module specification

MN4F03 - Managing People in Organisations (2024/25)

Module specification Module approved to run in 2024/25
Module title Managing People in Organisations
Module level Certificate (04)
Credit rating for module 30
School Guildhall School of Business and Law
Total study hours 310
7 hours Placement / study abroad
179 hours Guided independent study
124 hours Scheduled learning & teaching activities
Assessment components
Type Weighting Qualifying mark Description
Coursework 50%   Individual reflective portfolio (1,500 words)
Coursework 50%   Group discussion and individual essay (2,000 words)
Running in 2024/25

(Please note that module timeslots are subject to change)
No instances running in the year

Module summary

Managing People in Organisations (Module code MN4F03GN) gives students a broad understanding about managing people in the process of organisational development. It considers processes, concepts and theories of managing people, such as recruitment and selection, induction and training, motivation and performance, individual behaviour, teams and team building, organisational structures and cultures.

Module aims

This module aims to encourage students to:
• Plan and implement recruitment and selection processes, induction and training programmes in organisations.
• Identify the theories of motivation and apply them within an organisation to manage performance.
• Determine the different factors that influence individual and group behaviour in the workplace.
• Analyse the impact of different leadership styles on motivation of staff, particularly during periods of change in an organisation.
• Examine the relationship between organisational structure and culture.


• Recruitment and selection
• Induction and training
• Theories of motivation and performance management
• Individual behaviour at work
• Teams and team building
• Leadership and management styles
• Leadership and innovation
• Organisational structures and cultures

Learning and teaching

This module will be delivered via lectures, workshops presented by external/industry experts, individual and group tutorials.

The lectures will aim to focus on theoretical knowledge and understanding.  The group tutorials will focus on the application and analysis of these theories using a variety of means including case studies, problem solving and debates. Articles from magazines and journals will be used in addition to directed reading from text books.

The lectures will aim to focus on theoretical knowledge and understanding whereas group tutorials will focus on the application and analysis of these using a variety of means including case studies, problem solving, business simulations, micro-presentations, discussion and debates. Articles from various magazines and journals will be used in addition to directed reading from text books and online learning resources/web materials.

Industry experts with relevant experience will be invited as guest speakers during the two workshops (of a total duration of 6 hours) with a focus on career skills, employability issues, experience of managing people in organisations or other areas of their expertise. These may take place in the employer’s workplace if this is relevant to the content and intended learning experience for these sessions. Field trips may be a part of or additional to these workshops, depending on topicality, opportunity and relevance.

Learning outcomes

On completing the module students will be expected to be able to:
1. Understand the uses of recruitment and selection processes and induction and training programmes
2. Demonstrate an understanding of the theories of motivation and their application
3. Identify the factors which influence individual behaviour at work and effective teamwork
4. Compare and contrast a range of management and leadership styles and their uses
5. Analyse the relationship between organisational structure and culture


Core Textbooks:
• Mullins, L., J., (2013), Management and Organisational Behaviour, 10th ed., Harlow: Financial Times/Prentice Hall

Recommended Textbooks:
• Clegg, S., Kornberger, M. and Pitsis, T., (2011), Managing and Organizations: An introduction to theory and practice, 3rd edition, London: Sage.
• Mullins, J. L., (2011), Essentials of Organisational Behaviour, 3rd  ed, Harlow: Financial Times/Prentice Hall.
• Noon, M., Blyton, P., and Morrell, K., (2013), The Realities of Work: Experiencing Work and Employment in Contemporary Society, 4th edition (revised), Basingstoke: Palgrave.
• Northouse, P.G., (2012), Leadership: Theory and Practice, 6th ed, Thousand Oaks: Sage Publications.

Other Learning Resources:
• Personnel Review
• Human Resource Management International Digest
•  - Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development website with a range of learning resources and journals
• up-to-date intelligence on employment issues (Incomes Data Services)