MC7070 - Contemporary Advertising Practice (2021/22)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2021/22 | ||||||||||||
Module status | DELETED (This module is no longer running) | ||||||||||||
Module title | Contemporary Advertising Practice | ||||||||||||
Module level | Masters (07) | ||||||||||||
Credit rating for module | 20 | ||||||||||||
School | Guildhall School of Business and Law | ||||||||||||
Total study hours | 200 | ||||||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2021/22(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) | No instances running in the year |
Module summary
In an ever increasing cluttered and dynamic communication environment advertisers seek the attention and engagement of their target audiences. The effective planning creative execution and the use of appropriate media channels and the effective use of advertising can enhance the success of an organisations communications strategy and overall an organisation’s marketing activity. This module examines the current issues affecting advertising at both a national and global level and to critically analyse key contemporary advertising practices. This will be underpinned by current scholarly research in advertising to gain insights into contemporary and applied practices.
Prior learning requirements
Module aims
The module aims to
• Develop an understanding and a critical awareness of the breadth of scholarly research in advertising and insights into contemporary and applied practices.
• Create new insights into the advertising discipline and new contributions to professional practice.
• Enable students gain a comprehensive understanding of techniques applicable to advertising theory and practice, research and advanced scholarship.
The module also aims to assist students in the acquisition of the following skills:
• Commercial awareness
• Academic reading
• Researching analysing data
• Application of knowledge
• Critical thinking and writing
• Communication and oral presentation
• Digital Literacy IT skills
• Being creative
Module learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principal concepts and models of advertising and be able to select, apply and critique these in a wide range of contemporary advertising scenarios.
2. Critically explore, analyse and evaluate contemporary issues and trends& theoretical perspectives in advertising from both a national and global spectre.
3. Develop a critical awareness of business ethics and corporate social responsibility, cultural and social diversity in the context of current issues in advertising.
4. Undertake and report on independent and evidence informed research on contemporary topics in advertising.
5. Develop higher level skills of critical reflection and judgement in light of evidence andargument about advertising issues and appreciate the uncertainty and ambiguity relating to the limits of knowledge.
6. Deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in theabsence of complete data/information, and communicate their conclusions to adverting specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Due to the contemporary nature of the module the following topics will be covered
• Advertising management - In house , out house .The dynamics of agency client relationship and relationship management
• Advertising channels Traditional- TV radio , cinema print , outdoor
• New media channels &Platforms – Mobile, digital video, programmatic,native, social networks, Interpersonal messages.
• The media are commercial e.g. product placement native advertisingAdvergaming
• Advertising messages - Creativity and creative appeals , rhetorical theory, narrative , Non-profit/political messages
• Audiences – Understanding audiences .Advertising to children, gender, Stereotypes in Advertising, demographics
• Culture & Communication - Advertising across borders local, national global, Media usage, Cultural values. Appeals – Across dimensions, country of origin appeal.
• Impact of advertising and media culture and issues arising from image based culture
• Context of advertising – Ethics values & principles that guide the advertisingprofession and consider avenues of intervention.Legal issues
• Contemporary advertising practices -Media planning - Measurements &metrics evaluation &data
The above practices will be underpinned by an analysis by a number of theoretical themes-
Passive individual – Learning theories, psychodynamic theory, Information processing, emotions.
Passive social cultural groups – Critical theory, & semiotics, post modernism, anthropology gender ideology
Active social cultural groups socio linguistics, Feminism, social semiotics visual persuasion theory Post structulism& meaning based models
Active individuals – Information economic, consumer scepticism, resistance, native transportation, user’s gratification.
Cultural values, country of origin effect.
Learning and teaching
This module will be delivered over a 15 week period and consists of 2-hour interactive learning sessions and 1-hour appreciation and critique of the advertising topic of the week. The 2-hour interactive learning sessions will set the theoretical principles to be explored. A blended learning approach will be adopted with content on the web learn platform will be used and a flipped classroom’ approach is adopted where students are provided with a contemporary advertising topic and prepare well in advance of the date on which materials will be covered in the interactive learning period These session have been designed for a better understanding of the topics through critical discussion, questions and answers and will play a crucial role in appreciating trends and contrasting views from a practitioner and academic perspective .
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of the module students will be able to:
1. Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principal concepts and models of advertising and be able to select, apply and critique these in a wide range of contemporary advertising scenarios.
2. Critically explore, analyse and evaluate contemporary issues and trends& theoretical perspectives in advertising from both a national and global spectre.
3. Develop a critical awareness of business ethics and corporate social responsibility, cultural and social diversity in the context of current issues in advertising.
4. Undertake and report on independent and evidence informed research on contemporary topics in advertising.
5. Develop higher level skills of critical reflection and judgement in light of evidence andargument about advertising issues and appreciate the uncertainty and ambiguity relating to the limits of knowledge.
6. Deal with complex issues both systematically and creatively, make sound judgements in theabsence of complete data/information, and communicate their conclusions to adverting specialist and non-specialist audiences.
Assessment strategy
The assessment has been designed to test the achievement of the module’s learning outcomes and it requires students to think critically and apply the knowledge gained during the module. The module is assessed by two components: Individual video presentation on a critical theoretical aspect of creative advertising (20 minutes) 30% and individual eportfolio of contemporary advertising issues and a critical theoretical discussion (3,000 words) 70%.
The assessment strategy is designed to complement the learning teaching strategy and encourage a synthesis between theories and models from the module, practitioner material and students’ personal exploration of advertising. Both components call for students to make links between current practitioner issues in advertising and critical theories relating to advertising.
Constructive alignment of assessment strategy to learning outcomes and skill development
Assessment strategy | Learning Outcomes | Skill Development | Details |
Individual coursework Individual Video presentation including supporting materials 30% |
1,4, 5, 6 |
Academic reading(I PA); researching (IPA) analysing data ( IPA), application of knowledge( IPA), critical thinking and writing,(IPA) communication and oral presentation (IPA) Digital literacy IT skills (IPA) Being creative ( IPA) |
Students are required to Individually produce a You tube video (Closed access) The assessment requires the student present a 20 minute analysis of current creative messages in advertising and to critical discuss the execution of the creative message with appropriate contemporary academic theory |
Individual eportfolio 70% |
1, 2,3,4,5,6 | Academic reading(I PA)Researching IPA) analysing data ( IPA), application of knowledge( IPA), critical thinking and writing,(IPA) Commercial awareness ( IPA) | The individual assessment involves the collection & an e portfolio of contemporary practitioner advertising issues and the critical academic discussion on the issues (3,000 word count) |
Hamilton J. Bodle R. Korin E. (2017) Explorations in critical studies in Advertising Routledge
Rodgers S., Thorson E. (2012) Advertising theory Routledge
Crawford R. Brennan L. Parker L. (2017) Global Advertising Practice in a board less world Routledge
Snyder W. (2017) Ethics in Advertising Routledge
Christians C. Fackler M. Richardson K. Kreshel P. Woods R. (2017) Media Ethics Cases and Moral Reasoning 10th Edition Routledge
Percy L. Rosenbaum- Elliott R.(2016) Strategic Adverting Management 5th Edition Oxford
Lovell D. (2017) Native AdvertisingKogan Page
Cluley R. (2017) Essentials of AdvertisingKogan page:
De Mooj, M, (2014) Global Marketing and Advertising: Understanding Global Paradoxes. 4th Edition, SAGE.
Fennis B. Stroebe W. (2015) The Psychology of Advertising 2nd edition Routledge
Arora, A., Bacouël-Jentjens, S. (2015) Advertising Confluence:Transitioning Marketing Communications into Social Movements Palgrave Macmillan
Bullo, S. (2014) Evaluation in Advertising Reception A Socio-Cognitive and Linguistic Perspective Palgrave Macmillan
Journal of Advertising
Journal of Advertising Research
Journal of Interactive Advertising
International Journal of Advertising: the quarterly review of marketing communications
Journal of Current Issues & Research in Advertising
Journal of Marketing Communications
International Journal of Communication
Journal of Promotion Management
International Journal of Mobile Marketing
Journal of Interactive marketing
Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice
Journal of Marketing
On line Resources
Ad week
Ad age
Campaign live
Marketing week
The Drum
News UK advertising
Think Box
Newsworks org
Interactive advertising Bureau Europe
Interactive advertising Bureau
Advertising Association UK
Institute of practitioners in Advertising
Cinema advertising council organisation
Outdoor Advertising Association of Great Britain
Branding Magazine
Digital Marketing Magazine
Media Post