module specification

GI7035 - Managing Teams (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25, but may be subject to modification
Module title Managing Teams
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 20
School School of Social Sciences and Professions
Total study hours 200
20 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
150 hours Guided independent study
30 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 20%   Podcast
Coursework 80%   Report
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

The module focuses mainly on the micro level of management with the focus on developing team management and leadership skills. Management issues are addressed in the context of values-based organisations whether in the public, voluntary, or community sectors or social enterprises. Participants are introduced to management and leadership theories and relevant policy frameworks in order to facilitate critical reflection on aspects of their management and leadership role.  In addition, participants will explore key practice areas, drawing from relevant theories and reflecting on their relevance to their own experience. Particular attention will be paid to health and wellbeing in the workplace, time management, leadership, and communication and negotiation skills. Students will also review their developmental role as a leader and manager, and the module will critically explore current ideas and practices regarding when working with teams, networks, and inter-professional working groups.

The aims of this module are:
 To provide an overview and introduction to management within organisational contexts encompassing both community and voluntary organisations and the wider public sector.
 To enable participants to apply an analytical and reflective approach to their personal management skills and leadership styles.
 To explore the relevance and application of current theories and concepts in the management and organisational studies field to participants’ own experience, work context and roles.
 To explore a range of strategies and approaches to improve performance across diverse organisational contexts.


The syllabus will include the following key areas:

• Theoretical frameworks of management and leadership and their relevance to different organisational and policy contexts; the key role of service users and other stakeholders in shaping management models and priorities. LO1,LO3,LO4
• Key areas of managing and leading teams, applying relevant theory and concepts to develop an understanding of health and wellbeing in the workplace, time management, communication, team-building and negotiation skills. LO1,LO3,LO4
• Methods of staff development, and their use in supporting quality improvements and in achieving organisational goals and objectives. LO2,LO4
• Theories of learning and development and their application to individual, management and organisational learning and to the building of communities of practice. LO3,LO4
• Initiating and enabling change – through teams, multi-agency networks and groups; addressing concerns of risk and resistance to change LO1,LO4

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module teaching is based on weekly lectures and seminar classes, where specific group-work exercises have been developed to provide students with an opportunity to examine in more detail some of the main conceptual and methodological issues covered in lectures.

The approach to teaching is based on facilitating the application of concepts, methods and principles to practice-related contexts, and students’ integration of learning in relation to real world scenarios. This approach to teaching aims to develop students’ ability to think critically about data and evidence, and to draw appropriate inferences in accordance with the stated learning outcomes.

The above teaching methods will be complemented by students’ independent study on the module. Students will be required to read, on a weekly basis, recommended chapters in the core textbook, or to access other relevant educational material.

The module will be using WebLearn - guidance will be given during the module about how to best use this. It is designed to support students learning providing access to wider reading and resources to help to prepare for each session e.g. websites, policy documents and articles and or to revise and deepen knowledge after sessions e.g. lecture notes. Students are encouraged to use other learning resources such as the Library and Academic Mentors and WebLearn.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module participants will be able to:
1. Reflect critically on the relevance of a range of management skills and concepts to their current work role/s.
2.   Review critically their strengths and weaknesses in relation to these skills, drawing on appropriate diagnostic tools in order to identify areas for learning and personal development.
3.    Critically evaluate the relevance of a range of models in areas including leadership, personal and management development, team building and performance management to areas of practice where improvements are required and service user issues, including risk, are properly considered.
4.    Identify and apply appropriate skills and understanding aimed at developing the performance of self, others or the organisation and demonstrate critical reflection and learning from this process.


Pedler, M Burgoyne, J and Boydell, T. (2013) A Manager's Guide to Self-development McGraw-Hill (6th ed) LMU E-resource.

Adirondack, S (2005) Just about managing? Effective management for voluntary organisations (4th ed) London: London Voluntary Service Council.

Barr, J., & Dowding, L. (2012). Leadership in health care. Los Angeles, SAGE.
Clegg, S., Kornberger, M. and Pitsis, T. (2008) Managing Organizations: an introduction to theory and practice London: Sage

Cooper,C.L. & Leiter,M.P. (Eds) (2017)The Routledge Companion to Wellbeing at Work, London:Taylor & Francis Group. ProQuest Ebook Central available at:

Coulshed, V & Mullender,A. (2006) Management in Social Work (3rd Ed) London: Macmillan

Dracopoulou, S. (1998) Ethics and Values in Health Care Management. London: Routledge. E-resource.

Flynn, N (2007) Public Sector Management London: Harvester Wheatsheaf

Guirdham, M (2005) Communicating across cultures at work (2nd edition) Palgrave Macmillan

Hafford-Letchfield, T (2006) Management and Organisations in Social Work, Learning Matters Exeter

Koprowska, J (2005) Communication and Interpersonal Skills in Social Work, Learning Matters, Exeter

Lambley, S. (2009) Proactive Management in Social Work Practice Exeter: Learning Matters

Martin, V., Charlesworth, J. and Henderson, E. (2010) Managing in Health and Social Care London: Routledge

Rayner, C and Adam-Smith, D. (2009) Managing and Leading People (2nd edition) London: CIPD

Walshe, K. (2006) Healthcare Management Buckingham: Open University Press

Winstanley, D. (2005) Personal Effectiveness London: CIPD

Behavioural Science and Policy Association (2015)Workplace stressors & health outcomes: Health policy for the workplace. Available at: workplace-stressors-health-outcomes (Accessed 4/04/18)

The Mental Health Taskforce to the NHS in England (2016) The Five Year Forward View For Mental Health,. Available at: https://www.england.nhs. uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/Mental-Health-TaskforceFYFV-final.pdf (Accessed 4/04/18)
World Health Organisation (2017) Stress at the workplace. Available at: http://www. (Accessed 4/04/18)