module specification

LC7037 - Employment Law and Practice (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Employment Law and Practice
Module level Masters (07)
Credit rating for module 13.5
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 120
24 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
96 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Open Book Examination 100%   Examination
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Spring semester North Friday Morning
Spring semester North Thursday Morning
Spring semester North Monday Evening
Spring semester North Monday Evening

Module summary

 The Employment Law and Practice Module covers most aspects of contentious employment law including unfair dismissal, redundancy and equality law. It also includes the procedural steps to bring or defend proceedings in the Employment Tribunal.

The module aims to teach students how to act for clients who want to bring or defend proceedings in the Employment Tribunal.

Prior learning requirements

 Stage 1


The Contract of Employment
Unfair Dismissal and Redundancy
 Discrimination Law and Practice

Cover all Learning Outcomes

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

8 one-hour Tutor Led Sessions and 8 two-hour Student Led Sessions. The TLS are one week ahead of the SLS to allow students time for reflection. Students are required to carry out pre-reading and tasks as preparation for each session.

Learning outcomes

 On completion of this elective students should:

1. Appreciate the nature of Employment Law and Practice
2. Be able to locate and use electronic and paper sources of employment law
3. Understand the different institutions and individuals in employment law and practice and their interrelationship
4. Be able to identify and perform the steps required to bring and defend proceedings in the Employment Tribunal.

Element 1 – The Contract of Employment

Students should be able to:

1. appreciate the essential terms of the contract of employment
2. be able to advise on the contents and controls on the contract of employment including statutory controls

Element 2 – Unfair Dismissal and Redundancy

Students should be able to:

1. Appreciate the difference between wrongful and unfair dismissal
2. Analyse facts, identify issues and apply the law relating to unfair dismissal and redundancy in a transaction based context
3. Advise the client on the law relating to unfair dismissal and redundancy including advice on remedies.
4. Draft the documents necessary to bring and defend proceedings in the Employment Tribunal
5. Advise the client on the possible methods of funding litigation in the Employment Tribunal
6. Identify the appropriate methods of resolving disputes in the employment tribunal including advice on the role of ACAS, Early Conciliation,
7. Demonstrate an understanding of the Tribunal’s case management powers and the procedure to be followed at the Tribunal  hearing

Element 3 - Discrimination Law and Practice

Students should be able to:

1. Analyse facts, identify issues and apply the law relating to discrimination law in a transaction based context
2. Advise the client on the law relating to discrimination including advice on remedies
3. Draft the documents necessary to bring and defend proceedings in the Employment Tribunal.


 Basic Text
Employment Law and Practice Manual, University of Law Publishing

Online Materials
Supporting WebLearn materials and student study materials