module specification

LT5094 - Field Trip (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Field Trip
Module level Intermediate (05)
Credit rating for module 15
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 150
9 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
36 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
105 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 100%   Individual business report (2,000 words) identifying a solution to the problem investigated and its implications.
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Spring semester North Friday Morning

Module summary

This module aims to enables students to complete a research-based project that deals with and / or provides a solution to a practical business problem. The student’s topic is linked with the destination of the field trip (for example Toulouse, with a focus on Airbus) and has to be appropriate to their undergraduate degree. Students are required to map out the applied problem, develop appropriate research questions, identify and use theoretical concepts/prior literature, and use robust and appropriate methods and data analyses in an independent, ethical and disciplined manner. Students will have the opportunity to talk, observe and develop networks with experienced leaders in the organisation where the problem is focused. The field trip is time constrained replicating the realities of the business world. The students are expected to develop an in-depth understanding of their chosen problem, research methods/approaches and the ability to appropriately seek out data required for providing a practical solution. The module aims to stimulate development of students’ ability to relate theoretical material taught in the class to real world practice. It constitutes a useful and appropriate preparation for the final year dissertation or consultancy project.
The module is subject to minimum number of students participating and circumstances allowing travel.


LO 1

Problem solving processes
Understanding the Contexts of Problem solving
Identifying relevant theoretical frameworks



Planning and designing for practice-based problem solving
Data Collection & Analysis
Learning from experienced professionals



Discussion of findings & transforming data to solutions
Presentation in a report format
Evaluate Ethical Dimensions of Research

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module aims to provide a supportive  environment  in  which  students  can develop  their  analytical,  practical research  and  employability  skills  in  the  context  of a real world problem that  relates  to their course of study in the broader field of  business  and  management.   The module will encourage students to  build  on  the  knowledge  and  skills  they  have acquired  at  levels  4  and part of  5  and  to  carry  out  independent problem solving exercise leading  to  the identification of practical solutions.
The field trip is time defined – usually a period of one week – providing a parallel to real world need for timely action in order to develop solutions. The module provides great opportunity to the students to network with big employers in their sector and meet highly experienced leaders.
This module is delivered in pre and post field trip module structure. The pre-Field Trip delivery structure constitutes taught workshops which allow learners to develop guided learning and procedures for the Field Trip with emphasis being put on enhancing their independent learning which will help them plan for the post Field-Trip session.
The field trip itself will offer the students the opportunity to visit appropriate organisations, talk to experienced leaders, observe and collect data. As such, whilst it will possess a basis structure it will allow students autonomy and flexibility with their time in the process of collecting data. The field trip will be time defined (usually a week).
The post Field Trip, which is the second part of the delivery structure, is the essential part of the module and involves travel to a location so that practical experience can be gained in the context of the course studied.  The precise location of the actual Field Trip will be provided to the students and will depend on current developments in the respective industries, evolving academic partnerships and students’ financial capabilities.
The report assessment component will help the students to develop a solution to their problem and consider the implications for its implementation.
To maintain the balance between the independent study and scheduled teaching activity within the module, there will be (subject to changes) 6 hours (two weeks) scheduled workshop with 108 hours guided independent study/practice outside the classroom (Field Trip) with a 36 hours assessment preparation and delivery. This arrangement will provide the opportunity to learn not only from the classroom setting but also from the Field Trip experience.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:

1. Demonstrate analytical skills for problem solving by working independently in terms of problem identification, methodology, data collection, analysis, conclusions and presentation
2. Present a business and management related practical problem from the real world, using a logical structure and evaluate appropriate ethical considerations and methods, techniques, and tools.
3. Apply conceptual frameworks cognate to the course attended in practical terms as used in industry.


Core Texts:
• Naijian Zhang, (2015), Field Experience: Transitioning From Student to Professional (Counselling and Professional Identity)
• Bolton, G. (2018) Reflective Practice; Writing and Professional Development. 5th edn. London: Sage.                                             

Other Texts

• Hartley, J. et al (2014) Key Concepts in Creative Industries, SAGE.
• Jones, P., Holmes, D., (2011) Key Concepts in Media and Communications, SAGE.
• Leseure, M. (2010) Key Concepts in Operations Management, SAGE.
• Quinn, B. (2013) Key Concepts in Event Management, SAGE.
• Smith, M. et al (2010) Key Concepts in Tourism Studies, SAGE.
• Altlinay, L, Paraskevas, A. (2008) Planning Research in Hospitality and Tourism, Butterworth-Heinemann
• Denscombe, M. (2010) The Good Research Guide: for small-scale social research projects, 4th ed., McGraw-Hill/Open University Press, Maidenhead.
• Hall, M.C. (2010) Fieldwork in Tourism. , Issues and Reflections. Routledge.
• Orne, J., Bell, M. (2015) An Invitation to Qualitative Fieldwork. A Multilogical Approach. Routledge.
• Keeley L., (2013) Ten Types of Innovation: The Discipline of Building Breakthrough, Wiley
Resources specific to the field course destination may be additionally provided.