module specification

MN3101 - Development for Success in Business (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Development for Success in Business
Module level Foundation (03)
Credit rating for module 30
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 300
72 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
198 hours Guided independent study
30 hours Assessment Preparation / Delivery
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 20%   Learning Reflection
Coursework 20%   Peer Review of student Learning Logs
Coursework 60%   Research Report up to 1,750 words
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
Period Campus Day Time Module Leader
Year North Monday Morning
Year North Monday Afternoon
Year North Tuesday Morning
Year North Tuesday Afternoon
Year North Wednesday Morning
Year North Wednesday Afternoon

Module summary

This module focuses on the skills needed for success in business. It  provides students with opportunities to become aware of the essential communication,
problem-solving, decision-making, commercial awareness, and the various other skills needed for succeeding in business.  It is also designed to introduce and reinforce essential transferable skills with a focus on personal development, planning and reflective learning.  The module aims to:

• enhance and develop students’ communication and study skills in preparation for an undergraduate degree in Business
• develop self-awareness, and reinforce the concept of reflective practice to allow students to develop into effective reflective practitioners
• introduce students to researching subject material from a wide variety of sources
• create in students a keen awareness of the business environment and to develop creative and dynamic approaches to contemporary business problems

The module aims include helping students to improve their:

• academic reading and Writing
• researching and report writing
• application of knowledge
• communicating and presenting orally and in writing
• problem solving and decision making
• self-assessment and reflection
• Creativity


Module Overview and Introductions
Introduction to Theory - Team Work
Learning  Styles & Reflective Practise
Research – Field Trip
Research Presentations & Academic Writing
Developing Business Skills – Communication & Emotional Intelligence
Creative Thinking
Becoming a Leader in Business
Handling Poor Performance
Team Development
Rational Decision Making
Equality and Diversity
Values, Beliefs and Ethics
Individual Support – Assessment Preparation
End of Semester Reviews and Feedback Sessions

Learning Outcomes LO 1 - 4

Balance of independent study and scheduled teaching activity

PDP and Reflective practice are embedded in all modules at Level 3.  This module will be delivered through weekly sessions designed to enable students to develop as learners and also their business skills. In addition, students will be encouraged to participate in practical and other activities that will link their learning to their understanding, and experience, of business.  

The activities are dynamic and varied and will require students to work both individually and in groups. They are designed to improve key skills and to enable students to become self-aware as learners as well as focus on their future careers. It is envisaged that the classroom and other experience will foster in students a desire to continue their studies and improve their self-development.

Learning outcomes

On successful completion of this module students will be able to:

LO1:  demonstrate a wide range of effective communication skills including business presentation skills

LO2:  demonstrate an ability to take responsibility for the development of their
          approaches to learning about business,  reflect effectively on their current
          position and future direction in a number of contexts;

LO3:  work successfully in groups with other students, using written, oral and
          interpersonal skills;

LO4:  research subject material from a wide range of sources and propose solutions to contemporary business problems using creative and dynamic approaches.
