module specification

LT5086 - Applied Research with Field Course (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Applied Research with Field Course
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 15
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 150
8 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
81 hours Guided independent study
21 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
40 hours Placement / study abroad
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 30%   Group project research framework poster (500 words)
Coursework 70%   Research report (2500 words)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

‘The Applied Research with Field Course’ is designed around the model of research-informed teaching, with emphasis on learning through problem-solving and self-managed projects. The module serves as an optional continuum to ‘Skills, Analysis and Methods’ module and aims to stimulate development of students’ ability to relate theoretical material to real world case study, making clear links between theory, research methodology, data collection and analysis.
For the length of the module, students cooperate and work in groups, to gather amount of data sufficient to complete their independent projects. Given the case study destination, students research relevant to their discipline aspects of the destination and decide on subject-specific problem to be investigated using primary research. In the next stage, students design research framework focusing on research question, suitable methodology and sampling. In the process, the encouragement is given to the use of mixed methodologies (interviews, surveys, audits, participant observation and visual methodologies) to enable students to practice in field a range of tools and develop skills of independent researcher. During the field course, students are expected to conform to the professional code of conduct.
Additionally, the module aims to create group cohesion and the sense of course belonging, which is fundamental to improving retention rates as well as overall levels of student satisfaction. 
The aim of the module is to provide students with an opportunity to design research project and practice research skills in an unfamiliar environment, via residential field course. This serves as a practical underpinning for the dissertation module and ability to verify and address student’s individual strengths and weaknesses as a researcher.

Prior learning requirements

Skills, Analysis and Methods (LT5085) or other research methods module successfully passed;
Self-financed module


Syllabus will introduce the research process and indicate how and when module structure will apply all seven stages: pre-field course (problem recognition, question formulation and identification of data requirements), during the field course (data collection) and post-field course (data analysis, data presentation and data interpretation). Case study destination will be presented, and focus will move towards research framework design and applicability of field research methods. LO1

Residential field course will act as arena of primary data collection and reflection on strengths and weaknesses of various approaches. Post-field course sessions serve as data analysis and presentation support. LO2

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

Module will be taught in a structured (university premises) and unstructured (field course) environment. Pre-field course, class-based workshops will allow to develop independent group research projects and present designed research framework. Tutors act as advisers and moderators of students learning with emphasis being put on guided, independent study.
Residential field course, held in the second part of the Spring semester with dates varying annually in line with university and holiday schedule, is the essential part of the module. The precise location of field course will be provided at the beginning of academic year and will depend on current developments in the respective industries, evolving academic partnerships and student’s financial capabilities.
Reflective component is incorporated in the final assignment element, where students are asked to reflect on the real experience of primary field research and their individual research strengths and weaknesses.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
1. Identify research gap and plan research project demonstrating ability to apply mixed methodology in primary research;
2. Fulfil research project via carrying out primary research, analysing collected data, effectively communicating specific research findings and reflecting on challenges of the research approach undertaken


Core Texts:
Research themes agenda:
• Hartley, J. et al (2014) Key Concepts in Creative Industries, SAGE.
• Jones, P., Holmes, D., (2011) Key Concepts in Media and Communications, SAGE.
• Leseure, M. (2010) Key Concepts in Operations Management, SAGE.
• Quinn, B. (2013) Key Concepts in Event Management, SAGE.
• Smith, M. et al (2010) Key Concepts in Tourism Studies, SAGE.
Research methodology:
• Altlinay, L, Paraskevas, A. (2008) Planning Research in Hospitality and Tourism, Butterworth-Heinemann
• Denscombe, M. (2010) The Good Research Guide: for small-scale social research projects, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill/Open University Press, Maidenhead.
• Hall, M.C. (2010) Fieldwork in Tourism. Methods, Issues and Reflections. Routledge.
• Orne, J., Bell, M. (2015) An Invitation to Qualitative Fieldwork. A Multilogical Approach. Routledge.
• Rose, G. (2012) Visual methodologies: an introduction to researching with visual materials, SAGE, Los Angeles.
Resources specific to the field course destination will be additionally provided.