module specification

MD4012 - Audio Visual Production (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Audio Visual Production
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 30
School School of Computing and Digital Media
Total study hours 300
60 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
168 hours Guided independent study
72 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 20%   Media For Musicians
Coursework 20%   ADR Project: Midterm
Coursework 60%   Group Final Sound Design Project and individual report
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

Module Brief:

The digital entertainment market has a high demand for creative and innovative talents in music, sound design, and audio production. Successful graduates are expected to become specialised practitioners, with skills in sound and audio design that compliment and add to their music production techniques, ready to fulfil the demands of this highly competitive market.
This module provides a comprehensive introduction to the broad domain of sound and media production, allowing students to develop the various practices that interface with audiovisual media. This module is focused on student practice, offering the opportunity to learn through creative, experimental, and technical exercises.
This module is generally taught over 30 weeks. Formative assessment points are in place throughout the year to provide on-going feedback as the module develops. Practical interventions addressed in-class culminate in workshop sessions designed to provide support for the first project in week 10 and the midterm submission in week 15. The final submission in week 30 will draw on each of the skills learned throughout the year.

Aims of the module:

● To devise the study of theory, literature, and techniques of sound for media
● To provide students with key skills and knowledge in music, sound, and media
● To explore practical, hands-on examinations of the technical and creative processes of sound design
● To develop students’ ability to describe working processes and to present work-in-progress for different audiences
● To develop students’ ability to be analytical, reflective, and critical.

Prior learning requirements



• Social Media Video for Musicians (LO1, 3, 4)
• Non-linear Editing Systems and Audio/Video Synchronisation (LO1, 2, 3)
• Sound Design: Core Concepts, History and Terminology (LO1, 4, 5)
• Creative production techniques: Sound Effects and Foley (LO1, 2)
• Working with Audio Cue Sheets and Scripts (LO3, 4)
• Studio recording techniques for film: Foley, ADR and SFX (LO1, 2, 3)
• Critical Listening: The role of sound within audio-visual productions (LO1, 4)

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

The balance between independent study and scheduled teaching activities within this module is 70% and 30% respectively.
Scheduled teaching follows the average contact time, per standard 30-credit module across the University, at 90 hours (3 hours per week). The scheduled teaching is divided in Lectures, Workshops, and Seminars and they take place in the Computer Lab and in the Music Studios.

Students have access to the Computer Lab, the AV Suites (part of the Music Studios), and Library facilities at London Met. Blended Learning is maintained via Weblearn Course and Module pages with full documentation of the activities developed in class. Opportunities for reflective learning/PDP are promoted through feedback and written reports, embedded in all assessments with emphasis on reflection of their work. Formative assessment and feedback is planned to address their learning development needs and to capture their learning achievements with a regular request of reflective commentaries in all written submissions.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this module you should be able to:

LO1. Demonstrate an understanding of sound and video creation for media products.
LO2. Demonstrate techniques in audio post-production and sound design.
LO3. Produce work collaboratively, sharing skills and responsibilities.
LO4. Demonstrate reflective practice and critical thinking.
LO5. Demonstrate understanding of the core concepts, techniques and terminology.
