MC7078 - Creativity and Innovation in Marketing (2024/25)
Module specification | Module approved to run in 2024/25 | ||||||||
Module title | Creativity and Innovation in Marketing | ||||||||
Module level | Masters (07) | ||||||||
Credit rating for module | 20 | ||||||||
School | Guildhall School of Business and Law | ||||||||
Total study hours | 200 | ||||||||
Assessment components |
Running in 2024/25(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change) | No instances running in the year |
Module summary
The importance and ability to embed and manage innovation is critical to organisational success.
Fast moving industries present significant challenges and opportunities for organisations and those willing to embed and effectively manage innovation will gain competitive advantage in the market.
While recognising the multi-disciplinary field of innovation, the module explores it from a marketing perspective and its importance to organisational success. The key factors that facilitate and nurture organisational innovation are analysed along with the capability to recognise the opportunities for, and constraints to innovation in specific organisational contexts.
Links with creativity, leadership and entrepreneurship are explored to develop practical-orientated skills that are crucial to the management of innovation.
Module aims
• To enable students to develop knowledge of the multi-facet aspects of the concept of innovation and its strategic relevance to an organisation’s the firm’s competitive position.
• To enable students to develop knowledge of the theoretical models of innovation management available to organisations.
• To enable students to develop critical understanding of the influence of the industry on an organisation’s capabilities to innovate.
• To recognise the linkages between different theoretical concepts which together influence innovation and organisational success.
• To enable students to apply the theoretical models of innovation management to real business cases.
• Concept, type and theories of innovation
• Factors that facilitate and nurture innovation in organisations
• Collaborating for innovation
• Failure, risk and measurement in innovation
• Strategic approaches to innovation
• The role of marketing in implementing organisational change to develop compelling solutions
• Link with entrepreneurship and creativity
Learning and teaching
The delivery method of the module will enhance the knowledge, skills and understanding of the students in the subject through practical and scholarly activities.
The coursework is an individual research based report, however, collaborative learning will be encouraged. Students will participate in group activity prior to and within workshops. The nature of the topic requires active involvement in the learning process and outside of class students will learn through directed study, reading and private study.
Classes will be flipped, web learn will be fully utilised, external speakers will be a feature and students will be encouraged to form discussion groups with a view to underpinning their own knowledge while expressing their own individual views. Presentations will be conducted in the classroom with the opportunity for feedback
Students will be asked to complete a learning journal which will be updated each week to reflect on class based sessions, and other thoughts and activities which will help the learning process throughout the module.
The module tutor will regularly review entries in the learning journal and provide regular formative feedback.
Learning outcomes
On completion of the module students will be able to;
1. Identify different models of innovation management available in practice
2. Identify and apply the relevant theoretical frameworks of innovation management in a particular context.
3. Appreciate the holistic nature of the innovation management processes.
4. Develop critical understanding of the multi-aspects of management associated with innovation.
5. Apply the principles of innovation across the marketing function.
6. Develop a systematic understanding of the key factors that facilitate and nurture innovation in organisations.
• Bessant, J. R. and Tidd, J. (2015) Innovation and entrepreneurship. Third edition. Wiley.
• Bessant, J.R (2003) High-involvement innovation: building and sustaining competitive advantage through continuous change. Wiley
• Christensen, Clayton M. (1997) The innovator’s dilemma: when new technologies cause great firms to fail.: Harvard Business School Press
• Conway, S and Steward, F (2009) Managing and shaping innovation. Oxford University Press.
• Dodgson, M (2008) The management of technological innovation. Oxford University Press
• Hamel, Gary and Prahalad, C. K. (1994) Competing for the future. Boston: Harvard Business School Press.
• Hamel, Gary and Prahalad, C. K. (1996) Competing for the future. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press.
• ‘Kim, W. Chan and Mauborgne, Renée (2005) Blue ocean strategy: how to create uncontested market space and make the competition irrelevant. Boston, Mass: Harvard Business School Press
• Tidd, J. and Bessant, J. (2013) Managing Innovation: Integrating Technological, Market and Organisational Change. Wiley
• Von Stamm, B (2008) Managing innovation, design and creativity. 2nd ed. Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley
Online Resources include:
• Journal of Product Innovation Management
• Harvard Business Review
• The Economist
• The Innovation and Strategy Blog