module specification

LT5011 - Moving People and the Transport Project (2018/19)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2018/19
Module title Moving People and the Transport Project
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 30
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 300
81 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
219 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Group Presentation 20%   Small group presentation assessing a transport hub
Coursework 30%   Individual report on the travel chain with reflective log and employability/career tasks
Coursework 50%   Transport project report
Running in 2018/19

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

An introduction to the co-ordination of passenger transport operations as effective and sustainable systems for moving people from the local to global scale.  Students apply transport management and marketing principles to ‘live’ case studies, with reference to the development of transport infrastructure and services that are used by visitors as well as local people.  The emphasis is on learning through problem-solving and self-managed projects that simulate contemporary challenges for transport professionals and consultants, and on developing an appreciation of career opportunities for graduates in the sector.

Module aims

This module aims:
1. To introduce the demand for and current trends in personal travel, the sustainable development of passenger transport, the application of innovative technologies, and the role of professional bodies
2. To provide knowledge and understanding of the modes/types of service, the concept of ‘travel chain’, inter-operability and integration of transport systems, and the significance of regulation/deregulation for the marketing of transport and travel products
3. To appreciate the various stakeholders within the travel chain and their inter-relationships
4. To facilitate self-evaluation of personal strengths and weaknesses working within a team as well as independently, and an appreciation of the capabilities required of managers and career opportunities in the transport and travel sector
5. To facilitate application of basic techniques to survey the quality of transport services, facilities and systems, to develop solutions, and to present findings and recommendations through a transport project report

It also aims to develop students’ skills, in particular:
• Academic Reading 
• Researching
• Analysing Data
• Application of Knowledge and Presenting Data
• Academic Writing/literacy
• Notemaking
• Communicating/presenting – orally and in writing, including inter-cultural communication
• Critical Thinking and Writing
• Problem Solving and Decision Making
• Self/Time management, including self-efficacy
• Self assessment/reflection, including awareness of and management of emotions
• Interpersonal, including. collaborating / working with others, cross cultural awareness, having a positive attitude, negotiation and persuasion
• Career management


1. The nature of transport demand and supply, trends in personal travel; how services and capacity can be ‘managed’ by pricing, regulation and other interventions
2. Travel by road, rail, sea and air; strengths, weaknesses and future challenges for the different modes/types of transport services
3. Hyper-mobility versus slower and more sustainable travel
4. Understanding transport as a ‘system’;  inter-operability and better integration between modes and services: physical transfer, waiting time, through payment, and service information
5. Improving the design of transport interchanges, greater efficiency of vehicle and passenger movement; principles of inclusive design for ‘whole journey environments’
6. Introducing deregulation and its implications for marketing transport services
7. Travel to/from and within visitor destinations; prospects for sustainability in travel and tourism development; technological and operational innovations
8. Introducing communications; managing reputation in the transport and travel sector
9. Working in teams as well as independently; personal development and the ‘reflective practitioner’; career opportunities in the sector; the role of professional bodies
10. Primary and secondary research to assess the quality of transport services, facilities and systems; developing solutions, presenting findings and recommendations

Learning and teaching

During the first 15 weeks of this module will be delivered through lectures and seminars, so that each week students will normally have 3 hours input (normally 1.5 hours lecture, 1.5 hours seminar), with some site visits to observe transport hubs and critically assess how passengers experience the services provided.  In addition to class-based contact, this will be enhanced by blended learning to provide on-line support and guidance as well as student participation, e.g. to enable discussion of how transport systems can be improved from the passengers’ perspective.  Students will also be encouraged to submit content outlines for comment at an early stage of their coursework.  From week 15 to 30, students will develop skills to undertake primary and secondary research through a transport project in which they will critically assess the quality of a major transport service and associated facilities, making recommendations to a ‘client’. Initial briefing sessions will introduce the project and enable students to discuss their initial choice of case study. They will then be expected to manage their own programme of investigation. They will receive guidance in tutorial with their tutors, with whom they will meet periodically as well as review progress on-line. The Assessments 2 and 3 include the development of reflective learning logs/commentaries.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of the module, students will:

• Appreciate the context in which transport undertakings respond to the varied demands for personal travel; the importance of sustainable development of transport, and the potential application of innovative technologies and practices
• Understand the complementary roles and contribution of the different modes and types of passenger transport, from the local/regional to national and international scale
• Understand the principles that underpin the concept of the ‘travel chain’, and transport as an inter-connected and integrated system
• Identify the stakeholders involved in the travel chain, and appreciate their respective roles and inter-relationships
• Appreciate the capabilities that would  be required of mangers and professionals in transport and travel, and opportunities for career development in the sector
• Carry out a self-managed survey to assess the quality of transport provision and produce solutions, with effective communication of findings and recommendations

Assessment strategy

A group presentation and two pieces of written work:

Assessment 1: A verbal presentation of observations and findings from visits to a major transport hub. This will be carried out by a small group and will require thoughtful application of the theory of the ‘whole journey environment’ discussed in the module. Weighting 20%, 15-20 minutes plus questions.

Assessment 2: An individual assignment that requires the student to consider the ‘travel chain’ and gather information from a range of sources, synthesize and analyse with clear recommendations that acted upon.  This will also include a short reflective learning log on how the student participated in the group work (assessment 1 above) and a simulated application for a graduate post in the sector, related to career opportunities.  Weighting 30%, 2000 words.

Assessment 3: In this component is a case study project report, the form and content of which must be appropriate to a piece of consultancy for a ‘client’.  The transport project is designed to assess ability to define the case study problems and issues, and to carry out a survey independently, using observational research and a range of sources.  The report will also include a reflective commentary on the methods used to carry out the survey and how these techniques might be enhanced with more time/resources. Weighting 50%, 4000 words


Key texts:
Department for Transport, (annual) National Travel Survey, London: HMSO;
Department for Transport, (annual) Transport Statistics Great Britain, London: HMSO;
Dickenson, J. and Lumsdon, L. (2010) Slow Travel and Tourism, London: Earthscan;
Orbasli, A. and Shaw, S. (2004) 'Transport and Visitors in Historic Cities' in L. Lumsdon and S. Page (Eds.) Tourism and Transport: Issues and Agenda for The New Millennium, London: Elsevier;
Page, S. (2009) Transport and Tourism: Global Perspectives, Harlow: Pearson;
Sharp, A. (2007) ‘Airport Rail Links’, Focus (Journal of CILT), February, pp. 42-3;
Shaw, S. (2002 reprinted) Transport: Strategy and Policy, Oxford: Blackwell;
TfL Website Corporate: