the impact these will have on supply chain strategy.

7 To explain the increased level of risk, which has evolved through the relocation of production processes to developing countries and how multinational enterprises should deal with it. Global waste recycling issues.

8 To provide a background to the increasingly important role which ethical and environmental factors play in the development of sustainable and economically viable supply chains. The circular economy.

Prior learning requirements



The international logistics process. How are goods moved from Asia to Europe or North America? Which types of logistics company are involved and how do they interact with customers, customs authorities, banks and other organisations? Case studies of some of the challenges faced by leading global logistics providers. LO 1

The way in which E-commerce is revolutionising the retail sector and with it the changing role of logistics companies. How are companies like Amazon and Alibaba transforming retail and manufacturing supply chains through their international logistics strategies?

The anatomy of the global logistics industry. What role is played by freight forwarders, shipping lines, air cargo operators, rail and road freight operators. The micro-economics of each sector which influences their development. LO 2

The development of supply chain theory and practice, from Just-in-case manufacturing to Just-in-time. The development of import, and value added for re-export. The trade-offs between labour costs, costs of transportation and stock holding costs which have shaped the globalisation of production. The consequent increasing importance of international transport and the changing nature of the industry to meet supply chain needs.

The risks involved in international supply chains. Best practice for ensuring resilient supply chains. Case studies examining the impact on supply chains of some of the worst natural disasters in recent years. Problems of Piracy. The consequences of international sanctions.

Emerging markets: the transformation of the international logistics market through the economic growth of countries such as China, India and Brazil. The increasing complexities of supply chains as these markets develop into the world’s largest consumers of goods rather than solely manufacturing hubs. LO 3

Ethics, environmental impact and profitability: successful companies need integrated strategies encompassing all three factors to ensure they are successful and sustainable. Case studies of best practice. LO 4

The future of globalisation. With growing protectionism, the failure to secure free trade agreements and the development of disruptive technologies such as robotics, automation and 3D Printing, will manufacturers either be able to access or need to use low cost labour forces in emerging markets? LO 5

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The mix of lectures and talks will be supported by prepared seminars. The latter will involve pre seminar preparation and discussions of case studies, which will provide the basis for understanding the overall activity cycle and the consequent actions and results.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:


1) Critically evaluate international logistical processes, including the role of the many intermediaries involved and their value added: analyse the on-going developments in international logistics at a global level, assessing its consequences for economic development, and the social effects associated with that expansion.


2) Demonstrate a conceptual and practical understanding of the risks involved in international supply chains and the strategic decisions made by multinational enterprises in their sourcing and production plans, anticipating the consequences of development for future supply chain investments and trading plans and relations


3) Understand the reasons behind out-sourcing and unbundling of production processes to remote locations; the costs and benefits this has brought to manufacturers and consumers as well as the workers involved both in developed and developing markets.


4) Understand the development needs of a range of emerging markets, and be able to assess the appropriate forms of investment and trading activities that would best support those developments


5) Be able to make suitable proposals both at the corporate, governmental and intergovernmental level, for actions further to facilitate beneficial changes for emerging markets’ logistics infrastructure


Reading List Talis Link:

Core Text

Manners-Bell, J. (2016) An Introduction to Global Logistics. Kogan Page.

Other Texts

Chick G. and Handfield R.B. (2015) The Procurement Value Proposition: The Rise of Supply Management.  Kogan Page.

Dani., S.D. (2015) Food Supply Chain Management and Logistics: From Farm to Fork.  Kogan Page

Manners-Bell, J. (2014) Supply Chain Risk, Kogan Page.

Manners-Bell, J. (2017) Supply Chain Ethics, Kogan Page.

Manners-Bell, J. (2014)   Logistics and Supply Chains  in Emerging Markets

Kogan Page.

Morana, J. (2013) Sustainable Supply Chain Management. Wiley.

Trautrims, A., Wong, C.Y. & Grant D.B. (2015) Sustainable Logistics and Supply Chain Management (Revised Edition). Kogan Page.

Whybark, D.C., Jacobs,F.R., Vollmann, T.E., and Berry W.L. (2011) Manufacturing Planning and Control for Supply Chain Management  McGraw Hill (APICS/CPM Certification edition)


The International Journal of Logistics Management viz Issue 1 2013 Special Issue: Ocean freight logistics.

International Journal of Logistics Systems and Management

International Journal of Logistics Research and Applications

International Journal of Logistics Management

Logistics Research

The Asian Journal of Shipping and Logistics (AJSL)

Journal of Business logistics


Logistics Manager

Supply Chain Management:

Operations and Supply Chain Management


Journal of Sustainable Transportation,

Significant Web sites

You Tube items: examples

GS1 Australia (EPICS)

UK Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport

Walmart Supply Chain