module specification

MC4004A - Principles and Practice in Marketing (Study Abroad ) (2020/21)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2020/21
Module title Principles and Practice in Marketing (Study Abroad )
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 15
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 150
42 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
100.5 hours Guided independent study
7.5 hours Placement / study abroad
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 20%   Learning Reflection (To be submitted electronically via Turnitin on WebLearn)
In-Course Test 30%   An In-class group presentation and written report
Coursework 50%   Individual marketing report
Running in 2020/21

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

This module provides an introduction to the study of the marketing and communications.  It outlines the fundamental principles, concepts and techniques which are essential to understanding marketing as a philosophy of business in different environments.  It provides students with the opportunity to explore contemporary marketing theories and approaches and the body of knowledge required for marketing decision making.

Module aims

The module aims and learning outcomes have been designed to meet the QAA benchmark statements which expect students to be able to demonstrate a range of cognitive, intellectual and interpersonal skills. The module will deal with a range of theoretical and practical techniques and tools used in marketing and communications.  In particular, knowledge of the marketing concept, business environment, marketing information system and research, buyer behaviour, market segmentation, targeting, positioning, International marketing, e-marketing and the introduction to the marketing mix of products and services.


-The evolution of marketing economies: marketing concept, it propositions and alternative business philosophies
-The European Marketing Environment
-Consumer Behaviour
-Business Marketing and Business to Consumer Marketing
-Marketing Planning
-Marketing Information Systems and Research
- Marketing Strategy & Segmentation
-Targeting & Positioning
-International Marketing
-Introduction to the Marketing Mix

Learning and teaching

The module will be delivered over a 15 week period and consists of 1.5 hours lectures and 1.5 hours seminar each week.  Exception is week 7, which is designated activity week.  There are two assessment components to be completed by week 15. The weekly lectures will focus on key theories, concepts models and frameworks of the principles of marketing and their application to real life situations in the context of European/UK and Global environments.

The seminars will focus on discussions, debates, questions and answer sessions to build on the topics covered in the lectures.  The emphasis will be on group activities and preparation for, case study analysis and the development of individual and group communications and presentational skills.  Students will be required to gather and evaluate information from various sources and relate contemporary issues to their knowledge of the marketing discipline and profession.

Activity week 7 will be based around subject groups and different course cohorts taking the module.  These activities will include; business games, marketing and communication simulation packages and off campus visits. Guest speakers will be invited from industry and the professional bodies to give master classes and to discuss career opportunity and prospects with students.

The facilities of Web Learn will be used as part of a blended learning approach by providing students with support information and as a resource to support independent learning.  Students will be encouraged to undertake wider reading of academic journal articles and the business press and to demonstrate these in seminar discussion, debates and in their assessments. This module also requires students to reflect upon their experiences and record their skills development as part of their PDP.

Learning outcomes

On completion of this unit the student will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate an awareness of marketing and communications definitions, theories, concepts and tools in so far as they affect business organisations
  2. Demonstrate the ability to seek, handle and interpret key economic, social, cultural, technological, political, environmental and behavioural data which underpin marketing and communications practices in a variety of organisations.
  3. Develop a conceptual and analytical approach to dealing with marketing and communications problems as they arise within the business organisation
  4. Develop general and academic communications skills including writing, oral presentation and interpersonal and IT skills
  5. Identify the key players in the marketing & communications industries and their importance in career
  6. Development & entrepreneurship.

Assessment strategy

Assessment component 1 (weighting 20%) Learning outcome assessed (LO1) Learning reflection in the form a 500-700 words account of student’s learning in the first 6 weeks of taking the module.  This task due in week 7 should include students experience on their module/course, the feedback they have received in their module and their own skills reflection on formative feedback. 

Assessment component 2 (weighting 30%): 
Consisting of group presentation (10%) and group written report (20%)
The learning outcomes assessed for this assessment component are LO 2- 3 in your learning outcomes.
Group presentation and written report
Each week in the seminar a team (made up of 3-4 individuals) will adopt the role of marketing managers and select a case study from the recommended textbook that relates to a specific marketing and communications challenge, for analysis. The case study chosen by each team, must be confirmed by the seminar tutor to avoid duplication. The team is required to give a presentation with highlights of the key marketing issues in their case study and provide answers/solutions to the questions raised in the case study. The presentation will last for 10minutes with up to an addition 5 minutes to answer questions from the audience. The group written report is a business/marketing report, which should also provide marketing answers/solutions to the same questions in the case study and details of the main points dealt with in the oral presentation.  These presentation and report writing will commence in week 8 and run as a rolling presentation from weeks 8-12. The case studies will be closely linked to the marketing topics covered in the lectures. 

Assessment component 3 (weighting 50%): Individual marketing report with a task focused on a business sector, where students will be required to show and apply their knowledge of general definitions, theories, concepts, and tools related to marketing that were covered in the course of the module.


- Brassington F and Pettitt S., (2012) Essentials of Marketing.  3th edition Prentice Hall
- Brassington F and Pettitt S., (2006) Principles of Marketing.  4th edition Prentice Hall
-Jobber D., (2009) Principles and Practices of Marketing, 6th edition McGraw Hill
-Kotler P., Armstrong G, Wong V, Saunders J, and Burkwood (2010) Principles of Marketing, 5th European Edition Pearson/Prentice Hall

Academic Journals
European Journal of Marketing
Journal of Services Marketing
Journal of Marketing
Journal of Consumer Marketing
International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management
Journal of Product and Brand Management

Key websites
Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM)
Marketing stable of magazines       

Professional Magazine
Marketing Week

Marketing Research Reports
Mintel Marketing Intelligence

Newspapers & Magazines (Marketing pages)
The Times
Financial Times
The Guardian
Wall Street Journal Europe
European Business