module specification

MC6P06 - The Fashion Project (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title The Fashion Project
Module level Honours (06)
Credit rating for module 30
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 300
6 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
45 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
249 hours Guided independent study
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 0%   Research proposal
Dissertation 100%   Dissertation/project 6,000 words
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

Fashion Project is a core specialist module for the BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Business Management programme. It aims to support students in becoming independent researchers able to apply theories, concepts and methodological tools to primary source material. The module content covers all the key requirements for undertaking an original piece of academic research over an extended period. The initial teaching block supports students in identifying an appropriate topic and in planning the research process – introducing the range of research methodologies and explaining the various elements of a dissertation required by academic convention. After determining where their interests lie, students are allocated a supervisor possessing specialist knowledge of the arena. It is likely that students will use the first of an entitlement of up to six meetings over the remainder of the module to discuss the production of the unmarked research proposal. After this proposal is ‘signed-off’ students embark on the research journey, scheduling meetings for advice and guidance as and when appropriate. It is recommended that students consult their supervisors after completing the literature review, during the data collection and analysis of findings stages, but reserve the final, if not also the penultimate, meeting for the writing-up stage prior to submission in the final teaching week.


• Introduction to research and the role of the supervisor LO1
• Identifying a topic LO1
• Research design LO1
• Research methods LO1
• Conducting a literature review LO2
• Theoretical/conceptual frameworks LO2
• Primary data vs secondary data  LO2
• Research methods: qualitative vs. quantitative LO2
• Presenting research in an appropriate academic format LO3

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The module runs over a 27-week period. Teaching is composed of 3-hour workshops addressing the standard range of research methods together with introductions to advanced e-research techniques. During this period all supervisors meet with groups of allocated students in order to initiate development of the research proposal. Once this proposal has been signed-off the remainder of the module is dedicated to independent research, with each student entitled up to five opportunities for one-to-one guidance and advice. In compiling the final outcome – a substantial piece of academic work – students are presented with numerous opportunities to reflect on their learning about both the topic, the research process, critical thinking and communication skills developed over a period of approximately six months.

Learning outcomes

LO1. Formulate a persuasive and coherent investigate proposal, articulating an original topic for investigation, suggesting appropriate research methodologies for obtaining primary source material and identifying a theoretical framework within which the findings can be interrogated.
LO2. Identify, collate, organise, analyse, theorise and articulate complex sets of data in an academic manner appropriate for engaging in study at higher academic levels
LO3. Contribute insights, ideas and/or new perspectives on a defined area of interest to the existing cannon of academic knowledge



Core Text:
           Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2015), Research Methods for Business
          Students, 7th ed, Financial Times Press
Other Texts:
 Christensen, L., Johnson, R. & Turner, L. (2011), Research Methods, Design, and Analysis: 11th ed, Pearson Higher Education
 Deane, M. (2010), Academic Research, Writing & Referencing, Longman
 Matthews, B. & Ross L. (2010), Research Methods: A Practical Guide for the Social Sciences, Longman
 Posner, H. (2014), Marketing Fashion, Laurence King
 Hart, C. (1999), Doing a Literature Review, London: Sage
 Strauss, A. & Corbin, J. (1997), Grounded Theory in Practice, London: Sage            
Qualitative & Qualntitative Research Methods
 Berg, B. & Lune, H. (2012) Qualitative Research Methods for the Social Sciences: 8th ed, Pearson Higher Education,
 Scott, G. & Garner, R. (2012), Doing Qualitative Research: Designs, Methods and Techniques, 1st ed, Pearson Higher Education,
 Neuman W. (2011), Social Research Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches: 7th ed, Pearson Higher Education,
 Yin, R. (2009), Case Study Research, Design and Methods, London: Sage
            George, D. & Mallery, P. (2012), IBM SPSS Statistics 19 Step by Step: A Simple
           Guide and Reference, 12th ed, Pearson Higher Education

          International Journal of Fashion Design Technology & Education
          International Journal of Fashion Marketing & Management
          International Journal of Fashion Studies
          Fashion Theory
         Fashion Practice
         Critical Studies in Men’s Fashion